Sunday, July 8, 2012

arXiv: 9 July 2012

Physical properties underlying observed kinematics of satellite galaxies

We study the kinematics of satellites around isolated galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic catalog. Using a model of the phase-space density previously measured for the halos of LCDM dark matter cosmological simulations, we determine the properties of the halo mass distribution and the orbital anisotropy of the satellites as a function of the colour-based morphological type and the stellar mass of the central host galaxy. We place constraints on the halo mass and the concentration parameter of dark matter and the satellite number density profiles. We obtain a concentration-mass relation for galactic dark matter haloes that is consistent with predictions of a standard LCDM cosmological model. The number density profile of the satellites appears to be shallower than of dark matter, with the scale radius typically 1.6 times larger than of dark matter. The orbital anisotropy around red hosts exhibits a mild excess of radial motions, in agreement with the typical anisotropy profiles found in cosmological simulations, whereas blue galaxies are found to be consistent with an isotropic velocity distribution. Our new constraints on the halo masses of galaxies are used to provide analytic approximations of the halo-to-stellar mass relation for red and blue galaxies.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

arXiv: 6 July 2012

Do stochastic inhomogeneities affect dark-energy precision measurements?


The effect of a stochastic background of cosmological perturbations on the luminosity-redshift relation is computed to second order through a recently proposed covariant and gauge-invariant light-cone averaging procedure. The resulting expressions are free from both ultraviolet and infrared divergences, implying that such perturbations cannot mimic a sizable fraction of dark energy. Different averages are estimated and depend on the particular function of the luminosity distance being averaged. The energy flux, being minimally affected by perturbations at large z, is proposed as the best choice for precision estimates of dark-energy parameters. Nonetheless, its irreducible (stochastic) variance induces statistical errors on \Omega_{\Lambda}(z) typically lying in the few-percent range.

Signatures of Modified Gravity on the 21-cm Power Spectrum at Reionisation


Scalar modifications of gravity have an impact on the growth of structure. Baryon and Cold Dark Matter (CDM) perturbations grow anomalously for scales within the Compton wavelength of the scalar field. In the late time Universe when reionisation occurs, the spectrum of the 21cm brightness temperature is thus affected. We study this effect for chameleon-f(R) models, dilatons and symmetrons. Although the f(R) models are more tightly constrained by solar system bounds, and effects on dilaton models are negligible, we find that symmetrons where the phase transition occurs before z_* ~ 2 will be detectable for a scalar field range as low as 5 kpc. For all these models, the detection prospects of modified gravity effects are higher when considering modes parallel to the line of sight where very small scales can be probed. The study of the 21 cm spectrum thus offers a complementary approach to testing modified gravity with large scale structure surveys. Short scales, which would be highly non-linear in the very late time Universe when structure forms and where modified gravity effects are screened, appear in the linear spectrum of 21 cm physics, hence deviating from General Relativity in a maximal way.

Cosmological parameter constraints from galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering with the SDSS DR7


Recent studies have shown that the cross-correlation coefficient between galaxies and dark matter is very close to unity on scales outside a few virial radii of galaxy halos, independent of the details of how galaxies populate dark matter halos. This finding makes it possible to determine the dark matter clustering from measurements of galaxy-galaxy weak lensing and galaxy clustering. We present new cosmological parameter constraints based on large-scale measurements of spectroscopic galaxy samples from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7). We generalise the approach of Baldauf et al. (2010) to remove small scale information (below 2 and 4 Mpc/h for lensing and clustering measurements, respectively), where the cross-correlation coefficient differs from unity. We derive constraints for three galaxy samples covering 7131 sq. deg., containing 69150, 62150, and 35088 galaxies with mean redshifts of 0.11, 0.28, and 0.40. We clearly detect scale-dependent galaxy bias for the more luminous galaxy samples, at a level consistent with theoretical expectations. When we vary both \sigma_8 and \Omega_m with other cosmological parameters fixed (and marginalise over non-linear galaxy bias), the best-constrained quantity is \sigma_8 (\Omega_m/0.25)^{0.57}=0.80 +/- 0.05 (1-sigma, stat. + sys.), where statistical and systematic errors have comparable contributions. These strong constraints on the dark matter clustering suggest that this method is competitive with cosmic shear in current data, while having very complementary and in some ways less serious systematics. We therefore expect that this method will play a prominent role in future weak lensing surveys. When we combine these data with WMAP7 CMB data, constraints on \sigma_8, \Omega_m, H_0, w_{de} and \sum m_{\nu} become 30--80 per cent tighter than with CMB data alone, since our data break several parameter degeneracies.

By Dawn's Early Light: CMB Polarization Impact on Cosmological Constraints
Sudeep Das, Eric V. Linder

Cosmic microwave background polarization encodes information not only on the early universe but also dark energy, neutrino mass, and gravity in the late universe through CMB lensing. Ground based surveys such as ACTpol, PolarBear, SPTpol significantly complement cosmological constraints from the Planck satellite, strengthening the CMB dark energy figure of merit and neutrino mass constraints by factors of 3-4. This changes the dark energy probe landscape. We evaluate the state of knowledge in 2017 from ongoing experiments including dark energy surveys (supernovae, weak lensing, galaxy clustering), fitting for dynamical dark energy, neutrino mass, and a modified gravitational growth index. Adding a modest strong lensing time delay survey improves those dark energy constraints by a further 32%, and an enhanced low redshift supernova program improves them by 26%.

Optimal Weighting in Galaxy Surveys: Application to Redshift-Space Distortions

Using multiple tracers of large-scale structure allows to evade the limitations imposed by sampling variance for some parameters of interest in cosmology. We demonstrate the optimal way of carrying out a multitracer analysis in a galaxy redshift survey by considering the principal components of the shot noise matrix from two-point clustering statistics. We show how to construct two tracers that maximize the benefits of sampling variance and shot noise cancellation using optimal weights. On the basis of high-resolution N-body simulations of dark matter halos we apply this technique to the analysis of redshift-space distortions and demonstrate how constraints on the growth rate of structure formation can be substantially improved. The primary limitation are nonlinear effects, which cause significant biases in the method already at scales of k<0.1h/Mpc, suggesting the need to develop nonlinear models of redshift-space distortions in order to extract the maximum information from future redshift surveys.