Tuesday, May 11, 2010

arXiv: 12 May 2010

The Relation Between Halo Shape, Velocity Dispersion and Formation Time
We use dark matter haloes identified in the MareNostrum Universe and galaxy groups identified in the Sloan Data Release 7 galaxy catalogue, to study the relation between halo shape and halo dynamics, parametrizing out the mass of the systems. A strong shape-dynamics, independent of mass, correlation is present in the simulation data, which we find it to be due to different halo formation times. Early formation time haloes are, at the present epoch, more spherical and have higher velocity dispersions than late forming-time haloes. The halo shape-dynamics correlation, albeit weaker, survives the projection in 2D (ie., among projected shape and 1-D velocity dispersion). A similar shape-dynamics correlation, independent of mass, is also found in the SDSS DR7 groups of galaxies and in order to investigate its cause we have tested and used, as a proxy of the group formation time, a concentration parameter. We have found, as in the case of the simulated haloes, that less concentrated groups, corresponding to late formation times, have lower velocity dispersions and higher elongations than groups with higher values of concentration, corresponding to early formation times

Tracing the Peculiar Dark Matter Structure in the Galaxy Cluster CL 0024+17 with Intracluster Stars and Gas
Authors: M.J. Jee
ICL is believed to originate from the stars stripped from cluster galaxies. They are no longer gravitationally bound to individual galaxies, but to the cluster, and their smooth distribution potentially makes them serve as much denser tracers of the cluster dark matter than the sparsely distributed cluster galaxies. We present our study of the ICL in Cl 0024+17 using both ACS and Subaru data, where we previously reported discovery of a ringlike dark matter structure with gravitational lensing. The ACS images provide much lower sky levels than ground data, and enable us to measure relative variation of surface brightness reliably. This analysis is repeated with the Subaru images to examine if consistent features are recovered despite different reduction scheme and instrumental characteristics. We find that the ICL profile clearly resembles the peculiar mass profile, which stops decreasing at r~50" (~265 kpc) and slowly increases until it turns over at r~75" (~397 kpc). This feature is seen in both ACS and Subaru images for nearly all available passband images while the features are stronger in red filters. The consistency across different filters and instruments strongly rules out the possibility that the feature might come from any residual, uncorrected calibration errors. In addition, our re-analysis of the cluster X-ray data shows that the peculiar mass structure is also indicated by a non-negligible bump in the intracluster gas profile when the geometric center of the dark matter ring, not the peak of the X-ray emission, is chosen as the center of the radial bin. The location of the gas ring is closer to the center by ~15" (~80 kpc), raising an interesting possibility that the ring-like structure is expanding and the gas ring is lagging behind perhaps because of the ram pressure if both features in mass and gas share the same dynamical origin.
An attractor for dark matter structures
Cosmological simulations of dark matter structures have identified a set of universal profiles, and similar characteristics have been seen in non-cosmological simulations. It has therefore been speculated whether these profiles of collisionless systems relate to accretion and merger history, or if there is an attractor for the dark matter systems. Here we identify such a 1-dimensional attractor in the 3-dimensional space spanned by the 2 radial slopes of the density and velocity dispersion, and the velocity anisotropy. This attractor effectively removes one degree of freedom from the Jeans equation. It also allows us to speculate on a new fluid interpretation for the Jeans equation, with an effective polytropic index for the dark matter particles between 1/2 and 3/4. If this attractor solution holds for other collisionless structures, then it may hold the key to break the mass-anisotropy degeneracy, which presently prevents us from measuring the mass profiles in dwarf galaxies uniquely.
A new approach to reconstruction methods in $f(R)$ gravity
We present a new approach of the reconstruction method based on the use of the cosmic parameters instead of a time law for the scale factor. This allows the derivation and analysis of a set of new non-trivial cosmological solutions for $f(R)$-gravity. A number of simple examples are given.
Chameleon Cosmology Model Describing the Phantom Divide Line Crossing
An exact solution describing the evolution of the type Bang-to-Rip with the phantom divide line crossing is constructed in the Chameleon cosmology model, based on two independent functions of the scalar field.
Constraints on the neutrino mass and the primordial magnetic field from the matter density fluctuation parameter $\sigma_8$
We have made an analysis of limits on the neutrino mass based upon the formation of large-scale structure in the presence of a primordial magnetic field. We find that a new upper bound on the neutrino mass is possible based upon fits to the cosmic microwave background and matter power spectrum when the existing independent constraints on the matter density fluctuation parameter $\sigma_8$ and the primordial magnetic field are taken into account.

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