Speaker:Paul Groot
Affiliation:University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Title: Gravitational wave sources and the (future) use of the La Palma telescopes
Date: 9 February 2011
Place: ING+NOT Astro-seminar- Santa Cruz-La Palma- Spain
Abstract:The gravitational wave domain remains the last completely unopened window on the Universe. Ground-based high frequency detectors are already operational, but lack known sources. The low-frequency domain will be opened by the LISA space interferometer. The only known LISA sources are ultracompact white dwarf binaries. In a campaign involving many of theLa Palma telescopes we are uncovering and characterizing the Galacticpopulation of these ultracompact binaries, with orbital periods as shortas 5.6 minutes. In the talk I will give an overview of the current state of affairs, our use of the La Palma telescopes, and the (possible) future (combined) use of the telescopes.
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