After a couple of new year holidays the ariXv is online!!!
witha bunch of papers about the latest exoplanet discovery of Kepler . Beside thier papers in astro the below articles seems relevant:
*Inverse problem - reconstruction of dark energy models
Shin'ichi Nojiri
We review how we can construct the gravity models which reproduces the arbitrary development of the universe. We consider the reconstruction in the Einstein gravity coupled with generalized perfect fluid, scalar-Einstein gravity, scalar-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Einstein-$F(G)$-gravity, and $F(R)$-gravity. Very explicit formulas are given to reconstruct the models, which could be used when we find the detailed data of the development of the universe by future observations. Especially we find the formulas using e-foldings, which has a direct relation with observed redshift. As long as we observe the time development of the Hubble rate $H$, there exists a variety of models describing the arbitrary development of universe.
*Higher Dimensional Dark Energy Investigation with Variable $\Lambda$ and $G$
Authors: Utpal Mukhopadhyay, Partha Pratim Ghosh, Saibal Ray
Time variable $\Lambda$ and $G$ are studied here under a phenomenological model of $\Lambda$ through an ($n+2$) dimensional analysis. The relation of Zeldovich (1968) $\Lambda = 8\pi G^2m_p^6/h^4$ between $\Lambda$ and $G$ is employed here, where $m_p$ is the proton mass and $h$ is Planck's constant. In the present investigation some key issues of modern cosmology, viz. the age problem, the amount of variation of $G$ and the nature of expansion of the Universe have been addressed.
*Cosmic perturbations with running G and Lambda
Authors: Javier Grande, Joan Sola, Julio C. Fabris, Ilya L. Shapiro
Cosmologies with running cosmological term (Lambda) and gravitational Newton's coupling (G) may naturally be expected if the evolution of the universe can ultimately be derived from the first principles of Quantum Field Theory or String Theory. In this paper, we derive the general cosmological perturbation equations for models with variable G and Lambda in which the fluctuations in both variables are explicitly included. We demonstrate that, if matter is covariantly conserved, the late growth of matter density perturbations is independent of the wavenumber. Furthermore, if Lambda is negligible at high redshifts and G varies slowly, we find that these cosmologies produce a matter power spectrum with the same shape as that of the concordance LCDM model, thus predicting the same basic features on structure formation. Despite this shape indistinguishability, the free parameters of the variable G and Lambda models can still be effectively constrained from the observational bounds on the spectrum amplitude.
* Dark Matter: The evidence from astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology
Authors: Matts Roos
Dark matter has been introduced to explain many independent gravitational effects at different astronomical scales, in galaxies, groups of galaxies, clusters, superclusters and even across the full horizon. This review describes the accumulated astronomical, astrophysical, and cosmological evidence for dark matter. It is written at a non-specialist level and intended for an audience with little or only partial knowledge of astrophysics or cosmology.
New Nuclear Waste Battery Can Run For 5000 Years
23 hours ago
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