Decoherence of scalar cosmological perturbations
Authors: Mariano Franco, Esteban Calzetta
In this paper we analyze the possibility of detecting nontrivial quantum phenomena in observations of the temperature anisotropy of the cosmic background radiation (CBR), for example, if the Universe could be found in a coherent superposition of two states corresponding to different CBR temperature self-correlations. Such observations are sensitive to scalar primordial fluctuations but insensitive to tensor fluctuations, which are therefore converted into an environment for the former. Even for a free inflaton field minimally coupled to gravity, scalar-tensor interactions induce enough decoherence among histories of the scalar fluctuations as to render them classical under any realistic probe of their amplitudes.
A Geometrical Approach to Strong Gravitational Lensing in f(R) Gravity
Authors: Anne Marie Nzioki, Peter K. S. Dunsby, Rituparno Goswami, Sante Carloni
We present a framework for the study of lensing in spherically symmetric spacetimes within the context of f(R) gravity. Equations for the propagation of null geodesics, together with an expression for the bending angle are derived for any f(R) theory and then applied to an exact spherically symmetric solution of R^n gravity. We find that for this case more bending is expected for R^n gravity theories in comparison to GR and is dependent on the value of n and the value of distance of closest approach of the incident null geodesic.
A new framework for studying spherically symmetric static solutions in f(R) gravity
Authors: Anne Marie Nzioki, Sante Carloni, Rituparno Goswami, Peter K.S. Dunsby
We develop a new covariant formalism to treat spherically symmetric spacetimes in metric} f(R) theories of gravity. Using this formalism we derive the general equations for a static and spherically symmetric metric in a general f(R)-gravity. These equations are used to determine the conditions for which the Schwarzschild metric is the only vacuum solution with vanishing Ricci scalar. We also show that our general framework provides a clear way of showing that the Schwarzschild solution is not a unique static spherically symmetric solution, providing some incite on how the current form of Birkhoff's theorem breaks down for these theories.
Interacting holographic tachyon model of dark energy
Authors: Alberto Rozas-Fernández, David Brizuela, Norman Cruz
We propose a holographic tachyon model of dark energy with interaction between the components of the dark sector. The correspondence between the tachyon field and the holographic dark energy densities allows the reconstruction of the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon scalar field in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We show that this model can describe the observed accelerated expansion of our universe with a parameter space given by the most recent observational results.
Testing the Newton second law in the regime of small accelerations
Authors: V. A. De Lorenci, M. Faundez-Abans, J. P. Pereira
It has been pointed out that the Newtonian second law can be tested in the very small acceleration regime by using the combined movement of the Earth and Sun around the Galactic center of mass. It has been shown that there are only two brief intervals during the year in which the experiment can be completed, which correspond to only two specific spots on the Earth surface. An alternative experimental setup is presented to allow the measurement to be made on Earth at any location and at any time.
Evolution of Dark Energy Perturbations in Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies
Authors: J. C. Bueno Sanchez, L. Perivolaropoulos
We solve analytically and numerically the generalized Einstein equations in scalar-tensor cosmologies to obtain the evolution of dark energy and matter linear perturbations. We compare our results with the corresponding results for minimally coupled quintessence perturbations. Our results for natural (O(1)) values of parameters in the Lagrangian which lead to a background expansion similar to LCDM are summarized as follows: 1. Scalar-Tensor dark energy density perturbations are amplified by a factor of about 10^6 compared to minimally coupled quintessence perturbations on scales less than about 100 h^{-1} Mpc. On these scales dark energy perturbations constitute a fraction of about 10% compared to matter density perturbations. 2. Scalar-Tensor dark energy density perturbations are anti-correlated with matter linear perturbations on sub-Hubble scales. Thus clusters of galaxies are predicted to overlap with voids of dark energy. 3. This anti-correlation of matter with negative pressure perturbations induces a mild amplification of matter perturbations by about 10% on sub-Hubble scales. 4. The evolution of scalar field perturbations on sub-Hubble scales, is scale independent and therefore it corresponds to a vanishing effective speed of sound (c_{s\Phi}=0). It also involves large oscillations at early times induced by the amplified effective mass of the field. This amplification is due to the non-minimal coupling of the field to the Ricci curvature scalar and (thus) to matter. No such oscillations are present in minimally coupled quintessence perturbations which are suppressed on sub-Hubble scales (c_{s\Phi}=1). Implications of our results include modified predictions for cluster halo profiles observed properties. These profiles are known to be in some tension with the predictions of LCDM.
New Nuclear Waste Battery Can Run For 5000 Years
18 hours ago
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