Tuesday, June 5, 2012

arXiv: 5 June 2012

 Relativistic virialization in the Spherical Collapse model for Einstein-de Sitter and ΛCDM cosmologies
Spherical collapse has turned out to be a successful semi-analytic model to study structure formation in different DE models and theories of gravity. Nevertheless, the process of virialization is commonly studied on the basis of the virial theorem of classical mechanics. In the present paper, a fully generally-relativistic virial theorem based on the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) solution for homogeneous, perfect-fluid spheres is constructed for the Einstein-de Sitter and \Lambda CDM cosmologies. We investigate the accuracy of classical virialization studies on cosmological scales and consider virialization from a more fundamental point of view. Throughout, we remain within general relativity and the class of FLRW models. The virialization equation is set up and solved numerically for the virial radius, y_{vir}, from which the virial overdensity \Delta_{V} is directly obtained. Leading order corrections in the post-Newtonian framework are derived and quantified. In addition, problems in the application of this formalism to dynamical DE models are pointed out and discussed explicitly. We show that, in the weak field limit, the relative contribution of the leading order terms of the post-Newtonian expansion are of the order of 10^{-3}% and the solution of Wang & Steinhardt (1998) is precisely reproduced. Apart from the small corrections, the method could provide insight into the process of virialization from a more fundamental point of view.
 Impact of a Warm Dark Matter late-time velocity dispersion on large-scale structures
 We investigate whether the late-time (at $z\leq 100$) velocity dispersion expected in Warm Dark Matter scenarios could have some effect on the cosmic web (i.e., outside of virialized halos). We consider effective hydrodynamical equations, with a pressure-like term that agrees at the linear level with the analysis of the Vlasov equation. Then, using analytical methods, based on perturbative expansions and the spherical dynamics, we investigate the impact of this term for a 1 keV dark matter particle. We find that the late-time velocity dispersion has a negligible effect on the power spectrum on perturbative scales and on the halo mass function. However, it has a significant impact on the probability distribution function of the density contrast at $z \sim 3$ on scales smaller than $0.1 h^{-1}$Mpc, which correspond to Lyman-$\alpha$ clouds. Finally, we note that numerical simulations should start at $z_i\geq 100$ rather than $z_i \leq 50$ to avoid underestimating gravitational clustering at low redshifts.
The Distribution of Mass in the Orion Dwarf Galaxy
 Dwarf galaxies are good candidates to investigate the nature of Dark Matter, because their kinematics are dominated by this component down to small galactocentric radii. We present here the results of detailed kinematic analysis and mass modelling of the Orion dwarf galaxy, for which we derive a high quality and high resolution rotation curve that contains negligible non-circular motions and we correct it for the asymmetric drift. Moreover, we leverage the proximity (D = 5.4 kpc) and convenient inclination (47{\deg}) to produce reliable mass models of this system. We find that the Universal Rotation Curve mass model (Freeman disk + Burkert halo + gas disk) fits the observational data accurately. In contrast, the NFW halo + Freeman disk + gas disk mass model is unable to reproduce the observed Rotation Curve, a common outcome in dwarf galaxies. Finally, we attempt to fit the data with a MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) prescription. With the present data and with the present assumptions on distance, stellar mass, constant inclination and reliability of the gaseous mass, the MOND "amplification" of the baryonic component appears to be too small to mimic the required "dark component". The Orion dwarf reveals a cored DM density distribution and a possible tension between observations and the canonical MOND formalism.
Gravitational Collapse in One Dimension
 We simulate the evolution of one-dimensional gravitating collisionless systems from non- equilibrium initial conditions, similar to the conditions that lead to the formation of dark- matter halos in three dimensions. As in the case of 3D halo formation we find that initially cold, nearly homogeneous particle distributions collapse to approach a final equilibrium state with a universal density profile. At small radii, this attractor exhibits a power-law behavior in density, {\rho}(x) \propto |x|^(-{\gamma}_crit), {\gamma}_crit \simeq 0.47, slightly but significantly shallower than the value {\gamma} = 1/2 suggested previously. This state develops from the initial conditions through a process of phase mixing and violent relaxation. This process preserves the energy ranks of particles. By warming the initial conditions, we illustrate a cross-over from this power-law final state to a final state containing a homogeneous core. We further show that inhomogeneous but cold power-law initial conditions, with initial exponent {\gamma}_i > {\gamma}_crit, do not evolve toward the attractor but reach a final state that retains their original power-law behavior in the interior of the profile, indicating a bifurcation in the final state as a function of the initial exponent. Our results rely on a high-fidelity event-driven simulation technique

arXiv: 4 June 2012

 The satellites of the Milky Way - Insights from semi-analytic modelling in a LambdaCDM cosmology
 We combine the six high-resolution Aquarius dark matter simulations with a semi-analytic galaxy formation model to investigate the properties of the satellites of Milky Way-like galaxies. We find good correspondence with the observed luminosity function, luminosity-metallicity relation and radial distribution of the Milky Way satellites. The star formation histories of the dwarf galaxies in our model vary widely, in accordance with what is seen observationally. Ram-pressure stripping of hot gas from the satellites leaves a clear imprint of the environment on the characteristics of a dwarf galaxy. We find that the fraction of satellites dominated by old populations of stars matches observations well. However, the internal metallicity distributions of the model satellites appear to be narrower than observed. This may indicate limitations in our treatment of chemical enrichment, which is based on the instantaneous recycling approximation. Our model works best if the dark matter halo of the Milky Way has a mass of ~8 x 10^11 Msun, in agreement with the lower estimates from observations. The galaxy that resembles the Milky Way the most also has the best matching satellite luminosity function, although it does not contain an object as bright as the SMC or LMC. Compared to other semi-analytic models and abundance matching relations we find that central galaxies reside in less massive haloes, but the halo mass-stellar mass relation in our model is consistent both with hydrodynamical simulations and with recent observations.