Tuesday, March 23, 2010

arXiv: 17 Mar 2010

Constraints on Perturbative f(R) Gravity via Neutron Stars
Authors: A. Savas Arapoglu, Cemsinan Deliduman, K. Yavuz Eksi
We study the structure of neutron stars in perturbative f(R) gravity models with realistic equations of state. We obtain the mass-radius relation in gravity models of the form f(R)=R+\alpha R^2 and f(R)=R+\beta R^3. Using the recent observational constraints on the mass-radius relation, we find that \alpha \lesssim 10^{10} cm^{2} and \beta \lesssim 10^{21} cm^{4}. This implies, for such gravity models, that deviations from Einstein's general relativity in the strong gravity regime should be within a curvature scale of 10^{-10} cm^{-2}.

Wiggles in the cosmic microwave background radiation: echoes from non-singular cyclic-inflation
Authors: Tirthabir Biswas, Anupam Mazumdar, Arman Shafieloo
In this paper we consider a unique model of inflation where the universe undergoes rapid asymmetric oscillations, each cycle lasting millions of Planck time. Over many-many cycles the space-time expands to mimic the standard inflationary scenario. Moreover, these rapid oscillations leave a distinctive periodic signature in ln(k) in the primordial power spectrum, where k denotes the comoving scale. The best fit parameters of the cyclic-inflation model provides a very good fit to the 7-year WMAP data.

Cosmological backreaction
Authors: Dominik J. Schwarz
This work summarises some of the attempts to explain the phenomenon of dark energy as an effective description of complex gravitational physics and the proper interpretation of observations. Cosmological backreaction has been shown to be relevant for observational (precision) cosmology, nevertheless no convincing explanation of dark energy by means of backreaction has been given so far.

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