Thursday, October 7, 2010

arXiv: 7 October 2010

f(T) gravity and local Lorentz invariance
We show that in theories of generalised teleparallel gravity, whose Lagrangians are algebraic functions of the usual teleparallel Lagrangian, the action and the field equations are not invariant under local Lorentz transformations. We also argue that these theories appear to have extra degrees of freedom with respect to general relativity. Both of these facts appear to have been overlooked but are crucial for assessing the viability of these theories as alternative explanations for the acceleration of the universe.
Statistical Classification Techniques for Photometric Supernova Typing
Future photometric supernova surveys will produce vastly more candidates than can be followed up spectroscopically, highlighting the need for effective classification methods based on lightcurves alone. Here we introduce boosting and kernel density estimation techniques which have minimal astrophysical input, and compare their performance on 20,000 simulated Dark Energy Survey lightcurves. We demonstrate that these methods are comparable to the best template fitting methods currently used, and in particular do not require the redshift of the host galaxy or candidate. However both methods require a training sample that is representative of the full population, so typical spectroscopic supernova subsamples will lead to poor performance. To enable the full potential of such blind methods, we recommend that representative training samples should be used and so specific attention should be given to their creation in the design phase of future photometric surveys.
The Accelerating Universe
Authors: Dragan Huterer (University of Michigan)
In this article we review the discovery of the accelerating universe using type Ia supernovae. We then outline ways in which dark energy - component that causes the acceleration - is phenomenologically described. We finally describe principal cosmological techniques to measure large-scale properties of dark energy. This chapter complements other articles in this book that describe theoretical understanding (or lack thereof) of the cause for the accelerating universe.

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