Friday, June 4, 2010

arXiv: 4 June 2010

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in 2D: Modeling Redshift-space Power Spectrum from Perturbation Theory
We present an improved prescription for matter power spectrum in redshift space taking a proper account of both the non-linear gravitational clustering and redshift distortion, which are of particular importance for accurately modeling baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs). Contrary to the models of redshift distortion phenomenologically introduced but frequently used in the literature, the new model includes the corrections arising from the non-linear coupling between the density and velocity fields associated with two competitive effects of redshift distortion, i.e., Kaiser and Finger-of-God effects. Based on the improved treatment of perturbation theory for gravitational clustering, we compare our model predictions with monopole and quadrupole power spectra of N-body simulations, and an excellent agreement is achieved over the scales of BAOs. Potential impacts on constraining dark energy and modified gravity from the redshift-space power spectrum are also investigated based on the Fisher-matrix formalism. We find that the existing phenomenological models of redshift distortion produce a systematic error on measurements of the angular diameter distance and Hubble parameter by 1~2%, and the growth rate parameter by ~5%, which would become non-negligible for future galaxy surveys. Correctly modeling redshift distortion is thus essential, and the new prescription of redshift-space power spectrum including the non-linear corrections can be used as an accurate theoretical template for anisotropic BAOs.
Effects of cosmological model assumptions on galaxy redshift survey measurements
The clustering of galaxies observed in future redshift surveys will provide a wealth of cosmological information. Matching the signal at different redshifts constrains the dark energy driving the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. In tandem with these geometrical constraints, redshift-space distortions (RSD) depend on the build up of large-scale structure. As pointed out by many authors measurements of these effects are intrinsically coupled. We investigate this link, and argue that it strongly depends on the cosmological assumptions adopted when analysing data. Using representative assumptions for the parameters of the "Euclid" survey in order to provide a baseline future experiment, we show how the derived constraints change due to different model assumptions. We argue that even the assumption of a Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) space-time is sufficient to reduce the importance of the coupling to a significant degree. Taking this idea further, we consider how the data would actually be analysed and argue that we should not expect to be able to simultaneously constrain multiple deviations from the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. We therefore consider different possible ways in which the Universe could deviate from the $\Lambda$CDM model, and show how the coupling between geometrical constraints and structure growth affects the measurement of such deviations.
The Sphericalization of Dark Matter Halos by Galaxy Disks
Authors: Stelios Kazantzidis (CCAPP/OSU), Mario G. Abadi (U.Cordoba), Julio F. Navarro (U.Victoria)
Cosmological simulations indicate that cold dark matter (CDM) halos should be triaxial. Verifying observationally this theoretical prediction is, however, less than straightforward because the assembly of galaxies is expected to modify the halo shapes and to render them more axisymmetric. We use a suite of N-body simulations to investigate quantitatively the effect of the growth of a central disk galaxy on the shape of triaxial dark matter halos. As expected, the halo responds to the presence of the disk by becoming more spherical. The net effect depends only weakly on the orientation of the disk relative to the halo principal axes or the timescale of disk assembly, but strongly on the overall gravitational importance of the disk. Our results show that exponential disks whose contribution peaks at less than ~50% of their circular velocity are unable to modify noticeably the shape of the gravitational potential of their surrounding halos. Many dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies are expected to be in this regime, and therefore their detailed kinematics could be used to probe halo triaxiality, one of the basic predictions of the CDM paradigm. We argue that the complex disk kinematics of the dwarf galaxy NGC 2976 might be the reflection of a triaxial halo. Such signatures of halo triaxiality should be common in galaxies where the luminous component is subdominant.

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