Wednesday, September 15, 2010

arXiv: 16 September 2010

Coherent Combination of BAO and Peculiar Velocity Measurements from Redshift Survey
Authors: Yong-Seon Song (KIAS, Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
New statistical method is proposed to coherently combine Baryon Acoustic Oscillation statistics (BAO) and peculiar velocity measurements exploiting decomposed density--density and velocity-velocity spectra in real space from the observed redshift distortions in redshift space, 1) to achieve stronger dark energy constraints, sigma(w)=0.06 and sigma(w_a)=0.20, which are enhanced from BAO or velocity measurements alone, and 2) to cross-check consistency of dark energy constraints from two different approaches; BAO as geometrical measurements and peculiar velocity as large scale structure formation observables. In addition to those advantages, as power spectra decomposition procedure is free from uncertainty of galaxy bias, this simultaneous fitting is an optimal method to extract cosmological parameters without any pre-assumption about galaxy bias.


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