Tuesday, May 29, 2012

arXiv: 24 May 2012

Universal upper limit on inflation energy scale from cosmic magnetic field
Recently observational lower bounds on the strength of cosmic magnetic fields were reported, based on gamma-ray flux from distant blazars. If inflation is responsible for the generation of such magnetic fields then the inflation energy scale is bounded from above as rho_{inf}^{1/4} < 2.5 times 10^{-7}M_{Pl} times (B_{obs}/10^{-15}G)^{-2} in a wide class of inflationary magnetogenesis models, where B_{obs} is the observed strength of cosmic magnetic fields. The tensor-to-scalar ratio is correspondingly constrained as r< 10^{-19} times (B_{obs}/10^{-15}G)^{-8}. Therefore, if the reported strength B_{obs} \geq 10^{-15}G is confirmed and if any signatures of gravitational waves from inflation are detected in the near future, then our result indicates some tensions between inflationary magnetogenesis and observations.
 Correlation of supernovae redshifts with temperature fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background
Redshifts of a supernova (SN) and gamma-ray burst (GRB) samples are compared with the pixel temperatures of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) seven-years data near the pixels locations corresponding to the SN and GRB sky coordinates. We have found a statistically significant correlation of the SNe redshifts with the WMAP data, the average temperature deviation being +29.9 +-4.4 microK for the redshifts z ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 and +8.6 +-1.3 microK for z within the range (0.0,0.4). The latter value accords with the theoretical estimates for the distortion of the cosmic microwave background due to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, whereas the larger anomaly for higher redshifts should be studied in more detail in the future.

arXiv: 23 May 2012

Confronting MOND and TeVeS with strong gravitational lensing over galactic scales: an extended survey
 The validity of MOND and TeVeS models of modified gravity has been recently tested by using lensing techniques, with the conclusion that a non-trivial component in the form of dark matter is needed in order to match the observations. In this work those analyses are extended by comparing lensing to stellar masses for a sample of nine strong gravitational lenses that probe galactic scales. The sample is extracted from a recent work that presents the mass profile out to a few effective radii, therefore reaching into regions that are dominated by dark matter in the standard (general relativity) scenario. A range of interpolating functions are explored to test the validity of MOND/TeVeS in these systems. Out of the nine systems, there are five robust candidates with a significant excess (higher that 50%) of lensing mass with respect to stellar mass, irrespective of the stellar initial mass function. One of these lenses (Q0957) is located at the centre of a galactic cluster. This system might be accommodated in MOND/TeVeS via the addition of a hot component, like a 2 eV neutrino, that contribute over cluster scales. However, the other four robust candidates (LBQS1009, HE1104, B1600, HE2149) are located in field/group regions, so that a cold component (CDM) would be required even within the MOND/TeVeS framework. Our results therefore do not support recent claims that these alternative scenarios to CDM can survive astrophysical data.
 Redshift-space correlation functions in large galaxy cluster surveys
 Large ongoing and upcoming galaxy cluster surveys in the optical, X-ray and millimetric wavelengths will provide rich samples of galaxy clusters at unprecedented depths. One key observable for constraining cosmological models is the correlation function of these objects, measured through their spectroscopic redshift. We study the redshift-space correlation functions of clusters of galaxies, averaged over finite redshift intervals, and their covariance matrices. Expanding as usual the angular anisotropy of the redshift-space correlation on Legendre polynomials, we consider the redshift-space distortions of the monopole as well as the next two multipoles, $2\ell=2$ and 4. Taking into account the Kaiser effect, we develop an analytical formalism to obtain explicit expressions of all contributions to these mean correlations and covariance matrices. We include both shot-noise and sample-variance effects, as well as Gaussian and non-Gaussian contributions. We obtain a reasonable agreement with numerical simulations for the mean correlations and covariance matrices on large scales ($r> 10 h^{-1}$Mpc). Redshift-space distortions amplify the monopole correlation by about 10-20%, depending on the halo mass, but the signal-to-noise ratio remains of the same order as for the real-space correlation. This distortion will be significant for surveys such as DES, Erosita and Euclid, which should also measure the quadrupole $2\ell=2$. The third multipole, $2\ell=4$, may only be marginally detected by Euclid.
The Origin of the Microlensing Events Observed Towards the LMC and the Stellar Counterpart of the Magellanic Stream
Authors: Gurtina Besla (Columbia), Lars Hernquist (CfA), Abraham Loeb (CfA)
 We introduce a novel theory to explain the long-standing puzzle of the nature of the microlensing events reported towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by the MACHO and OGLE collaborations. We propose that a population of tidally stripped stars from the Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC) located ~4-10 kpc behind a lensing population of LMC disk stars can naturally explain the observed event durations, event frequency and spatial distribution of the reported events. These results favor a scenario for the interaction history of the Magellanic Clouds wherein the Clouds are on their first infall towards the Milky Way and the SMC has recently collided with the LMC, leading to a large number of faint sources distributed non-uniformly behind the LMC disk. Owing to the tidal nature of the source population, the sources exhibit a range of distances and velocities with respect to the LMC lenses, naturally explaining the observed range of event durations (30-220 days). Assuming a detection efficiency of 30-50% we find event frequencies of ~1-2 /yr in the central regions of the LMC disk; comparable to the observed rate for the MACHO survey, ~2 /yr. A lower detection efficiency of 10% yields an event frequency of ~0.46 /yr across a larger area of the LMC disk; comparable to that reported by the less sensitive OGLE survey, ~0.33 /yr. In contrast to self-lensing models, microlensing events are also expected to occur in fields off the LMC's stellar bar since the stellar debris is not expected to be concentrated in the bar region. This scenario leads to a number of observational tests: the sources are low-metallicity SMC stars, they exhibit high velocities relative to LMC disk stars that may be detectable via proper motion studies, and, most notably, there should exist a stellar counterpart to the gaseous Magellanic Stream and Magellanic Bridge with a V-band surface brightness > 34 mag/arcsec^2.
Orbit-based dynamical models of the Sculptor dSph galaxy
We have developed spherically symmetric dynamical models of dwarf spheroidal galaxies using Schwarzschild's orbit superposition method. This type of modelling yields constraints both on the total mass distribution (e.g. enclosed mass and scale radius) as well as on the orbital structure of the system (e.g. velocity anisotropy). This method is thus less prone to biases introduced by assumptions in comparison to the more commonly used Jeans modelling, and it allows us to derive the dark matter content in a robust way. Here we present our results for the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy, after testing our methods on mock data sets. We fit both the second and fourth velocity moment profile to break the mass-anisotropy degeneracy. We find that the mass of Sculptor within 1 kpc is M_1kpc = (1.03 \pm 0.07) \times 10^8 M\odot, and that its velocity anisotropy profile is tangentially biased and nearly constant with radius. For an NFW dark matter profile, the preferred concentration (c \sim 15) is low for its dark matter mass but consistent within the scatter found in N-body cosmological simulations. Very cuspy density profiles with logarithmic central slopes {\alpha} < -1.5 are strongly disfavoured for Sculptor. However, a firm distinction between a central core ({\alpha} = 0) or a shallower cusp ({\alpha} >=-1) cannot be made.

