Couple of days ago Niayesh Afshordi from Perimeter Institute visited to Sharif university of technology, physics department.He had a talk about primordial non Gausianity in cosmology.It seems that will be interesting and hot topic of research in upcoming decade, because of new and exact experiments that we will have.
This is the title and abstract of his talk.
Title: Primordial non-gaussianity in cosmology
Abstract: "Modern cosmological observations seem to indicate that theinitial conditions of the universe obey gaussian statistics withremarkable accuracy, as predicted by simple inflationary models.Nevertheless, any possible signature of primordial non-gaussianity will provide a unique window into physics of the very early universe. In this talk, I will outline the various ways through which these signatures could be observed, and what they may imply for the early universe physics. Inparticular, I will talk about recent developments that show primordialnon-gaussianity will affect large scale structure of galaxy distribution significatntly, and already provides comparable constraints to the cosmicmicrowavebackground anisotropies."
Abstract: "Modern cosmological observations seem to indicate that theinitial conditions of the universe obey gaussian statistics withremarkable accuracy, as predicted by simple inflationary models.Nevertheless, any possible signature of primordial non-gaussianity will provide a unique window into physics of the very early universe. In this talk, I will outline the various ways through which these signatures could be observed, and what they may imply for the early universe physics. Inparticular, I will talk about recent developments that show primordialnon-gaussianity will affect large scale structure of galaxy distribution significatntly, and already provides comparable constraints to the cosmicmicrowavebackground anisotropies."
Article of Niayesh about primordial non gusianity:
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