Monday, October 4, 2010

arXiv: 4 October 2010

Post-Decadal White Paper: A Dual-Satellite Dark-Energy/Microlensing NASA-ESA Mission
Authors: Andrew Gould
A confluence of scientific, financial, and political factors imply that launching two simpler, more narrowly defined dark-energy/microlensing satellites will lead to faster, cheaper, better (and more secure) science than the present EUCLID and WFIRST designs. The two satellites, one led by ESA and the other by NASA, would be explicitly designed to perform complementary functions of a single, dual-satellite dark-energy/microlensing ``mission''. One would be a purely optical wide-field camera, with large format and small pixels, optimized for weak-lensing, which because of its simple design, could be launched by ESA on relatively short timescales. The second would be a purely infrared satellite with marginally-sampled or under-sampled pixels, launched by NASA. Because of budget constraints, this would be launched several years later. The two would complement one another in 3 dark energy experiments (weak lensing, baryon oscillations, supernovae) and also in microlensing planet searches. Signed international agreements would guarantee the later NASA launch, and on this basis equal access of both US and European scientists to both data sets.
 Testing Modified Gravity with Gravitational Wave Astronomy
The emergent area of gravitational wave astronomy promises to provide revolutionary discoveries in the areas of astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. One of the most exciting possibilities is to use gravitational-wave observations to test alternative theories of gravity. In this contribution we describe how to use observations of extreme-mass-ratio inspirals by the future Laser Interferometer Space Antenna to test a particular class of theories: Chern-Simons modified gravity.


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