A Couple of Issues Concerning Spinor Dark Energy
Authors: Hao Wei
Recently, the so-called Elko spinor field has been proposed to be a candidate of dark energy. It is a non-standard spinor and has unusual properties. When the Elko spinor field is used in cosmology, its unusual properties could bring some interesting consequences. In the present work, we consider two different issues concerning the dark energy model described by the Elko spinor fields. Firstly, we discuss the cosmological coincidence problem in the spinor dark energy model by using the dynamical system method. Our results show that the coincidence problem should be taken to heart in the investigations of spinor dark energy models. Next, we turn to another issue. In this work, we propose a simple method to reconstruct spinor dark energy from the cosmological observations. We find that this reconstruction method works fairly well.
Current constraints on the cosmic growth history
Authors: Rachel Bean, Matipon Tangmatitham
We present constraints on the cosmic growth history with recent cosmological data, allowing for deviations from Lambda CDM as might arise if cosmic acceleration is due to modifications to GR or inhomogeneous dark energy. We combine measures of the cosmic expansion history, from Type 1a supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations and the CMB, with constraints on the growth of structure from recent galaxy, CMB and weak lensing surveys along with ISW-galaxy cross-correlations. Deviations from Lambda CDM are parameterized by phenomenological modifications to the Poisson equation and the relationship between the two Newtonian potentials. We find modifications that are present at the time the CMB is formed are tightly constrained through their impact on the well-measured CMB acoustic peaks. By contrast, constraints on late-time modifications to the growth history, as might arise if modifications are related to the onset of cosmic acceleration, are far weaker, but remain consistent with Lambda CDM at the 95% confidence level. For these late-time modifications we find that differences in the evolution on large and small scales could provide an interesting signature by which to search for modified growth histories with future wide angular coverage, large scale structure surveys.
A dark energy view of inflation
Authors: Stéphane Ilic, Martin Kunz, Andrew R. Liddle, Joshua A. Frieman
Traditionally, inflationary models are analyzed in terms of parameters such as the scalar spectral index ns and the tensor to scalar ratio r, while dark energy models are studied in terms of the equation of state parameter w. Motivated by the fact that both deal with periods of accelerated expansion, we study the evolution of w during inflation, in order to derive observational constraints on its value during an earlier epoch likely dominated by a dynamic form of dark energy. We find that the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure data is consistent with w_inflation=-1 and provides an upper limit of 1+w <~ 0.02. Nonetheless, an exact de Sitter expansion with a constant w=-1 is disfavored since this would result in ns=1.
New Nuclear Waste Battery Can Run For 5000 Years
19 hours ago
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