A new approach for doing theoretical and numeric work with Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models
Authors: Roberto A Sussman
We introduce quasi-local integral scalar variables for the study of spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models. Besides providing a covariant, and theoretically appealing, interpretation for the parameters of these models, these variables allow us to study their dynamics (in their full generality) by means of fluid flow evolution equations that can be handled with simple numerical techniques and has a significant potential for astrophysical and cosmological applications. These evolution equations can also be understood in the framework of a gauge invariant and covariant formalism of spherical non-linear perturbations on a FLRW background. The covariant time splitting associated with the new variables leads, in a natural way, to rephrase the known analytic solutions within an initial value framework in which covariant scalars are given by simple scaling laws. By using this re-parametrization of the analytic solutions, we re-examine and provide an alternative outlook to various theoretical issues already treated in the literature: regularity conditions, an Omega parameter, as well as the fitting of a given LTB model to radial profiles of density or velocity at different cosmic times. Other theoretical issues and numeric applications will be examined in separate articles
The post-Minkowskian limit of f(R)-gravity
Authors: S. Capozziello, A. Stabile, A. Troisi
We formally discuss the post-Minkowskian limit of $f(R)$-gravity without adopting conformal transformations but developing all the calculations in the original Jordan frame. It is shown that such an approach gives rise, in general, together with the standard massless graviton, to massive scalar modes whose masses are directly related to the analytic parameters of the theory. In this sense, the presence of massless gravitons only is a peculiar feature of General Relativity. This fact is never stressed enough and could have dramatic consequences in detection of gravitational waves. Finally the role of curvature stress-energy tensor of $f(R)$-gravity is discussed showing that it generalizes the so called Landau-Lifshitz tensor of General Relativity. The further degrees of freedom, giving rise to the massive modes, are directly related to the structure of such a tensor.
Probing the cosmic acceleration from combinations of different data sets
Authors: Yungui Gong, Bin Wang, Rong-gen Cai
We examine in some detail the influence of the systematics in different data sets including type Ia supernova sample, baryon acoustic oscillation data and the cosmic microwave background information on the fitting results of the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization. We find that the systematics in the data sets does influence the fitting results and leads to different evolutional behavior of dark energy. To check the versatility of Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization, we also perform the analysis on the Wetterich parametrization of dark energy. The results show that both the parametrization of dark energy and the systematics in data sets influence the evolutional behavior of dark energy.
Averaging in cosmological models
Authors: Alan Coley
The averaging problem in cosmology is of considerable importance for the correct interpretation of cosmological data. We review cosmological observations and discuss some of the issues regarding averaging. We present a precise definition of a cosmological model and a rigorous mathematical definition of averaging, based entirely in terms of scalar invariants.
New Nuclear Waste Battery Can Run For 5000 Years
12 hours ago
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