Monday, May 28, 2012

arXiv: 22 May 2012

Evolution of the baryon fraction in the Local Group: accretion versus feedback at low and high z
Authors: Sébastien Peirani (IAP), Intae Jung (IAP), Joe Silk (IAP), Christophe Pichon (IAP)
 Using hydrodynamical zoom simulations in the standard LCDM cosmology, we investigate the evolution of the distribution of baryons (gas and stars) in a local group-type universe. First, with standard star formation and supernova feedback prescriptions, we find that the mean baryonic fraction value estimated at the virial radius of the two main central objects (i.e. the Milky Way and Andromeda) is decreasing over time, and is 10-15% lower than the universal value, 0.166, at z=0. This decrease is mainly due to the fact that the amount of accretion of dissipative gas onto the halo, especially at low redshift, is in general much lower than that of the dissipationless dark matter. Indeed, a significant part of the baryons does not collapse onto the haloes and remains in their outskirts, mainly in the form of warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). Moreover, during the formation of each object, some dark matter and baryons are also be expelled through merger events via tidal disruption. In contrast to baryons, expelled dark matter can be more efficiently re-accreted onto the halo, enhancing both the reduction of fb inside Rv, and the increase of the mass of WHIM outside Rv. Varying the efficiency of supernovae feedback at low redshift does not seem to significantly affect these trends. Alternatively, when a significant fraction of the initial gas in the main objects is released at high redshifts by more powerful sources of feedback, such as AGN from intermediate mass black holes in lower mass galaxies, the baryonic fraction at the virial radius can have a lower value (fb~0.12) at low redshift. Hence physical mechanisms able to slow down the accretion of gas at high redshifts will have a stronger impact on the deficit of baryons in the mass budget of Milky Way type-galaxies at present times than those that expel the gas in the longer, late phases of galaxy formation.
 Is the transition redshift a new cosmological number?
 Observations from Supernovae Type Ia (SNe Ia) provided strong evidence for an expanding accelerating Universe at intermediate redshifts. This means that the Universe underwent a dynamic phase transition from deceleration to acceleration at a transition redshift $z_t$ of the order unity whose value in principle depends on the cosmology as well as on the assumed gravitational theory. Since cosmological accelerating models endowed with a transition redshift are extremely degenerated, in principle, it is interesting to know whether the value of $z_t$ itself can be observationally used as a new cosmic discriminator. After a brief discussion of the potential dynamic role played by the transition redshift, it is argued that future observations combining SNe Ia, the line-of-sight (or "radial") baryon acoustic oscillations, the differential age of galaxies, as well as the redshift drift of the spectral lines may tightly constrain $z_t$, thereby helping to narrow the parameter space for the most realistic models describing the accelerating Universe.
 A combined measurement of cosmic growth and expansion from clusters of galaxies, the CMB and galaxy clustering
 Combining galaxy cluster data from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, cosmic microwave background data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, and galaxy clustering data from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III, we test for consistency the cosmic growth of structure predicted by General Relativity (GR) and the cosmic expansion history predicted by the cosmological constant plus cold dark matter paradigm (LCDM). The combination of these three independent, well studied measurements of the evolution of the mean energy density and its fluctuations is able to break strong degeneracies between model parameters. We model the key properties of cosmic growth with the normalization of the matter power spectrum, sigma_8, and the cosmic growth index, gamma, and those of cosmic expansion with the mean matter density, Omega_m, the Hubble constant, H_0, and a kinematical parameter equivalent to that for the dark energy equation of state, w. To further tighten constraints on the expansion parameters, we also include supernova, baryon acoustic oscillation and Cepheid variable data. For a spatially flat geometry, w=-1, and allowing for systematic uncertainties, we obtain sigma_8=0.787+-0.019 and gamma=0.576+0.058-0.059 (at the 68.3 per cent confidence level). Allowing w to vary, we find Omega_m=0.256+-0.011, H_0=71.5+-1.3 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 and w=-0.968+-0.049 for the expansion parameters, and sigma_8=0.783+0.020-0.019 and gamma=0.546+0.071-0.072 for the growth parameters. These results are in excellent agreement with GR+LCDM (gamma~0.55; w=-1) and represent the tightest and most robust simultaneous constraint on cosmic growth and expansion to date.
The Correlated Formation Histories of Massive Galaxies and Their Dark Matter Halos
Using observations in the COSMOS field, we report an intriguing correlation between the star formation activity of massive (~10^{11.4}\msol) central galaxies, their stellar masses, and the large-scale (~10 Mpc) environments of their group-mass (~10^{13.6}\msol) dark matter halos. Probing the redshift range z=[0.2,1.0], our measurements come from two independent sources: an X-ray detected group catalog and constraints on the stellar-to-halo mass relation derived from a combination of clustering and weak lensing statistics. At z=1, we find that the stellar mass in star-forming centrals is a factor of two less than in passive centrals at the same halo mass. This implies that the presence or lack of star formation in group-scale centrals cannot be a stochastic process. By z=0, the offset reverses, probably as a result of the different growth rates of these objects. A similar but weaker trend is observed when dividing the sample by morphology rather than star formation. Remarkably, we find that star-forming centrals at z~1 live in groups that are significantly more clustered on 10 Mpc scales than similar mass groups hosting passive centrals. We discuss this signal in the context of halo assembly and recent simulations, suggesting that star-forming centrals prefer halos with higher angular momentum and/or formation histories with more recent growth; such halos are known to evolve in denser large-scale environments. If confirmed, this would be evidence of an early established link between the assembly history of halos on large scales and the future properties of the galaxies that form inside them.
Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: Exact solutions for any isotropic matter distribution
 We present an exact solution to the equations of massive gravity that display cosmological constant-like behavior for any spherically symmetric distribution of matter, including arbitrary time dependence. On this solution, the new degrees of freedom from the massive graviton generate a cosmological constant-like contribution to stress-energy that does not interact directly with other matter sources. When the effective cosmological constant contribution dominates over other sources of stress energy the cosmological expansion self-accelerates, even when no other dark-energy-like ingredients are present. The new degrees of freedom introduced by giving the graviton the mass do not respond to arbitrarily large radial or homogeneous perturbations from other matter fields on this solution. We comment on possible implications of this result.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

