Sunday, August 28, 2011

arXiv: 23 August 2011

Study of Thermodynamic Quantities in Generalized Gravity Theories

In this work, we have studied the thermodynamic quantities like temperature of the universe, heat capacity and squared speed of sound in generalized gravity theories like Brans-Dicke, Ho$\check{\text r}$ava-Lifshitz and $f(R)$ gravities. We have considered the universe filled with dark matter and dark energy. Also we have considered the equation of state parameters for open, closed and flat models. We have observed that in all cases the equation of state behaves like quintessence. The temperature and heat capacity of the universe are found to decrease with the expansion of the universe in all cases. In Brans-Dicke and $f(R)$ gravity theories the squared speed of sound is found to exhibit increasing behavior for open, closed and flat models and in Ho$\check{\text r}$ava-Lifshitz gravity theory it is found to exhibit decreasing behavior for open and closed models with the evolution of the universe. However, for flat universe, the squared speed of sound remains constant in Ho$\check{\text r}$ava-Lifshitz gravity.

Effective gravitational couplings for cosmological perturbations in the most general scalar-tensor theories with second-order field equations

In the Horndeski's most general scalar-tensor theories the equations of scalar density perturbations are derived in the presence of non-relativistic matter minimally coupled to gravity. Under a quasi-static approximation on sub-horizon scales we obtain the effective gravitational coupling $G_{eff}$ associated with the growth rate of matter perturbations as well as the effective gravitational potential $\Phi_{eff}$ relevant to the deviation of light rays. We then apply our formulas to a number of modified gravitational models of dark energy--such as those based on f(R) theories, Brans-Dicke theories, kinetic gravity braidings, covariant Galileons, and field derivative couplings with the Einstein tensor. Our results are useful to test the large-distance modification of gravity from the future high-precision observations of large-scale structure, weak lensing, and cosmic microwave background.

Monday, August 15, 2011

arXiv: 16 August 2011

Mach, the Universe, and Foundations of Mechanics

Barbour's response to our recent paper on "Mach's principle and higher-dimensional dynamics" describes an approach to Mach's principle in which the universe as a whole is involved in the definition of inertial frames of reference. Moreover, Barbour's theoretical procedure is in agreement with general relativity for a finite universe that is spatially closed. However, we prefer an operational approach that relies ultimately on observational data.

On Shear-free perturbations of f(R) gravity

Recently it was shown that if the matter congruence of a general relativistic perfect fluid flow in an almost FLRW universe is shear-free, then it must be either expansion or rotation-free. Here we generalize this result for a general f(R) theory of gravity and show there exist scenarios where this result can be avoided. This suggests that there are situations where linearized forth-order gravity shares properties with Newtonian theory not valid in General Relativity.

Cosmography in f(T)-gravity

Being based on the only assumption that the universe is homogenous and isotropic on large scales, cosmography is an ideal tool to investigate the cosmic expansion history in a almost model-independent way. Fitting the data on the luminosity distance and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations allows to determine the confidence ranges for the cosmographic parameters hence giving some quantitative constraints that a whatever theory has to fulfill. As an application, we consider here the case of teleparallel gravity (TEGR) also referred to as f(T)-gravity. To this end, we first work out analytical expressions to express the present day values of f(T)-derivatives as a function of the cosmographic parameters which hold under quite general and physically motivated conditions. We then use the constraints coming from cosmography to find out the confidence ranges for f(T)-derivatives up to the fifth order and show how these can be used to check the viability of given TEGR models without the need to explicitly solve the second order dynamic equations.

Can decaying modes save void models for acceleration?

The discovery of the unexpected dimness of Type Ia supernovae (SNe), apparently due to accelerated expansion driven by some form of dark energy or modified gravity, has led to attempts to explain the observations using only general relativity with baryonic and cold dark matter, but by dropping the standard assumption of homogeneity on Hubble scales. In particular, the SN data can be explained if we live near the centre of a Hubble-scale void. However, such void models have been shown to be inconsistent with various observations, assuming the void consists of a pure growing mode. Here it is shown that models with significant decaying mode contribution today can be ruled out on the basis of the expected cosmic microwave background spectral distortion. This esentially closes one of very few remaining loopholes in attempts to rule out void models, and strengthens the evidence for Hubble-scale homogeneity.

What can the detection of a single pair of circles-in-the-sky tell us about the geometry and topology of the Universe ?

