Saturday, May 28, 2011

arXiv: 25 May 2011

Dark halo mass function in a prescribed spherical host perturbation - Press-Schechter theory with statistical constraints

Here proposed a modification of the Press-Schechter theory allowing for the presence of a host density perturbation - host halo or void. The perturbation is accounted as statistical constraints in a form of linear functionals of the random overdensity field. Deviation of the background density within perturbation is interpreted in a pseudo-cosmological sense. Resulting mass function of sub-haloes depends on the perturbation parameters: its mean overdensity, spatial scale, and spatial momenta of higher orders. Applications of the theory to superclusters, voids and bias problem are briefly observed. In its present form, the theory can describe the clustering properties of sub-haloes inside a non-virialized host only. Possible fix of this drawback is also discussed.

A parametrization of the growth index of matter perturbations in various Dark Energy models and observational prospects using the EUCLID survey

We provide exact solutions to the cosmological matter perturbation equation in a homogeneous FLRW universe with a vacuum energy that can be parametrized with a variable equation of state parameter $w(a)=w_0+w_a(1-a)$. We compute the growth index $\gamma=\log f(a)/\log\Om_m(a)$, and its redshift dependence, using the exact solutions in terms of Legendre polynomials and show that it can be parametrized as $\gamma(a)=\gamma_0+\gamma_a(1-a)$. We then compare four different types of dark energy (DE) models: $w\Lambda$CDM, DGP, $f(R)$ and a LTB-large-void model, which have very different behaviors at $z\gsim1$. This allows us to study the possibility to differentiate between different DE alternatives using wide and deep surveys like EUCLID, which will measure both photometric and spectroscopic redshifts for several hundreds of millions of galaxies up to redshift $z\simeq 2$. We do a Fisher matrix analysis for the prospects of differentiating among the different DE models in terms of the growth index, taken as a given function of redshift or with a principal component analysis, with a value for each redshift bin. We use as observables the complete and marginalized power spectrum of galaxies $P(k)$ and the Weak Lensing (WL) power spectrum. We find that, using $P(k)$, one can reach (2%, 5%) errors in $(w_0, w_a)$, and (4%, 12%) errors in $(\gamma_0, \gamma_a)$, while using WL we get errors at least twice as large. These estimates allow us to differentiate easily between DGP, $f(R)$ models and $\Lambda$CDM, while it would be more difficult to distinguish the latter from a variable equation of state parameter or LTB models using only the growth index.

Chaotic inflation in modified gravitational theories

We study chaotic inflation in the context of modified gravitational theories. Our analysis covers models based on (i) a field coupling $\omega(\phi)$ with the kinetic energy $X$ and a nonmimimal coupling $\zeta \phi^{2} R/2$ with a Ricci scalar $R$, (ii) Brans-Dicke (BD) theories, (iii) Gauss-Bonnet (GB) gravity, and (iv) gravity with a Galileon correction. Dilatonic coupling with the kinetic energy and/or negative nonminimal coupling are shown to lead to compatibility with observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies for the self-coupling inflaton potential $V(\phi)=\lambda \phi^{4}/4$. BD theory with a quadratic inflaton potential, which covers Starobinsky's $f(R)$ model $f(R)=R+R^{2}/(6M^{2})$ with the BD parameter $\omega_{BD}=0$, gives rise to a smaller tensor-to-scalar ratio for decreasing $\omega_{BD}$. In the presence of a GB term coupled to the field $\phi$, we express the scalar/tensor spectral indices $n_{s}$ and $n_{t}$ as well as the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ in terms of two slow-roll parameters and place bounds on the strength of the GB coupling from the joint data analysis of WMAP 7yr combined with other observations. We also study the Galileon-like self-interaction $\Phi(\phi) X \square\phi$ with exponential coupling $\Phi(\phi) \propto e^{\mu\phi}$. Using a CMB likelihood analysis we put bounds on the strength of the Galileon coupling and show that the self coupling potential can in fact be made compatible with observations in the presence of the exponential coupling with $\mu>0$.

Affleck-Dine Cogenesis

We propose a novel framework in which the observed baryon and dark matter abundances are simultaneously generated via the Affleck-Dine mechanism. In its simplest realization, Affleck-Dine cogenesis is accomplished by a single superpotential operator and its A-term counterpart. These operators explicitly break B-L and X, the dark matter number, to the diagonal B-L+X. In the early universe these operators stabilize supersymmetric flat directions carrying non-zero B-L and X, and impart the requisite CP violation for asymmetry generation. Because B-L+X is preserved, the resulting B-L and X asymmetries are equal and opposite, though this precise relation may be relaxed if B-L and X are violated separately by additional operators. Our dark matter candidate is stabilized by R-parity and acquires an asymmetric abundance due to its non-zero X number. For a dark matter mass of order a few GeV, one naturally obtains the observed ratio of energy densities today, Omega_{DM}/Omega_B \sim 5. These theories typically predict macroscopic lifetimes for the lightest observable supersymmetric particle as it decays to the dark matter.

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