Wednesday, May 26, 2010

arXiv: 27 May 2010

Scattering of pulsar radio emission by the interstellar plasma
We present simulations of scattering phenomena which are important in pulsar observations, but which are analytically intractable. The simulation code, which has also been used for solar wind and atmospheric scattering problems, is available from the authors. These simulations reveal an unexpectedly important role of dispersion in combination with refraction. We demonstrate the effect of analyzing observations which are shorter than the refractive scale. We examine time-of-arrival fluctuations in detail: showing their correlation with intensity and dispersion measure; providing a heuristic model from which one can estimate their contribution to pulsar timing observations; and showing that much of the effect can be corrected making use of measured intensity and dispersion. Finally, we analyze observations of the millisecond pulsar J0437$-$4715, made with the Parkes radio telescope, that show timing fluctuations which are correlated with intensity. We demonstrate that these timing fluctuations can be corrected, but we find that they are much larger than would be expected from scattering in a homogeneous turbulent plasma with isotropic density fluctuations. We do not have an explanation for these timing fluctuations.
Cosmic strings and their induced non-Gaussianities in the cosmic microwave background
Motivated by the fact that cosmological perturbations of inflationary quantum origin were born Gaussian, the search for non-Gaussianities in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies is considered as the privileged probe of non-linear physics in the early universe. Cosmic strings are active sources of gravitational perturbations and incessantly produce non-Gaussian distortions in the CMB. Even if, on the currently observed angular scales, they can only contribute a small fraction of the CMB angular power spectrum, cosmic strings could actually be the main source of its non-Gaussianities. In this article, after having reviewed the basic cosmological properties of a string network, we present the signatures Nambu-Goto cosmic strings would induce in various observables ranging from the one-point function of the temperature anisotropies to the bispectrum and trispectrum. It is shown that string imprints are significantly different than those expected from the primordial type of non-Gaussianity and could therefore be easily distinguished.
The X-ray spectrum of the newly discovered accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057
We report on an XMM-Newton observation of the accreting millisecond pulsar, IGR J17511-3057. Pulsations at 244.8339512(1) Hz are observed with an RMS pulsed fraction of 14.4(3)%. A precise solution for the P_orb=12487.51(2)s binary system is derived. The measured mass function indicates a main sequence companion with a mass between 0.15 and 0.44 Msun. The XMM-Newton spectrum of the source can be modelled by at least three components, multicoloured disc emission, thermal emission from the NS surface and thermal Comptonization emission. Spectral fit of the XMM-Newton data and of the RXTE data, taken in a simultaneous temporal window, constrain the Comptonization parameters: the electron temperature, kT_e=51(+6,-4) keV, is rather high, while the optical depth (tau=1.34(+0.03,-0.06)) is moderate. The energy dependence of the pulsed fraction supports the interpretation of the cooler thermal component as coming from the accretion disc, and indicates that the Comptonizing plasma surrounds the hot spots on the NS surface, which provide the seed photons. Signatures of reflection, such as a broadened iron K-alpha emission line and a Compton hump at 30 keV ca., are also detected. We derive from the smearing of the reflection component an inner disc radius of ~> 40 km for a 1.4 Msun neutron star, and an inclination between 38{\deg} and 68{\deg}. XMM-Newton also observed two type-I X-ray bursts, probably ignited in a nearly pure helium environment. No photospheric radius expansion is observed, thus leading to an upper limit on the distance to the source of 10 kpc. A lower limit of 6.5 kpc can be also set if it is assumed that emission during the decaying part of the burst involves the whole neutron star surface. Pulsations observed during the burst decay are compatible with being phase locked, and have a similar amplitude, than pre-burst pulsations.
High accuracy power spectra including baryonic physics in dynamical Dark Energy models
The next generation mass probes will obtain information on non--linear power spectra P(k,z) and their evolution, allowing us to investigate the nature of Dark Energy. To exploit such data we need high precision simulations, extending at least up to scales of k\simeq 10 h^-1 Mpc, where the effects of baryons can no longer be neglected.
In this paper, we present a series of large scale hydrodynamical simulations for LCDM and dynamical Dark Energy (dDE) models, in which the equation of state parameter is z-dependent. The simulations include gas cooling, star formation and Supernovae feedback. They closely approximate the observed star formation rate and the observationally derived star/Dark Matter mass ratio in collapsed systems. Baryon dynamics cause spectral shifts exceeding 1% at k > 2-3 hMpc^-1 compared to pure n-body simulations in the LCDM simulations. This agrees with previous studies, although we find a smaller effect (~50%) on the power spectrum amplitude at higher k's. dDE exhibits similar behavior, even though the dDE simulations produce ~20% less stars than the analogous LCDM cosmologies. Finally, we show that the technique introduced in Casarini et al. to obtain spectra for any $w(z)$ cosmology from constant-w models at any redshift still holds when gas physics is taken into account. While this relieves the need to explore the entire functional space of dark energy state equations, we illustrate a severe risk that future data analysis could lead to misinterpretation of the DE state equation.

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