In a Universe with a detectable nontrivial spatial topology the last scattering surface contains pairs of matching circles with the same distribution of temperature fluctuations --- the so-called circles-in-the-sky. Searches undertaken for nearly antipodal pairs of such circles in cosmic microwave background maps have so far been unsuccessful. Previously we had shown that the negative outcome of such searches, if confirmed, should in principle be sufficient to exclude a detectable non-trivial spatial topology for most observers in very nearly flat ($0<\mid\Omega_{\text{tot}}-1\mid \lesssim10^{-5}$) (curved) universes. More recently, however, we have shown that this picture is fundamentally changed if the universe turns out to be {\it exactly} flat. In this case there are many potential pairs of circles with large deviations from antipodicity that have not yet been probed by existing searches. Here we study under what conditions the detection of a single pair of circles-in-the-sky can be used to uniquely specify the topology and the geometry of the spatial section of the Universe. We show that from the detection of a \emph{single} pair of matching circles one can infer whether the spatial geometry is flat or not, and if so we show how to determine the topology (apart from one case) of the Universe using this information. An important additional outcome of our results is that the dimensionality of the circles-in-the-sky parameter space that needs to be spanned in searches for matching pair of circles is reduced from six to five degrees of freedom, with a significant reduction in the necessary computational time.

arXiv: 15 August 2011

The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: measuring the cosmic expansion history using the Alcock-Paczynski test and distant supernovae

Astronomical observations suggest that today's Universe is dominated by a dark energy of unknown physical origin. One of the most notable consequences in many models is that dark energy should cause the expansion of the Universe to accelerate: but the expansion rate as a function of time has proven very difficult to measure directly. We present a new determination of the cosmic expansion history by combining distant supernovae observations with a geometrical analysis of large-scale galaxy clustering within the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, using the Alcock-Paczynski test to measure the distortion of standard spheres. Our result constitutes a robust and non-parametric measurement of the Hubble expansion rate as a function of time, which we measure with 10-15% precision in four bins within the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.9. We demonstrate that the cosmic expansion is accelerating, in a manner independent of the parameterization of the cosmological model (although assuming cosmic homogeneity in our data analysis). Furthermore, we find that this expansion history is consistent with a cosmological-constant dark energy.

We present measurements of the baryon acoustic peak at redshifts z = 0.44, 0.6 and 0.73 in the galaxy correlation function of the final dataset of the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. We combine our correlation function with lower-redshift measurements from the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey and Sloan Digital Sky Survey, producing a stacked survey correlation function in which the statistical significance of the detection of the baryon acoustic peak is 4.9-sigma relative to a zero-baryon model with no peak. We fit cosmological models to this combined baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) dataset comprising six distance-redshift data points, and compare the results to similar fits to the latest compilation of supernovae (SNe) and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data. The BAO and SNe datasets produce consistent measurements of the equation-of-state w of dark energy, when separately combined with the CMB, providing a powerful check for systematic errors in either of these distance probes. Combining all datasets we determine w = -1.03 +/- 0.08 for a flat Universe, consistent with a cosmological constant model. Assuming dark energy is a cosmological constant and varying the spatial curvature, we find Omega_k = -0.004 +/- 0.006.

arXiv: 12 August 2011

A Method for Measuring (Slopes of) the Mass Profiles of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

We introduce a method for measuring the slopes of mass profiles within dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies directly from stellar spectroscopic data and without adopting a dark matter halo model. Our method combines two recent results: 1) spherically symmetric, equilibrium Jeans models imply that the product of halflight radius and (squared) stellar velocity dispersion provides an estimate of the mass enclosed within the halflight radius of a dSph stellar component, and 2) some dSphs have chemo-dynamically distinct stellar \textit{sub}components that independently trace the same gravitational potential. We devise a statistical method that uses measurements of stellar positions, velocities and spectral indices to distinguish two dSph stellar subcomponents and to estimate their individual halflight radii and velocity dispersions. For a dSph with two detected stellar subcomponents, we obtain estimates of masses enclosed at two discrete points in the same mass profile, immediately defining a slope. Applied to published spectroscopic data, our method distinguishes stellar subcomponents in the Fornax and Sculptor dSphs, for which we measure slopes $\Gamma\equiv \Delta \log M / \Delta \log r=2.61_{-0.37}^{+0.43}$ and $\Gamma=2.95_{-0.39}^{+0.51}$, respectively. These values are consistent with 'cores' of constant density within the central few-hundred parsecs of each galaxy and rule out `cuspy' NFW profiles ($d\log M/d\log r \leq 2$ at all radii) with significance $\ga 96%$ and $\ga 99%$, respectively. Tests with synthetic data indicate that our method tends systematically to overestimate the mass of the inner stellar subcomponent to a greater degree than that of the outer stellar subcomponent, and therefore to underestimate the slope $\Gamma$ (implying that the stated NFW exclusion levels are conservative).