arXiv: 17 May 2012

 Effective field theory for perturbations in dark energy and modified gravity
When recent observational evidence and the GR+FRW+CDM model are combined we obtain the result that the Universe is accelerating, where the acceleration is due to some not-yet-understood "dark sector". There has been a considerable number of theoretical models constructed in an attempt to provide an "understanding" of the dark sector: dark energy and modified gravity theories. The proliferation of modified gravity and dark energy models has brought to light the need to construct a "generic" way to parameterize the dark sector. We will discuss our new way of approaching this problem. We write down an effective action for linearized perturbations to the gravitational field equations for a given field content; crucially, our formalism does not require a Lagrangian to be presented for calculations to be performed and observational predictions to be extracted. Our approach is inspired by that taken in particle physics, where the most general modifications to the standard model are written down for a given field content that is compatible with some assumed symmetry (which we take to be isotropy of the background spatial sections).

arXiv: 16 May 2012

 Using H(z) data as a probe of the concordance model
Authors: Marina Seikel, Sahba Yahya, Roy Maartens, Chris Clarkson (Cape Town & Western Cape)
 Direct observations of the Hubble rate, from cosmic chronometers and the radial baryon acoustic oscillation scale, can out-perform supernovae observations in understanding the expansion history, because supernovae observations need to be differentiated to extract H(z). We use existing H(z) data and smooth the data using a new Gaussian Processes package, GaPP, from which we can also estimate derivatives. The obtained Hubble rate and its derivatives are used to reconstruct the equation of state of dark energy and to perform consistency tests of the LCDM model, some of which are newly devised here. Current data is consistent with the concordance model, but is rather sparse. Future observations will provide a dramatic improvement in our ability to constrain or refute the concordance model of cosmology. We produce simulated data to illustrate how effective H(z) data will be in combination with Gaussian Processes.
Scale dependent halo bias in the excursion set approach
Authors: Marcello Musso (CP3-Univ.Louvain), Aseem Paranjape (ICTP), Ravi K. Sheth (ICTP, U.Penn)
 If one accounts for correlations between scales, then nonlocal, k-dependent halo bias is part and parcel of the excursion set approach, and hence of halo model predictions for galaxy bias. We present an analysis that distinguishes between a number of different effects, each one of which contributes to scale-dependent bias in real space. We show how to isolate these effects and remove the scale dependence, order by order, by cross-correlating the halo field with suitably transformed versions of the mass field. These transformations may be thought as simple one-point, two-scale measurements that allow one to estimate quantities which are usually constrained using n-point statistics. As part of our analysis, we present a simple analytic approximation for the first crossing distribution of walks with correlated steps which are constrained to pass through a specified point, and demonstrate its accuracy. Although we concentrate on nonlinear, nonlocal bias with respect to a Gaussian random field, we show how to generalize our analysis to more general fields.
 Vector and Tensor Contributions to the Luminosity Distance
 We compute the vector and tensor contributions to the luminosity distance fluctuations in first order perturbation theory and we expand them in spherical harmonics. This work presents the formalism with a first application to a stochastic background of primordial gravitational waves.
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Cosmological Constant Problem (But Were Afraid To Ask)
Authors: Jerome Martin (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
This article aims at discussing the cosmological constant problem at a pedagogical but fully technical level. We review how the vacuum energy can be regularized in flat and curved space-time and how it can be understood in terms of Feynman bubble diagrams. In particular, we show that the properly renormalized value of the zero-point energy density today (for a free theory) is in fact far from being 122 orders of magnitude larger than the critical energy density, as often quoted in the literature. We mainly consider the case of scalar fields but also treat the cases of fermions and gauge bosons which allows us to discuss the question of vacuum energy in super-symmetry. Then, we discuss how the cosmological constant can be measured in cosmology and constrained with experiments such as measurements of planet orbits in our solar system or atomic spectra. We also review why the Lamb shift and the Casimir effect seem to indicate that the quantum zero-point fluctuations are not an artifact of the quantum field theory formalism. We investigate how experiments on the universality of free fall can constrain the gravitational properties of vacuum energy and we discuss the status of the weak equivalence principle in quantum mechanics, in particular the Collela, Overhausser and Werner experiment and the quantum Galileo experiment performed with a Salecker-Wigner-Peres clock. Finally, we briefly conclude with a discussion on the solutions to the cosmological constant problem that have been proposed so far.
Screening Modifications of Gravity through Disformally Coupled Fields
 It is shown that extensions to General Relativity, which introduce a strongly coupled scalar field, can be viable if the interaction has a non-conformal form. Such disformal coupling depends upon the gradients of the scalar field. Thus, if the field is locally static and smooth, the coupling becomes invisible in the solar system: this is the disformal screening mechanism. A cosmological model is considered where the disformal coupling triggers the onset of accelerated expansion after a scaling matter era, giving a good fit to a wide range of observational data. Moreover, the interaction leaves signatures in the formation of large-scale structure that can be used to probe such couplings.
 Can we really measure fnl from the galaxy power spectrum?
 The scale-dependent galaxy bias generated by primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) can be used to detect and constrain deviations from standard single-field inflation. The strongest signal is expected in the local model for PNG, where the amplitude of non-Gaussianity can be expressed by a set of parameters (fnl, gnl, ...). Current observational constraints from galaxy clustering on fnl and gnl assume that the others PNG parameters are vanishing. Using two sets of cosmological N-body simulations where both fnl and gnl are non-zero, we show that this strong assumption generally leads to biased estimates and spurious redshift dependencies of the parameters. Additionally, if the signs of fnl and gnl are opposite, the amplitude of the scale-dependent bias is reduced, possibly leading to a false null detection. Finally we show that model selection techniques like the Bayesian evidence can (and should) be used to determine if more than one PNG parameter is required by the data.

