The dark matter enclosed in a density perturbation with a large initial amplitude (delta-rho/rho > 1e-3) collapses shortly after recombination and forms an ultracompact minihalo (UCMH). Their high central densities make UCMHs especially suitable for detection via astrometric microlensing: as the UCMH moves, it changes the apparent position of background stars. A UCMH with a mass larger than a few solar masses can produce a distinctive astrometric microlensing signal that is detectable by the space astrometry mission Gaia. If Gaia does not detect gravitational lensing by any UCMHs, then it establishes an upper limit on their abundance and constrains the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum for k~3500 Mpc^{-1}. These constraints complement the upper bound on the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum derived from limits on gamma-ray emission from UCMHs because the astrometric microlensing signal produced by an UCMH is maximized if the dark-matter annihilation rate is too low to affect the UCMH's density profile. If dark matter annihilation within UCMHs is not detectable, a search for UCMHs by Gaia could constrain the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum to be less than 1e-5; this bound is three orders of magnitude stronger than the bound derived from the absence of primordial black holes.
Cores in warm dark matter haloes: a Catch 22 problem The free streaming of warm dark matter particles dampens the fluctuation spectrum, flattens the mass function of haloes and imprints a fine grained phase density limit for dark matter structures. The phase space density limit is expected to imprint a constant density core at the halo center on the contrary to what happens for cold dark matter. We explore these effects using high resolution simulations of structure formation in different warm dark matter scenarios. We find that the size of the core we obtain in simulated haloes is in good agreement with theoretical expectations based on Liouville's theorem. However, our simulations show that in order to create a significant core, (r_c~1 kpc), in a dwarf galaxy (M~1e10 Msun), a thermal candidate with a mass as low as 0.1 keV is required. This would fully prevent the formation of the dwarf galaxy in the first place. For candidates satisfying large scale structure constrains (m_wdm larger than 1-2 keV) the expected size of the core is of the order of 40 (80) pc for a dark matter halo with a mass of 1e10 (1e8) Msun. We conclude that "standard" warm dark matter is not viable solution for explaining the presence of cored density profiles in low mass galaxies.
| arXiv:1202.1284v1
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