Tuesday, August 3, 2010

arXiv: 4 August 2010

Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Models
In this work we analyze and review cosmological models in which the dynamics of a single scalar field accounts for a unified description of the Dark Matter and Dark Energy sectors, dubbed Unified Dark Matter (UDM) models. In this framework, we consider the general Lagrangian of k-essence, which allows to find solutions around which the scalar field describes the desired mixture of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. We also discuss static and spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein's equations for a scalar field with non-canonical kinetic term, in connection with galactic halo rotation curves.
CMB observations in LTB universes: Part II -- the kSZ effect in an LTB universe
We study the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect in a Lem\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) universe model whose distance-redshift relation agrees with that of the concordance $\Lambda$CDM model at redshifts $z\lesssim2$. This LTB universe model has a void with size comparable to the Hubble horizon scale. We first determine the decoupling epoch in this LTB universe model by an approximate analytical condition under a few simplified assumptions on the physical quantities at that epoch. Then we calculate the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy observed in the rest frame of clusters of galaxies which are assumed to be at rest in the spatial comoving coordinates of the LTB universe model. We find that the obtained temperature anisotropies are dominated by dipole, although there may exist higher multi-poles in general. We may interpret this dipole anisotropy as the drift velocity of a cluster of galaxies relative to the CMB rest frame. Hence it gives rise to the kSZ effect. We calculate this effect and compare it with observational data. We find that if we assume the conventional adiabatic perturbation scenario at the time of decoupling, the drift velocity of clusters of galaxies becomes unacceptably large. Conversely, this observational constraint may be relaxed by introducing a non-adiabatic (i.e., primordially isocurvature) component of inhomogeneities at the time of decoupling. However, our result indicates that the necessary isocurvature perturbation amplitude is very large.
Confronting General Relativity with Further Cosmological Data
Deviations from general relativity in order to explain cosmic acceleration generically have both time and scale dependent signatures in cosmological data. We extend our previous work by investigating model independent gravitational deviations in bins of redshift and length scale, by incorporating further cosmological probes such as temperature-galaxy and galaxy-galaxy cross-correlations, and by examining correlations between deviations. Markov Chain Monte Carlo likelihood analysis of the model independent parameters fitting current data indicates that at low redshift general relativity deviates from the best fit at the 99\% confidence level. We trace this to two different properties of the CFHTLS weak lensing data set and demonstrate that COSMOS weak lensing data does not show such deviation. Upcoming galaxy survey data will greatly improve the ability to test time and scale dependent extensions to gravity and we calculate the constraints that the BigBOSS galaxy redshift survey could enable.

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