Monday, May 14, 2012

arXiv: 15 May 2012

An Alternative String Landscape Cosmology: Eliminating Bizarreness

In what has become a standard eternal inflation picture of the string landscape there are many problematic consequences and a difficulty defining probabilities for the occurrence of each type of universe. One feature in particular that might be philosophically disconcerting is the infinite cloning of each individual and each civilization in infinite numbers of separated regions of the multiverse. Even if this is not ruled out due to causal separation one might ask whether the infinite cloning is a universal prediction of string landscape models or whether there are scenarios in which it is avoided. If a viable alternative cosmology can be constructed one might search for predictions that might allow one to discriminate experimentally between the models. We present one such scenario although, in doing so, we are forced to give up several popular presuppositions. We also consider the future lifetime of the current universe before becoming a light trapping region.

Gamma-Ray Bursts are precise distance indicators similar to Type Ia Supernovae?

We estimate the distance modulus to long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) using the Type I Fundamental Plane, a correlation between the spectral peak energy $E_{\rm p}$, the peak luminosity $L_{\rm p}$, and the luminosity time $T_{\rm L}$ ($\equiv E_{\rm iso}/L_{\rm p}$ where $E_{\rm iso}$ is isotropic energy) for small Absolute Deviation from Constant Luminosity(ADCL). The Type I Fundamental Plane of LGRBs is calibrated using 8 LGRBs with redshift $z<1.4$. To avoid any assumption on the cosmological model, we use the distance modulus of 557 Type Ia supernovae (SNeIa) from the Union 2 sample. This calibrated Type I Fundamental Plane is used to measure the distance moduli to 9 high-redshift LGRBs with the mean error $\bar \sigma_{\mu}=0.31$, which is comparable with that of SNe Ia $\bar \sigma_{\mu}=0.26$ where $\mu$ stands for the distance modulus. The Type I Fundamental Plane is so tight that our distance moduli have very small uncertainties. From those distance moduli, we obtained the constraint $\Omega_{\rm M}=0.22\pm0.04$ for flat $\Lambda$CDM universe. Adding 9 LGRBs distance moduli ($z>1.4$) to 557 SNeIa distance moduli ($z<1.4$) significantly improves the constraint for non-flat $\Lambda$CDM universe from ($\Omega_{\rm M}, \Omega_{\rm \Lambda}$)=($0.29\pm0.10$, $0.76\pm0.13$) for SNeIa only to ($\Omega_{\rm M}, \Omega_{\rm \Lambda}$)=($0.23\pm0.06$, $0.68\pm0.08$) for SNeIa and 9 LGRBs.

A new null diagnostic customized for reconstructing the properties of dark energy from BAO data

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) provide an important standard ruler which can be used to probe the recent expansion history of our universe. We show how a simple extension of the Om diagnostic, which we call Om3, can combine standard ruler information from BAO with standard candle information from type Ia supernovae (SNIa) to yield a powerful novel null diagnostic of the cosmological constant hypothesis. A unique feature of Om3 is that it requires minimal cosmological assumptions since its determination does not rely upon prior knowledge of either the current value of the matter density and the Hubble constant, or the distance to the last scattering surface. Observational uncertainties in these quantities therefore do not affect the reconstruction of Om3. We reconstruct Om3 using the Union 2.1 SNIa data set and BAO data from SDSS, WiggleZ and 6dFGS. Our results are consistent with dark energy being the cosmological constant. We show how Om and Om3 can be used to obtain accurate model independent constraints on the properties of dark energy from future data sets such as BigBOSS.

An Efficient Parameter Space Search as an Alternative to Markov Chain Monte Carlo

We consider the problem of inferring constraints on a high-dimensional parameter space with a computationally expensive likelihood function. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods offer significant improvements in efficiency over grid-based searches and are easy to implement in a wide range of cases. However, MCMCs offer few guarantees that all of the interesting regions of parameter space are explored. We propose a machine learning algorithm that improves upon the performance of MCMC by intelligently targeting likelihood evaluations so as to quickly and accurately characterize the likelihood surface in both low- and high-likelihood regions. We compare our algorithm to MCMC on toy examples and the 7-year WMAP cosmic microwave background data release. Our algorithm finds comparable parameter constraints to MCMC in fewer calls to the likelihood function and with greater certainty that all of the interesting regions of parameter space have been explored.