Halo models in modified gravity theories with self-accelerated expansion

We investigate the structure of halos in the sDGP (self-accelerating branch of the Dvali-Gavadadze-Porrati braneworld gravity) model and the galileon modified gravity model on the basis of the static and spherically symmetric solutions of the collisionless Boltzmann equation, which reduce to the singular isothermal sphere model and the King model in the limit of Newtonian gravity. The common feature of these halos is that the density of a halo in the outer region is larger (smaller) in the sDGP (galileon) model, respectively, in comparison with Newtonian gravity. This comes from the suppression (enhancement) of the effective gravity at large distance in the sDGP (galileon) model, respectively. However, the difference between these modified gravity models and Newtonian gravity only appears outside the halo due to the Vainshtein mechanism, which makes it difficult to distinguish between them. We also discuss the case in which the halo density profile is fixed independently of the gravity model for comparison between our results and previous work.

Does Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation Conflict with LCDM?

The "baryonic" Tully-Fisher relation (BTFR) is an important observational constraint on cosmological and galactic models. However, the observed BTFR only accounts for stars, molecular, and atomic gas, while the contribution of ionized gas is almost universally missed. Comparison of such observations to theoretical predictions is, therefore, highly non-trivial, and requires a proper modeling of radiative transfer of ionizing radiation, at least in an approximate form. An example of such modeling is presented in the form of a cosmological numerical simulation with radiative transfer. The observed BTFR of model galaxies is in reasonable agreement with the observational data, because the contribution of ionized gas progressively increases for smaller and smaller galaxies. Hence, the observed BTFR cannot be used as an argument against the LCDM cosmological model.

arXiv: 11 August 2011

Classical non-Gaussianity from non-linear evolution of curvature perturbations

We study the non-linear evolution of the curvature perturbations during matter dominated era. We show that regardless of the origin of the primordial perturbation, the Bardeen potential receives sizable contributions from the classical non-linear evolution effects, and quantify them exactly. We divide these effects into two groups, being dominant on super- and sub-horizon scales. The former gives rise to squeezed peak of the bispectrum and contributes, in terms of the local non-linear parameter, -3/2 < f_{NL} < -2/5, depending on the configuration of momenta. The latter is highly scale dependent with equilateral shape, and can serve as a potential probe of general relativity.

Primordial Gravitational Wave Detectability with Deep Small-Sky CMB Experiments

We use Bayesian estimation on direct T-Q-U CMB polarization maps to forecast errors on the tensor-to- scalar power ratio r, and hence on primordial gravitational waves, as a function of sky coverage fsky. This method filters the quadratic pixel-pixel space into the optimal combinations needed for r detection for cut skies, providing enhanced information over a first-step linear separation into a combination of E, B and mixed modes, and ignoring the latter. With current computational power and for typical resolutions appropriate for r detection, the large matrix inversions required are accurate and fast. We explore two classes of experiments. One is motivated by a long duration balloon experiment like Spider, with pixel noise \propto \sqrt{fsky} for a specified observing period, but also applies to ground-based array experiments. We find that, ignoring systematic effects and foregrounds, an experiment with Spider-like noise over fsky ~0.02-0.2 could place a 2sigma_r ~0.014 (~95% CL) bound, rising to 0.02 with an L-dependent foreground residual. We contrast this with a Planck-like fixed instrumental noise as fsky varies, which gives a Galaxy-masked (fsky = 0.75) 2sigma_r ~0.015, rising to ~0.05 with the foreground residuals. Using for a figure of merit the (marginalized) 1D Shannon entropy of r, taken relative to the first 2003 WMAP1 CMB-only constraint, gives -1.7 (-1.9) bits from the 2010 WMAP7+ACT (2011 WMAP7+SPT) data, forecasts of -6 bits from Spider (plus Planck), of up to -11 bits for post-Planck satellites and -13 bits for a perfect cosmic variance limited experiment. We thus confirm the wisdom of the current strategy for r detection of deeply probed patches covering the fsky minimum-error trough with balloon and ground experiments.

A symmetry of the spatially flat Friedmann equations with barotropic fluid

Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University)
A string-inspired duality symmetry of the spatially flat Friedmann equations of general-relativistic cosmology is discussed and generalized, providing a map between exact solutions corresponding to different values of the barotropic index.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

arXiv: 10 August 2011

A positive energy theorem for Einstein-aether and Hořava gravity

Energy positivity is established for a class of solutions to Einstein-aether theory and the IR limit of Ho\v{r}ava gravity within a certain range of coupling parameters. The class consists of solutions where the aether 4-vector is divergence free on a spacelike surface to which it is orthogonal (which implies that the surface is maximal). In particular, this result holds for spherically symmetric solutions at a moment of time symmetry.

