In the latest issue of Nature Physics Nature Physics 5, 89 - 90 (2009) ,there is a review article about the asymmetric universe by David Wands /
David Wands is at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Dennis Sciama Building, Burnaby Road, Portsmouth PO1 3FX, UK. /
Wand in this review article describe about the temperature anisotropies asymmetry seen in WMAP5 years data accordig to two hemispheres of CMB sky.Then he concluded that lately with the launch of Planck satellite and more accurate data about this asymmetry will force us to revise and change our inflationary models.
This is because the simplest one field inflation model produce a homogeneous temperature fluctuation,which in this case it is not satisfied.
Anyhow new observations may bring us to asymmetric universe.
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