Redshift space distortions in f(R) gravity
Elise Jennings (1,2), Carlton M. Baugh (3), Baojiu Li (3), Gong-Bo Zhao (4,5), Kazuya Koyama (4) ((1) KICP, University of Chicago, (2) The Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, (3) ICC, Durham University, (4) ICG, University of Portsmouth, (5) NAOC, Beijing)

We use large volume, high resolution N-body simulations to predict the clustering of dark matter in redshift space in f(R) modified gravity cosmologies. This is the first time that the nonlinear matter and velocity fields have been resolved to such a high level of accuracy over a broad range of scales in this class of models. We find significant deviations from the clustering signal in standard gravity, with an enhanced boost in power on large scales and stronger damping on small scales in the f(R) models compared to GR at redshifts z<1. We measure the velocity divergence (P_\theta \theta) and matter (P_\delta \delta) power spectra and find a large deviation in the ratios \sqrt{P_\theta \theta/P_\delta \delta} and P_\delta \theta/P_\delta\delta, between the f(R) models and GR for 0.03<k/(h/Mpc)<0.5. In linear theory these ratios equal the growth rate of structure on large scales. Our results show that the simulated ratios agree with the growth rate for each cosmology (which is scale dependent in the case of modified gravity) only for extremely large scales, k<0.06h/Mpc at z=0. The velocity power spectrum is substantially different in the f(R) models compared to GR, suggesting that this observable is a sensitive probe of modified gravity. We demonstrate how to extract the matter and velocity power spectra from the 2D redshift space power spectrum, P(k,\mu), and can recover the nonlinear matter power spectrum to within a few percent for k<0.1h/Mpc. The same model can match the monopole moment to within 3% for GR and 10% for the f(R) cosmology at k<0.2 h/Mpc at z=1. Our results suggest that the extraction of the velocity power spectrum from future galaxy surveys is a promising method to constrain deviations from GR.

Shaping the galaxy stellar mass function with supernova- and AGN-driven winds

Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in representative regions of the Universe typically need to resort to subresolution models to follow some of the feedback processes crucial for galaxy formation. Here, we show that an energy-driven outflow model in which the wind velocity decreases and the wind mass loading increases in low-mass galaxies, as suggested by observations, can produce a good match to the low-mass end of the observed galaxy stellar mass function. The high-mass end can be recovered simultaneously if feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and a correction for diffuse stellar light plausibly missed in observations are included. At the same time, our model is in good agreement with the stellar mass functions at redshifts z=1 and z=2, and with the observed redshift evolution of the cosmic star formation rate density. In addition, it accurately reproduces the observed gas to stellar mass ratios and specific star formation rates of galaxies as a function of their stellar mass. This agreement with a diverse set of data marks significant progress in hydrodynamically modelling the formation of a representative galaxy population. It also suggests that the mass flux in real galactic winds should strongly increase towards low-mass galaxies. Without this assumption, an overproduction of galaxies at the faint-end of the galaxy luminosity function seems inevitable in our models.

Modified gravity as a common cause for cosmic acceleration and flat galaxy rotation curves


Flat galaxy rotation curves and the accelerating Universe both imply the existence of a critical acceleration, which is of the same order of magnitude in both the cases, in spite of the galactic and cosmic length scales being vastly different. Yet, it is customary to explain galactic acceleration by invoking gravitationally bound dark matter, and cosmic acceleration by invoking a `repulsive` dark energy. Instead, might it not be the case that the flatness of rotation curves and the acceleration of the Universe have a common cause? In this essay we propose a modified theory of gravity. By applying the theory on galactic scales we demonstrate flat rotation curves without dark matter, and by applying it on cosmological scales we demonstrate cosmic acceleration without dark energy.