A universal bound on N-point correlations from inflation

Models of inflation in which non-Gaussianity is generated outside the horizon, such as curvaton models, generate distinctive higher-order correlation functions in the CMB and other cosmological observables. Testing for violation of the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality tauNL >= (6/5 fNL)^2, where fNL and tauNL denote the amplitude of the three-point and four-point functions in certain limits, has been proposed as a way to distinguish qualitative classes of models. This inequality has been proved for a wide range of models, but only weaker versions have been proved in general. In this paper, we give a proof that the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality is always satisfied. We discuss scenarios in which the inequality may appear to be violated in an experiment such as Planck, and how this apparent violation should be interpreted. We analyze a specific example, the "ungaussiton" model, in which leading-order scaling relations suggest that the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality is eventually violated, and show that the inequality always holds.

Scale-Dependent Growth from a Transition in Dark Energy Dynamics

We investigate the observational consequences of the quintessence field rolling to and oscillating near a minimum in its potential, "if" it happens close to the present epoch (z<0.2). We show that in a class of models, the oscillations lead to a rapid growth of the field fluctuations and the gravitational potential on subhorizon scales. The growth in the gravitational potential occurs on timescales << H^(1). This effect is present even when the quintessence parameters are chosen to reproduce an expansion history consistent with observations. For linearized fluctuations, we find that although the gravitational potential power spectrum is enhanced in a scale-dependent manner, the shape of the dark matter/galaxy power spectrum is not significantly affected. We find that the best constraints on such a transition in the quintessence field is provided via the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect in the CMB temperature power spectrum. Going beyond the linearized regime, the quintessence field can fragment into large, localized, long lived excitations (oscillons) with sizes comparable to galaxy clusters; this fragmentation could provide additional observational constraints. 
Two quoted "signatures" of modified gravity are a scale-dependent growth of the gravitational potential and a difference between the matter power spectrum inferred from measurements of lensing and galaxy clustering. Here, both effects are achieved by a minimally coupled scalar field in general relativity with a canonical kinetic term.

arXiv: 9 August 2011

The Relative Abundance of Isolated Clusters as a Probe of Dark Energy

Jounghun Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
The galaxy clusters are regarded as isolated if they do not belong to the superclusters. The ratio of the abundance of the isolated clusters to that of the non-isolated clusters reflects how fast the structures grow on the largest scale in the Universe and thus may provide a useful probe of the dark energy equation of state. We find that the mass function of the isolated clusters can be separately evaluated in the frame of the recently developed Corasaniti-Achitouv mass function theory with drifting average coefficient ($\beta$) and diffusion coefficient ($D_{B}$) that are related to the average and variance of the stochastic collapse barrier, respectively. For the mass function of the isolated clusters, we set $D_{B}=0$ and then determine empirically the best value of $\beta$ with the help of the numerical results from the MICE simulations. The numerical mass functions of the isolated clusters at redshifts $z=0,\ 0.5$ and 1 are obtained by applying the friends-of-friends algorithm to the cluster catalogs from the MICE simulations and counting the number density of those clusters which have no neighbor clusters within the FoF linking length. It is found that the best-fit value of $\beta$ scales with the squares of the linear growth factor as $\beta\propto D^{2}(z)$ and the Corasaniti-Achitouv mass functions with $D_{B}=0$ and best-fit value of $\beta$ match the numerical results excellently at all redshifts. The relative abundance of the isolated clusters is calculated as the ratio of the cumulative mass function of the isolated clusters to that of the non-isolated clusters beyond a certain mass limit, and its evolution is found indeed to sensitively change with the dark energy equation of state, $w$.

Dark Matter Detection with Hard X-ray Telescopes

We analyze the impact of future hard X-ray observations on the search for indirect signatures of particle dark matter in large extragalactic systems such as nearby clusters or groups of galaxies. We argue that the hard X-ray energy band falls squarely at the peak of the inverse Compton emission from electrons and positrons produced by dark matter annihilation or decay for a large class of dark matter models. Specifically, the most promising are low-mass models with a hard electron-positron annihilation final state spectrum and intermediate-mass models with a soft electron-positron spectrum. We find that constraints on dark matter models similar to the current constraints from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope will be close to the limit of the sensitivity of the near-term hard X-ray telescopes NuSTAR and ASTRO-H for relatively long observations, but an instrument similar to the Wide Field Imager proposed for the International X-ray Observatory would allow significant gains to be made. In the future, the ability to probe low to intermediate dark matter particle masses with hard X-ray observations may provide a good complement to next-generation gamma-ray instruments like the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) which will be sensitive to high-energy gamma-rays and thus only to relatively large particle masses.

