Friday, October 22, 2010

arXiv: 21 October 2010

The peculiar velocity field: constraining the tilt of the Universe
A large bulk flow, which is in tension with the Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmological model, has been observed \cite{Watkins08,Feldman09}. In this letter, we provide a physical explanation for this very large bulk flow, based on the assumption that the cosmic microwave background (CMB) rest frame does not coincide with the matter rest frame, resulting in a "tilted Universe". We propose a model that takes into account the relative velocity of CMB frame with respect to to the matter rest frame (hereafter tilted velocity), and use Type Ia Supernovae (SN), ENEAR, SFI++, SMAC, and COMPOSITE galaxy catalogues to constrain this tilted velocity.
We find that: (1) the magnitude of the tilted velocity $u$ is around 400 km/s, and its direction is close to what is found by \cite{Watkins08}; for SN, SMAC and COMPOSITE catalogues, $u=0$ is excluded at the two to three sigma level; (2) the constraints on the magnitude of the tilted velocity can result in the constraints on the duration of inflation, due to the fact that inflation can neither be too long (no dipole effect) nor too short (very large dipole effect); (3) under certain assumptions, the constraints on the tilted velocity requires that inflation lasts at least 6 e-folds longer than that required to solve the horizon problem. This opens a new window for testing inflation and the models of the early Universe from observations of large scale structure.
A Testable Solution of the Cosmological Constant and Coincidence Problems
We present a new solution to the cosmological constant (CC) and coincidence problems in which the observed value of the CC, Lambda, is linked to other observable properties of the universe. This is achieved by promoting the CC from a parameter which must to specified, to a field which can take many possible values. The observed value of Lambda = 1/(9.3 Gyrs)^2 (~ 10^(-120) in Planck units) is determined by a new constraint equation which follows from the application of a causally restricted variation principle. When applied to our visible universe, the model makes a testable prediction for the dimensionless spatial curvature of Omega_K0 = -0.0056 (s_b/0.5); where s_b ~ 1/2 is a QCD parameter. Requiring that a classical history exist, our model determines the probability of observing a given Lambda. The observed CC value, which we successfully predict, is typical within our model even before the effects of anthropic selection are included. When anthropic selection effects are accounted for, we find that the observed coincidence between t_Lambda = Lambda^(-1/2) and the age of the universe, t_{U}, is a typical occurrence in our model. In contrast to multiverse explanations of the CC problems, our solution is independent of the choice of a prior weighting of different Lambda-values and does not rely on anthropic selection effects. Our model includes no unnatural small parameters and does not require the introduction of new dynamical scalar fields or modifications to general relativity, and it can be tested by astronomical observations in the near future.

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