arXiv: 14 May 2012

The competition between confinement and ram pressure and its implications for galaxies in groups and clusters
Ram pressure stripping of the hot gas that surrounds normal galaxies as they fall into groups and clusters (also referred to as `strangulation' or `starvation') is generally thought to shut down star formation on a time scale of a few Gyr. However, it has recently been suggested, on the basis of X-ray-optical scaling relations of galaxies in the field and the group/cluster environment, that confinement pressure by the intra-cluster medium can actually lead to an increase in the mass of hot gas surrounding these galaxies. We investigate the competition between pressure confinement and ram pressure stripping for satellite galaxies in orbit about galaxy groups and clusters using simple analytic models and detailed cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. It is found that, independent of host mass, ram pressure is generally dominant over confinement pressure --- only ~16 % of galaxies find themselves in the reverse situation. Furthermore, these galaxies have, on average, less hot gas than ram-pressure dominated ones, contrary to simple expectations. This is explained by the fact that the small number of galaxies which are confinement dominated are typically at first or second apocentre and have therefore already been maximally affected by ram pressure stripping around first pericentre. Our results are shown to be insensitive to host halo mass; we argue that the same is true for uncertain sub-grid processes, such as feedback.
Spatial Curvature and Cosmological Tests of General Relativity
Authors: Jason Dossett, Mustapha Ishak (The University of Texas at Dallas)
It is well known that allowing for spatial curvature affects constraints on cosmological parameters such as the dark energy equation of state parameters. Here we study the effect of curvature on constraints on parameters used to test General Relativity (GR) at cosmological scales, commonly known as modified growth (MG) parameters. Using the latest cosmological data sets we find that MG parameters are correlated with the curvature parameter $\Omega_k$ and the constraints on the MG parameters are weakened compared to when $\Omega_k$ is not included in the parameter analysis. We next use various future simulated data sets including, cosmic microwave background, weak lensing, and ISW-galaxy cross correlations, where the fiducial model is spatially curved but we assume a flat model when fitting the MG parameters. We find the assumption of a spatially flat model on a spatially curved universe does indeed cause an artificial shift in the constraints on the MG parameters, in some cases even producing an apparent deviation from GR in the MG parameter space. The apparent deviations from GR manifest themselves for fiducial models with $\abs{\Omega_k} \geq 0.02$ and the shift in the parameter space is produced even for smaller values of spatial curvature. We find that for negatively curved models the apparent deviation is more significant. The manifestation of this apparent deviation from GR due to the assumption of spatial flatness above leads one to conclude that, when using future high precision data to perform these tests, spatial curvature must be included in the parameter analysis along with the other core cosmological parameters and the MG parameters.
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Relation Between Galaxy Cluster Optical Richness and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
 We present the measured Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) flux from 474 optically-selected MaxBCG clusters that fall within the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) Equatorial survey region. The ACT Equatorial region used in this analysis covers 510 square degrees and overlaps Stripe 82 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We also present the measured SZ flux stacked on 52 X-ray-selected MCXC clusters that fall within the ACT Equatorial region and an ACT Southern survey region covering 455 square degrees. We find that the measured SZ flux from the X-ray-selected clusters is consistent with expectations. However, we find that the measured SZ flux from the optically-selected clusters is both significantly lower than expectations and lower than the recovered SZ flux measured by the Planck satellite. Since we find a lower recovered SZ signal than Planck, we investigate the possibility that there is a significant offset between the optically-selected brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and the SZ centers, to which ACT is more sensitive due to its finer resolution. Such offsets can arise due to either an intrinsic physical separation between the BCG and the center of the gas concentration or from misidentification of the cluster BCG. We find that the entire discrepancy for both ACT and Planck can be explained by assuming that the BCGs are offset from the SZ maxima with a uniform random distribution between 0 and 1.5 Mpc. In contrast, the physical separation between BCGs and X-ray peaks for an X-ray-selected subsample of MaxBCG clusters shows a much narrower distribution that peaks within 0.2 Mpc. We conclude that while offsets between BCGs and SZ peaks may be an important component in explaining the discrepancy, it is likely that a combination of factors is responsible for the ACT and Planck measurements. (Abridged)
 Quantum Mechanics, Gravity, and the Multiverse
 The discovery of accelerating expansion of the universe has led us to take the dramatic view that our universe may be one of the many universes in which low energy physical laws take different forms: the multiverse. I explain why/how this view is supported both observationally and theoretically, especially by string theory and eternal inflation. I then describe how quantum mechanics plays a crucial role in understanding the multiverse, even at the largest distance scales. The resulting picture leads to a revolutionary change of our view of spacetime and gravity, and completely unifies the paradigm of the eternally inflating multiverse with the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The picture also provides a solution to a long-standing problem in eternal inflation, called the measure problem, which I briefly describe
 Spacetime Splitting, Admissible Coordinates and Causality
 To confront relativity theory with observation, it is necessary to split spacetime into its temporal and spatial components. The (1+3) timelike threading approach involves restrictions on the gravitational potentials $(g_{\mu \nu})$, while the (3+1) spacelike slicing approach involves restrictions on $(g^{\mu \nu})$. These latter coordinate conditions protect chronology within any such coordinate patch. While the threading coordinate conditions can be naturally integrated into the structure of Lorentzian geometry and constitute the standard coordinate conditions in general relativity, this circumstance does not extend to the slicing coordinate conditions. We explore the influence of chronology violation on wave motion. In particular, we consider the propagation of radiation parallel to the rotation axis of stationary G\"odel-type universes characterized by parameters $\eta > 0$ and $\lambda > 0$ such that for $\eta < 1$ ($\eta >1$) chronology is protected (violated). We show that in the WKB approximation such waves can freely propagate only when chronology is protected.
 Spacetime Splitting, Admissible Coordinates and Causality
 To confront relativity theory with observation, it is necessary to split spacetime into its temporal and spatial components. The (1+3) timelike threading approach involves restrictions on the gravitational potentials $(g_{\mu \nu})$, while the (3+1) spacelike slicing approach involves restrictions on $(g^{\mu \nu})$. These latter coordinate conditions protect chronology within any such coordinate patch. While the threading coordinate conditions can be naturally integrated into the structure of Lorentzian geometry and constitute the standard coordinate conditions in general relativity, this circumstance does not extend to the slicing coordinate conditions. We explore the influence of chronology violation on wave motion. In particular, we consider the propagation of radiation parallel to the rotation axis of stationary G\"odel-type universes characterized by parameters $\eta > 0$ and $\lambda > 0$ such that for $\eta < 1$ ($\eta >1$) chronology is protected (violated). We show that in the WKB approximation such waves can freely propagate only when chronology is protected.

Friday, May 11, 2012

arXiv: 11 May 2012

 Nonlinear Power Spectrum from Resummed Perturbation Theory: a Leap Beyond the BAO Scale
Authors: Stefano Anselmi, Massimo Pietroni
 A new computational scheme for the nonlinear cosmological matter power spectrum (PS) is presented. It allows an analytic summation, at all orders in perturbation theory, of the leading contributions at small scales, thus extending to the PS the program initiated by Crocce and Scoccimarro for the nonlinear propagator. Our method is based on evolution equations in time, which can be cast in a form extremely convenient for fast numerical evaluations. A nonlinear PS is obtained in a time comparable to that needed for a simple 1-loop computation, and the numerical implementation is very simple. Our results agree with N-body simulations at the percent level in the BAO range of scales, and at the few-percent level up to $k ~ 1$ h/Mpc at $z >= 0.5$, thereby opening the possibility of applying this tool to scales interesting for weak lensing. We clarify the relation between our approach and previous ones, such as the Time Renormalization Group, and the multi-point propagator expansion. We discuss possible lines of improvements of the method and its intrinsic limitations by multi streaming at small scales and low redshifts.
Abell 1201: a Minor merger at second core passage
 We present an analysis of the structures and dynamics of the merging cluster Abell~1201, which has two sloshing cold fronts around a cooling core, and an offset gas core approximately 500kpc northwest of the center. New Chandra and XMM-Newton data reveal a region of enhanced brightness east of the offset core, with breaks in surface brightness along its boundary to the north and east. This is interpreted as a tail of gas stripped from the offset core. Gas in the offset core and the tail is distinguished from other gas at the same distance from the cluster center chiefly by having higher density, hence lower entropy. In addition, the offset core shows marginally lower temperature and metallicity than the surrounding area. The metallicity in the cool core is high and there is an abrupt drop in metallicity across the southern cold front. We interpret the observed properties of the system, including the placement of the cold fronts, the offset core and its tail in terms of a simple merger scenario. The offset core is the remnant of a merging subcluster, which first passed pericenter southeast of the center of the primary cluster and is now close to its second pericenter passage, moving at ~1000 km/s. Sloshing excited by the merger gave rise to the two cold fronts and the disposition of the cold fronts reveals that we view the merger from close to the plane of the orbit of the offset core.
Low-mass suppression of the satellite luminosity function due to the supersonic baryon--cold-dark-matter relative velocity
Authors: Jo Bovy, Cora Dvorkin (IAS)
We study the effect of the supersonic baryon--CDM flow, which has recently been shown to have a large effect on structure formation during the dark ages 10 <~ z <~ 1000, on the abundance of luminous, low-mass satellite galaxies around galaxies like the Milky Way. As the supersonic baryon--CDM flow significantly suppresses both the number of halos formed and the amount of baryons accreted onto such halos of masses 10^6 < M_{halo} / M_solar < 10^8 at z >~ 10, a large effect results on the stellar luminosity function before reionization. As halos of these masses are believed to have very little star formation after reionization due to the effects of photo-heating by the ultraviolet background, this effect persists to the present day. We calculate that the number of low-mass 10^6 < M_{halo} / M_solar < 10^8 halos that host luminous satellite galaxies today is typically suppressed by 50 percent, with values ranging up to 90 percent in regions where the initial supersonic velocity is high. We show that this previously-ignored cosmological effect resolves most of the tension between the observed and predicted number of low-mass satellites in the Milky Way, obviating the need for any other mass-dependent star-formation suppression before reionization.

