It is about a year that in our physics department in Sharif university, each Tuesday held a seminar among the three active theoretical groups of department.
1)Particle physics 2)Cosmology 3)Conformal field theory group
The idea and the motivation of seminars is nice:it is to be connected and aware of the work of each other.Last Tuesday particle group talk about really complex subject.I want to respell the ideas of it in order to have a snapshot of this.
The talk is given by Mohsen Alishahia and is about about Ads/CFT correspondence more vastly Anti de sitter space/Conformal field theory correspondence which is also called after Maldacena the Argentinian physicists MAldacena duality.What is all about?
The theory shows that the string theory in a Anti desitter space plus a sphere or orbifold is physically equivalent to a conformal field theory with out gravity defined in its boundary.
It seems complicated anyhow it is interesting because of presenting a way to solve the quantum gravity theory and also it is inspired by the holographic principle which claim that you can extract the physics of a volume from its boundary.Holographic principle is a a speculative idea about quantum gravity originally proposed by Gerard 't Hooft and improved and promoted by Leonard Susskind.
Finally the lecturer imposed the probability that maybe this correspondence first of all can be used to describe the gravitational effects on inflationary models.
Let me show up some important papers on this genius work.
Reminding you that In about five years, Maldacena's article had 3000 citations and became one of the most important conceptual breakthroughs in theoretical physics of the 1990s, providing stark new insight into both quantum gravity and QCD.
1)Maldacena, The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity, arΧiv:hep-th/9711200.
2)Witten, Anti-de Sitter Space and Holography, arΧiv:hep-th/9802150.
3)Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov, Gauge Theory Correlators from Non-Critical String Theory, arΧiv:hep-th/9802109.
4)Aharony et al, Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity, arΧiv:hep-th/9905111.
AdS/CFT correspondence on arxiv.org.
2)Witten, Anti-de Sitter Space and Holography, arΧiv:hep-th/9802150.
3)Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov, Gauge Theory Correlators from Non-Critical String Theory, arΧiv:hep-th/9802109.
4)Aharony et al, Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity, arΧiv:hep-th/9905111.
AdS/CFT correspondence on arxiv.org.
it was really nice to know what is going on in Sharif! :-) I haven't heard the name of Maldacena! that is very interesting that beside football, tha argentinians have also a physicist with a paper with 3000 citations!!! :D:D:D unfortuanately you haven't written the name of the lecturer! ;-)
i have checked the number of citations on citebase.org right now! there are 4900 citations!!! wow!!!
Dera Dvin.Thanks for your encoureging comments.I added the name of lecturer.
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