Sunday, April 10, 2011

arXiv: 7 April 2011

Constraints on the dark energy using multiple observations : snare of
principal component analysis
Seokcheon Lee
We explore snares in determining the equation of state of dark energy
($\omega$) when one uses the so-called principal component analysis
for multiple observations. We demonstrated drawbacks of principal
component analysis in an earlier paper. We used the Hubble parameter
data generated from a fiducial model using the so-called
Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parameterization. We extend our previous
consideration to multiple observations, the Hubble parameter and the
luminosity distance. We find that the principal component analysis
produces the almost constant $\omega$ even when a fiducial model is a
rapidly varying $\omega$. Thus, resolution of dynamical property of
$\omega$ through PCA is degraded especially when one fits to several

MOND and the unique void galaxy KK246
Mordehai Milgrom (DPPA, Weizmann Institute)
MOND predictions are compared with the mass discrepancy, Gamma (the
dynamical-to-baryon mass ratio) deduced from the recently measured
rotation curve, for the gas-rich, dwarf galaxy KK246, "the only galaxy
observed in the local void". KK246 is special in at least two regards:
a. It is, to my knowledge, the record holder for the largest mass
discrepancy deduced from a rotation curve, Gamma= 15. b. It is very
isolated, residing in a large, very empty void. I also discuss another
extreme case: Andromeda IV, a dwarf considered here for the first time
in light of MOND, with a very large mass discrepancy, Gamma =12, also
conforming accurately to the MOND prediction. In both cases, MOND
predicts Gamma, or the total dynamical mass at the last observed
radius, from only the knowledge of the small mass of baryons. If MOND
is accepted as the root of the mass discrepancy, these are just two
more expected, albeit reassuring, conformities. However, in the
framework of the dark-matter paradigm--where the mass discrepancy is
strongly dependent on the buildup history of a galaxy--every new such
conformity with a tight law is another difficult-to-understand
surprise, and does carry a new import: What, in the LCDM paradigm,
would prevent such galactic baryons from residing in a halo of half,
or twice, the observed rotational velocities, instead of selecting
exactly the velocities predicted by MOND? This conundrum is especially
poignant for KK246, whose great isolation points to a relatively
unique buildup history. This note underscores the individual
importance of each galaxy as a new test, as opposed to the view of
them all as a statistical ensemble.

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