arXiv: 10 May 2012

 Motion of the Local Group as a cosmological probe
 In this thesis, we use the motion of the Local Group of galaxies (LG) through the Universe to measure the cosmological parameter of non-relativistic matter density, Omega_m. For that purpose, we compare the peculiar velocity of the LG with its gravitational acceleration. The former is known from the dipole of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the latter is estimated here from the clustering dipole of galaxies in the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Extended Source Catalog. We start by presenting the general framework of perturbation theory of gravitational instability in the expanding Universe and how it applies to the peculiar motion of the LG. Next, we study a particular effect for the dipole measurement, related to the fact that a nearby Local Void is partially hidden behind our Galaxy. We then describe in detail how we handled the 2MASS extragalactic data for the purpose of our analysis. Finally, we present two methods to estimate the density Omega_m, combined with the linear biasing b into the parameter beta = (Omega_m)^{0.55} / b, from the comparison of the LG velocity and acceleration. The first approach is to study the growth of the 2MASS clustering dipole with increased depth of the sample and compare it with theoretical expectations. The second is to apply the maximum-likelihood method in order to improve the precision of the measurement. With both these methods we find beta=0.4 and Omega_m=0.2, which is consistent with various independent estimates. We also briefly mention some future prospects in the field.
 Testing General Relativity Using the Evolution of Linear Bias
 We investigate the cosmic evolution of the linear bias in the framework of a flat FLRW spacetime. We consider metric perturbations in the Newtonian gauge, including Hubble scale effects. Making the following assumptions, (i) scale independent current epoch bias $b_0$, (ii) equal accelerations between tracers and matter, (iii) unimportant halo merging effects (which is quite accurate for $z<3$), we analytically derive the scale dependent bias evolution. The identified scale dependence is only due to Hubble scale evolution GR effects, while other scale dependence contributions are ignored. We find that up to galaxy cluster scales the fluctuations of the metric do not introduce a significant scale dependence in the linear bias. Our bias evolution model is then used to derive a connection between the matter growth index $\gamma$ and the observable value of the tracer power spectrum normalization $\sigma_8(z)$. We show how this connection can be used as an observational test of General Relativity on extragalactic scales.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

arXiv: 9 May 2012

 N-body simulations with a cosmic vector for dark energy
 We present the results of a series of cosmological $N$-body simulations of a Vector Dark Energy (VDE) model, performed using a suitably modified version of the publicly available \texttt{GADGET}-2 code. The setups of our simulations were calibrated pursuing a twofold aim: 1) to analyze the large scale distribution of massive objects and 2) to determine the properties of halo structure in this different ramework.We observe that structure formation is enhanced in VDE, since the mass function at high redshift is boosted up to a factor of ten with respect to \LCDM, possibly alleviating tensions with the observations of massive clusters at high redshifts and early reionization epoch. Significant differences can also be found for the value of the growth factor, that in VDE shows a completely different behaviour, and in the distribution of voids, which in this cosmology are on average smaller and less abundant. We further studied the structure of dark matter haloes more massive than $5\times10^{13}$\hMsun, finding that no substantial difference emerges when comparing spin parameter, shape, triaxiality and profiles of structures evolved under different cosmological pictures. Nevertheless, minor differences can be found in the concentration-mass relation and the two point correlation function; both showing different amplitudes and steeper slopes.Using an additional series of simulations of a \LCDM\ scenario with the same $\Omega_M$ and $\sigma_8$ used in the VDE cosmology, we have been able to establish whether the modifications induced in the new cosmological picture were due to the particular nature of the dynamical dark energy or a straightforward consequence of the cosmological parameters.
 Three tests of LambdaCDM
 The observational evidence for the acceleration of the universe demonstrates that canonical theories of gravitation and particle physics are incomplete, if not incorrect. The next generation of astronomical facilities must both be able to carry out precision consistency tests of the standard cosmological model and search for evidence of new physics beyond it. I describe some of these tests, and discuss prospects for facilities in which the CAUP Dark Side team is involved, specifically ESPRESSO, Euclid and CODEX.
  Observing the first galaxies
 I endeavour to provide a thorough overview of our current knowledge of high-redshift galaxies and their evolution during the first billion years of cosmic time, corresponding to redshifts z > 5. After first summarizing progress with the seven different techniques which have been used to date in the discovery of objects at z > 5, I focus thereafter on the two selection methods which have yielded substantial samples of galaxies at early times, namely Lyman-break and Lyman-alpha selection. I discuss a decade of progress in galaxy sample selection at z ~ 5 - 8, including issues of completeness and contamination, and address some of the confusion which has been created by erroneous reports of extreme-redshift objects. Next I provide an overview of our current knowledge of the evolving ultraviolet continuum and Lyman-alpha galaxy luminosity functions at z ~ 5 - 8, and discuss what can be learned from exploring the relationship between the Lyman-break and Lyman-alpha selected populations. I then summarize what is known about the physical properties of these galaxies in the young universe, before considering the wider implications of this work for the cosmic history of star formation, and for the reionization of the universe. I conclude with a brief summary of the exciting prospects for further progress in this field in the next 5-10 years. Throughout, key concepts such as selection techniques and luminosity functions are explained assuming essentially no prior knowledge. The intention is that this chapter can be used as an introduction to the observational study of high-redshift galaxies, as well as providing a review of the latest results in this fast-moving research field up to the end of 2011.

