Tuesday, July 13, 2010

arXiv: 14 July 2010

Understanding the shape of the galaxy two-point correlation function at z~1 in the COSMOS field
We investigate how the shape of the galaxy two-point correlation function as measured in the zCOSMOS survey depends on local environment, quantified in terms of the density contrast on scales of 5 Mpc/h. We show that the flat shape previously observed at redshifts between z=0.6 and z=1 can be explained by this volume being simply 10% over-abundant in high-density environments, with respect to a Universal density probability distribution function. When galaxies corresponding to the top 10% tail of the distribution are excluded, the measured w_p(r_p) steepens and becomes indistinguishable from LCDM predictions on all scales. This is the same effect recognised by Abbas & Sheth in the SDSS data at z~0 and explained as a natural consequence of halo-environment correlations in a hierarchical scenario. Galaxies living in high-density regions trace dark matter halos with typically higher masses, which are more correlated. If the density probability distribution function of the sample is particularly rich in high-density regions because of the variance introduced by its finite size, this produces a distorted two-point correlation function. We argue that this is the dominant effect responsible for the observed "peculiar" clustering in the COSMOS field.
Tidal Imprints of a Dark Sub-Halo on the Outskirts of the Milky Way II. Perturber Azimuth
We extend our analysis of the observed disturbances on the outskirts of the HI disk of the Milky Way. We employ the additional constraints of the phase of the modes of the observed HI image and asymmetry in the radial velocity field to derive the azimuth of the perturber inferred to be responsible for the disturbances in the HI disk. We carry out a modal analysis of the phase of the disturbances in the HI image and in SPH simulations of a Milky Way-like galaxy tidally interacting with dark perturbers, the relative offset of which we utilize to derive the perturber azimuth. To make a direct connection with observations, we express our results in sun-centered coordinates, predicting that the perturber responsible for the observed disturbances is between $-50 \la l \la -10$. We show explicitly that the phase of the disturbances in the outskirts of simulated galaxies at the time that best fits the Fourier amplitudes, our primary metric for the azimuth determination, is relatively insensitive to the equation of state. Our calculations here represent our continuing efforts to develop the "Tidal Analysis" method of Chakrabarti \& Blitz (2009; CB09). CB09 employed SPH simulations to examine tidal interactions between perturbing dark sub-halos and the Milky Way. They found that the amplitudes of the Fourier modes of the observed planar disturbances are best-fit by a perturbing dark sub-halo with mass one-hundredth that of the Milky Way, and a pericentric approach distance of $\sim 5-10~\rm kpc$. The overarching goal of this work is to attempt to outline an alternate procedure to optical studies for characterizing and potentially discovering dwarf galaxies -- whereby one can approximately infer the azimuthal location of a perturber, its mass and pericentric distance (CB09) from analysis of its tidal gravitational imprints on the HI disk of the primary galaxy
Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with High-Redshift Probes
We present an analysis of the constraints on the amplitude of primordial non-Gaussianity of local type described by the dimensionless parameter $f_{\rm NL}$. These constraints are set by the auto-correlation functions (ACFs) of two large scale structure probes, the radio sources from NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and the quasar catalogue of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Release Six (SDSS DR6 QSOs), as well as by their cross-correlation functions (CCFs) with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature map (Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect). Several systematic effects that may affect the observational estimates of the ACFs and of the CCFs are investigated and conservatively accounted for. Our approach exploits the large-scale scale-dependence of the non-Gaussian halo bias. The derived constraints on {$f_{\rm NL}$} coming from the NVSS CCF and from the QSO ACF and CCF are weaker than those previously obtained from the NVSS ACF, but still consistent with them. Finally, we obtain the constraints on $f_{\rm NL}=53\pm25$ ($1\,\sigma$) and $f_{\rm NL}=47\pm21$ ($1\,\sigma$) from NVSS data and SDSS DR6 QSO data, respectively.
The cosmic microwave background bispectrum from the non-linear evolution of the cosmological perturbations
This article presents the first computation of the complete bispectrum of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies arising from the evolution of all cosmic fluids up to second order, including neutrinos. Gravitational couplings, electron density fluctuations and the second order Boltzmann equation are fully taken into account. Comparison to limiting cases that appeared previously in the literature are provided. These are regimes for which analytical insights can be given. The final results are expressed in terms of equivalent fNL for different configurations. It is found that for moments up to lmax=2000, the signal generated by non-linear effects is equivalent to fNL~5 for both local-type and equilateral-type primordial non-Gaussianity.

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