The recent detection (Jee etal 2009) of the massive cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 at a redshift z = 1.4, with an estimated mass M = 6.4 +- 1.2 X 10^14 M_sol, has been claimed to be a possible challenge to the standard LCDM cosmological model. More specifically, the probability to detect such a cluster has been estimated to be 0.005 if a LCDM model with gaussian initial conditions is assumed, resulting in a 3 sigma discrepancy from the standard cosmological model. In this paper we propose to use high redshift clusters as the one detected in Jee etal 2009 to compare the cosmological constant scenario with interacting dark energy models. We show that coupled dark energy models, where an interaction is present between dark energy and cold dark matter, can significantly enhance the probability to observe very massive clusters at high redshift.
The Situation at Columbia II
11 hours ago
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