Monday, July 26, 2010

arXiv: 26 July 2010

Trumpeting the Vuvuzela: UltraDeep HI observations with MeerKAT
The MeerKAT UltraDeep HI Survey aims to observe the 21 cm emission line of neutral hydrogen gas out to a redshift of z=1 and beyond. From both direct detections and stacked signal, we will address the HI mass function, the cosmic neutral gas density of the Universe (Omega_HI) and their evolution over cosmic times, as well as galaxy evolution via e.g., the Tully-Fisher relation, the relation between HI mass and Hubble Type or stellar mass, and the Schmidt-Kennicutt star-formation law. We propose to observe two fields, the COSMOS and Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) for 1000 hours each, adding an additional 4000 hours to one of these fields in 2015 when the full instantaneous bandwidth of MeerKAT (0.58-2.5 GHz) will be realised.
It's Hard to Learn How Gravity and Electromagnetism Couple
We construct the most general effective Lagrangian coupling gravity and electromagnetism up to mass dimension 6 by enumerating all possible non-minimal coupling terms respecting both diffeomorphism and gauge invariance. In all, there are only two unique terms after field re-definitions; one is known to arise from loop effects in QED while the other is a parity violating term which may be generated by weak interactions within the standard model of particle physics. We show that neither the cosmological propagation of light nor, contrary to earlier claims, solar system tests of General Relativity are useful probes of these terms. These non-minimal couplings of gravity and electromagnetism may remain a mystery for the foreseeable future.
TASI Lectures on Holographic Space-Time, SUSY and Gravitational Effective Field Theory
Authors: Tom Banks
I argue that the conventional field theoretic notion of vacuum state is not valid in quantum gravity. The arguments use gravitational effective field theory, as well as results from string theory, particularly the AdS/CFT correspondence. Different solutions of the same low energy gravitational field equations correspond to different quantum systems, rather than different states in the same system. I then introduce {\it holographic space-time} a quasi-local quantum mechanical construction based on the holographic principle. I argue that models of quantum gravity in asymptotically flat space-time will be exactly super-Poincare invariant, because the natural variables of holographic space-time for such a system, are the degrees of freedom of massless superparticles. The formalism leads to a non-singular quantum Big Bang cosmology, in which the asymptotic future is required to be a de Sitter space, with cosmological constant (c.c.) determined by cosmological initial conditions. It is also approximately SUSic in the future, with the gravitino mass $K \Lambda^{1/4}$.

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