Sunday, August 1, 2010

arXiv: 2 August 2010

General treatment of isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities
We present a general formalism that provides a systematic computation of the linear and non-linear perturbations for an arbitrary number of cosmological fluids in the early Universe going through various transitions, in particular the decay of some species (such as a curvaton or a modulus). Using this formalism, we revisit the question of isocurvature non-Gaussianities in the mixed inflaton-curvaton scenario and show that one can obtain significant non-Gaussianities dominated by the isocurvature mode while satisfying the present constraints on the isocurvature contribution in the observed power spectrum. We also study two-curvaton scenarios, taking into account the production of dark matter, and investigate in which cases significant non-Gaussianities can be produced.
On the Viability of a Non-Analytical f(R)-Theory
In this paper, we show how a power-law correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action provides a viable modified theory of gravity, passing the Solar-System tests, when the exponent is between the values 2 and 3. Then, we implement this paradigm on a cosmological setting outlining how the main phases of the Universe thermal history are properly reproduced. As a result, we find two distinct constraints on the characteristic length scale of the model, i.e., a lower bound from the Solar-System test and an upper one by guaranteeing the matter dominated Universe evolution.

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