Monday, February 8, 2010

arXiv: 8 Feb 2010

Cosmological perturbations in a family of deformations of general relativity
Authors: Kirill Krasnov, Yuri Shtanov
We study linear cosmological perturbations in a previously introduced family of deformations of general relativity characterized by the absence of new degrees of freedom. The homogeneous and isotropic background in this class of theories is unmodified and is described by the usual Friedmann equations. The theory of cosmological perturbations is modified and the relevant deformation parameter has the dimension of length. Gravitational perturbations of the scalar type can be described by a certain relativistic potential related to the matter perturbations just as in general relativity. A system of differential equations describing the evolution of this potential and of the stress-energy density perturbations is obtained. We find that the evolution of scalar perturbations proceeds with a modified effective time-dependent speed of sound, which, contrary to the case of general relativity, does not vanish even at the matter-dominated stage. In a broad range of values of the length parameter controlling the deformation, a specific transition from the regime of modified gravity to the regime of general relativity in the evolution of scalar perturbations takes place during the radiation domination. In this case, the resulting power spectrum of perturbations in radiation and dark matter is suppressed on the comoving spatial scales that enter the Hubble radius before this transition. We estimate the bounds on the deformation parameter for which this suppression does not lead to observable consequences. Evolution of scalar perturbations at the inflationary stage is modified but very slightly and the primordial spectrum generated during inflation is not noticeably different from the one obtained in general relativity.

Phantom boundary crossing and anomalous growth index of fluctuations in viable f(R) models of cosmic acceleration
Authors: Hayato Motohashi, Alexei A. Starobinsky, Jun'ichi Yokoyama
Evolution of a background space-time metric and sub-horizon matter density perturbations in the Universe is numerically analyzed in viable $f(R)$ models of present dark energy and cosmic acceleration. It is found that viable models generically exhibit recent crossing of the phantom boundary $w_{\rm DE}=-1$. Furthermore, it is shown that, as a consequence of the anomalous growth of density perturbations during the end of the matter-dominated stage, their growth index evolves non-monotonically with time and may even become negative temporarily.

Large-scale inhomogeneities may improve the cosmic concordance of supernovae
Authors: Luca Amendola, Kimmo Kainulainen, Valerio Marra, Miguel Quartin
We reanalyse the current data from the supernovae observations including the weak lensing effects caused by inhomogeneities. We compute the lensing probability distribution function for each background solution described by the parameters Omega_M, Omega_Lambda and w in the presence of inhomogeneities, which are designed to mimic the observed large-scale structures. We then perform a likelihood analysis in the space of FLRW-parameters and compare our results with the standard approach. We find that the inclusion of lensing can move the best-fit model significantly towards the cosmic concordance of the flat LCDM model, improving the agreement with the constraints coming from the cosmic microwave background and the baryon acoustic oscillations.

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