On the origin of the angular momentum properties of gas and dark matter in galactic halos and its implications
We perform a set of non-radiative hydrodynamical simulations of merging spherical halos in order to understand the angular momentum (AM) properties of the galactic halos seen in cosmological simulations. The universal shape of AM distributions seen in simulations is found to be generically produced as a result of mergers. The universal shape is such that it has an excess of low AM material and hence cannot explain the exponential structure of disk galaxies. A resolution to this is suggested by the spatial distribution of low AM material which is found to be in the centre and a conical region close to the axis of rotation. A mechanism that preferentially discards the material in the centre and prevents the material along the poles from falling onto the disc is proposed as a solution. We implement a simple geometric criteria for selective removal of low AM material and show that in order for 90% of halos to host exponential discs one has to reject at least 40% of material. Next, we explore the physical mechanisms responsible for distributing the AM within the halo during a merger. For dark matter there is an inside-out transfer of AM, whereas for gas there is an outside-in transfer, which is due to differences between collisionless and gas dynamics. We also explain the apparent high spin of dark matter halos undergoing mergers and show that a criteria stricter than what is currently used, would be required to detect such unrelaxed halos. Finally, we demonstrate that the misalignment of AM between gas and dark matter only occurs when the intrinsic spins of the merging halos are not aligned with the orbital AM of the system. The self-misalignment (orientation of AM when measured in radial shells not being constant), which could be the cause of warps and anomalous rotation in disks galaxies, also occurs under similar conditions.
The Cosmological Constant Problem, Dark Energy, and the Landscape of String Theory
In this colloquium-level account, I describe the cosmological constant problem: why is the energy of empty space at least 60 orders of magnitude smaller than several known contributions to it from the Standard Model of particle physics? I explain why the "dark energy" responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe is almost certainly vacuum energy. The second half of the paper explores a more speculative subject. The vacuum landscape of string theory leads to a multiverse in which many different three-dimensional vacua coexist, albeit in widely separated regions. This can explain both the smallness of the observed vacuum energy and the coincidence that its magnitude is comparable to the present matter density.
Effective action approach to cosmological perturbations in dark energy and modified gravity
In light of upcoming observations modelling perturbations in dark en- ergy and modified gravity models has become an important topic of research. We develop an effective action to construct the components of the perturbed dark energy momentum tensor which appears in the perturbed generalized gravitational field equations, {\delta}G_{\mu\nu} = 8{\pi}G{\delta}T_{\mu\nu} + {\delta}U_{\mu\nu} for linearized perturbations. Our method does not require knowledge of the Lagrangian density of the dark sector to be provided, only its field content. The method is based on the fact that it is only necessary to specify the perturbed Lagrangian to quadratic order and couples this with the assumption of global statistical isotropy of spatial sections to show that the model can be specified completely in terms of a finite number of background dependent functions. We present our formalism in a coordinate independent fashion and provide explicit formulae for the perturbed conservation equation and the components of {\delta}U_{\mu\nu} for two explicit generic examples: (i) the dark sector does not contain extra fields, L = L(g_{\mu\nu}) and (ii) the dark sector contains a scalar field and its first derivative L = L(g_{\mu\nu}, {\phi}, \nabla_{\mu}{\phi}). We discuss how the formalism can be applied to modified gravity models containing derivatives of the metric, curvature tensors, higher derivatives of the scalar fields and vector fields.
Clustering Fossils from the Early Universe
Many inflationary theories introduce new scalar, vector, or tensor degrees of freedom that may then affect the generation of primordial density perturbations. Here we show how to search a galaxy (or 21-cm) survey for the imprint of primordial scalar, vector, and tensor fields. These new fields induce local departures to an otherwise statistically isotropic two-point correlation function, or equivalently, nontrivial four-point correlation functions (or trispectra, in Fourier space), that can be decomposed into scalar, vector, and tensor components. We write down the optimal estimators for these various components and show how the sensitivity to these modes depends on the galaxy-survey parameters. New probes of parity-violating early-Universe physics are also presented.
Gravitational Wave Heating of Stars and Accretion Disks
We investigate the electromagnetic (EM) counterpart of gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by a supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) through the viscous dissipation of the GW energy in an accretion disk and stars surrounding the SMBHB. We account for the suppression of the heating rate if the forcing period is shorter than the turnover time of the largest turbulent eddies. We find that the viscous heating luminosity in 0.1 solar mass stars can be significantly higher than their intrinsic luminosity. The relative brightening is small for accretion disks.
Thermal decoupling and the smallest subhalo mass in dark matter models with Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation rates
We consider dark matter consisting of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and revisit in detail its thermal evolution in the early universe, with a particular focus on models where the annihilation rate is enhanced by the Sommerfeld effect. After chemical decoupling, or freeze-out, dark matter no longer annihilates but is still kept in local thermal equilibrium due to scattering events with the much more abundant standard model particles. During kinetic decoupling, even these processes stop to be effective, which eventually sets the scale for a small-scale cutoff in the matter density fluctuations. Afterwards, the WIMP temperature decreases more quickly than the heat bath temperature, which causes dark matter to reenter an era of annihilation if the cross-section is enhanced by the Sommerfeld effect. Here, we give a detailed and self-consistent description of these effects. As an application, we consider the phenomenology of simple leptophilic models that have been discussed in the literature and find that the relic abundance can be affected by as much two orders of magnitude or more. We also compute the mass of the smallest dark matter subhalos in these models and find it to be in the range of about 10^{-10} to 10 solar masses; even much larger cutoff values are possible if the WIMPs couple to force carriers lighter than about 100 MeV. We point out that a precise determination of the cutoff mass allows to infer new limits on the model parameters, in particular from gamma-ray observations of galaxy clusters, that are highly complementary to existing constraints from g-2 or beam dump experiments.