arXiv: 8 may 2012

 Intensity Mapping of Lyman-alpha Emission During the Epoch of Reionization
We calculate the absolute intensity and anisotropies of the Lyman-$\alpha$ radiation field present during the epoch of reionization. We consider emission from both galaxies and the intergalactic medium (IGM) and take into account all of the contributions to the production of Lyman-$\alpha$ photons: recombinations, collisions, continuum emission from the stars and scattering of Lyman-n photons in the IGM. We find that the emission from individual galaxies dominates over the IGM with a total Lyman-$\alpha$ intensity of about $1.3\times 10^{-2}$ and $3.7\times10^{-3}$ nW m$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$ at a redshift of 7 and 10, respectively. These intensity levels are well below the extragalactic background intensity from starlight emission from galaxies and it is unlikely that the Lyman-$\alpha$ background during reionization can be established by an experiment aiming at an absolute background light measurement. Instead we consider Lyman-$\alpha$ intensity mapping with the aim of measuring the anisotropy power spectrum. The anisotropy power spectrum has rms fluctuations at the level of $10^{-2}$ nW m$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$ at a few Mpc scales. These anisotropies could be measured with a spectrometer at near-IR wavelengths from 0.9 to 1.4 $\mu$m with fields in the order of 0.5 to 1 sq. degrees. We recommend that existing ground-based programs using narrow band filters also pursue intensity fluctuations to study statistics on the spatial distribution of fainter Lyman-$\alpha$ emitters that remain below the individual detection threshold. We also discuss the cross-correlation signal with 21 cm experiments that probe HI in the IGM during reionization. A dedicated sub-orbital or space-based Lyman-$\alpha$ intensity mapping experiment could provide a viable complementary approach to probe reionization, when compared to 21 cm experiments.
Constraints on small-scale cosmological perturbations from gamma-ray searches for dark matter
 Events like inflation or phase transitions can produce large density perturbations on very small scales in the early Universe. Probes of small scales are therefore useful for e.g. discriminating between inflationary models. Until recently, the only such constraint came from non-observation of primordial black holes (PBHs), associated with the largest perturbations. Moderate-amplitude perturbations can collapse shortly after matter-radiation equality to form ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) of dark matter, in far greater abundance than PBHs. If dark matter self-annihilates, UCMHs become excellent targets for indirect detection. Here we discuss the gamma-ray fluxes expected from UCMHs, the prospects of observing them with gamma-ray telescopes, and limits upon the primordial power spectrum derived from their non-observation by the Fermi Large Area Space Telescope.
 A novel MOND effect in isolated high acceleration systems
 I discuss a novel MOND effect that entails a small correction to the dynamics of isolated mass systems even when they are deep in the Newtonian regime. [These are systems whose extent R<< Rm, where Rm=sqrt(GM/a0) is the MOND radius of the system, of total mass M.] Interestingly, even if the MOND equations approach Newtonian dynamics arbitrarily fast at high accelerations, this correction decreases only as a power of R/Rm. The effect appears in formulations of MOND as modified gravity governed by generalizations of the Poisson equation. The MOND correction to the potential is a quadrupole field \phi_{a} \approx GP_{ij}r^ir^j, where r is the radius from the center of mass. In QUMOND, P_{ij}=-q Q_{ij}/Rm^5, where Q_{ij} is the quadrupole moment of the system, and q>0 is a numerical factor that depends on the interpolating function. For example, the correction to the Newtonian force between two masses, m and M, a distance L apart (L<<Rm) is Fa=2q(L/Rm)^3(mM)^2(M+m)^{-3}a0 (attractive). At present I don't see where this effect can be tested. For example, it's predicted strength is rather much below present testing capabilities in the solar system, for which the added acceleration is of order 10^{-12}a0. (Abridged)
Testing MOND over a large acceleration range in x-ray ellipticals
 The gravitational fields of two isolated ellipticals, NGC 720 and NGC 1521, have been recently measured, assuming hydrostatic balance of the hot gas enshrouding them. These galaxies are worthy of special interest: They afford, for the first time to my knowledge, testing MOND in ellipticals with force and quality that, arguably, approach those of rotation-curve tests in disc galaxies: The fields have been probed to very large galactic radii, revealing a large range of mass discrepancies. In the context of MOND, it is noteworthy that the measured accelerations span a wide range, from more than 10a0 to about a0/10, unprecedented in individual ellipticals. I compare the predictions of MOND, based on only the baryonic mass, for reasonable stellar M/L values, with the deduced dynamical mass runs of these galaxies. I find that MOND predicts correctly the runs of the mass discrepancies: from no discrepancy in the inner parts, to approximately a-factor-of-ten discrepancy in the outermost regions probed. For NGC 1521, this is achieved with the same M/L value as best fitted the data in the Newtonian analysis with dark matter, and for NGC 720, with a somewhat larger value than preferred by the Newtonian fit.