Extended LCDM: generalized non-minimal coupling for dark matter fluids

In this paper we discuss a class of models that address the issue of explaining the gravitational dynamics at the galactic scale starting from a geometric point of view. Instead of claiming the existence of some hidden coupling between dark matter and baryons, or abandoning the existence of dark matter itself, we consider the possibility that dark matter and gravity have some non trivial interaction able to modify the dynamics at astrophysical scales. This interaction is implemented assuming that dark matter gets non--minimally coupled with gravity at suitably small scales and late times. After showing the predictions of the model in the Newtonian limit we also discuss the possible origin of it non-minimal coupling. This investigation seems to suggest that phenomenological mechanisms envisaged for the dark matter dynamics, such as the Bose--Einstein condensation of dark matter halos, could be connected to this class of models.

Spatially Covariant Theories of a Transverse, Traceless Graviton, Part I: Formalism

General relativity is a covariant theory of two transverse, traceless graviton degrees of freedom. According to a theorem of Hojman, Kuchar, and Teitelboim, modifications of general relativity must either introduce new degrees of freedom or violate the principle of general covariance. In this paper, we explore modifications of general relativity that retain the same number of gravitational degrees of freedom, and therefore explicitly break general covariance. Motivated by cosmology, the modifications of interest maintain spatial covariance. Demanding consistency of the theory forces the physical Hamiltonian density to obey an analogue of the renormalization group equation. In this context, the equation encodes the invariance of the theory under flow through the space of conformally equivalent spatial metrics. This paper is dedicated to setting up the formalism of our approach and applying it to a realistic class of theories. Forthcoming work will apply the formalism more generally.

Solar-System Constraints on f(R) Chameleon Gravity

We investigate the solar-system constraint on the f(R) theory of modified gravity with chameleon mechanism, where f(R) represents the deviation from general relativity in the gravity action. We obtain a stringent bound to a general, non-constant deviation function f(R): -10^{-15} < df/dR < 0 when R ~ 3*10^5*H0^2, and a loose bound: 0 < R*d(df/dR)/dR < 2/5 when R > 3*10^5*H0^2, by requiring the thin-shell condition in the solar system, particularly in the atmosphere of the Earth. These bounds can be conveniently utilized to test the f(R) models with given functional forms of f(R) and to obtain the constraints on the parameters therein. For demonstration we apply these bounds to several widely considered f(R) models. (H0: Hubble constant)

21 cm observation of LSS at z~1 Instrument sensitivity and foreground subtraction

Large Scale Structures (LSS) in the universe can be traced using the neutral atomic hydrogen HI through its 21cm emission. Such a 3D matter distribution map can be used to test the Cosmological model and to constrain the Dark Energy properties or its equation of state. A novel approach, called intensity mapping can be used to map the HI distribution, using radio interferometers with large instantaneous field of view and waveband. In this paper, we study the sensitivity of different radio interferometer configurations, or multi-beam instruments for the observation of large scale structures and BAO oscillations in 21cm and we discuss the problem of foreground removal. For each configuration, we determine instrument response by computing the (u,v) or Fourier angular frequency plane coverage using visibilities. The (u,v) plane response is the noise power spectrum, hence the instrument sensitivity for LSS P(k) measurement. We describe also a simple foreground subtraction method to separate LSS 21 cm signal from the foreground due to the galactic synchrotron and radio sources emission. We have computed the noise power spectrum for different instrument configuration as well as the extracted LSS power spectrum, after separation of 21cm-LSS signal from the foregrounds. We have also obtained the uncertainties on the Dark Energy parameters for an optimized 21 cm BAO survey. We show that a radio instrument with few hundred simultaneous beams and a collecting area of ~10000 m^2 will be able to detect BAO signal at redshift z ~ 1 and will be competitive with optical surveys.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

arXiv: 8 August 2011

Exact Extreme Value Statistics and the Halo Mass Function


Motivated by observations that suggest the presence of extremely massive clusters at uncomfortably high redshifts for the standard cosmological model to explain, we develop a theoretical framework for the study of the most massive haloes, e.g. the most massive cluster found in a given volume, based on Extreme Value Statistics (EVS). We proceed from the exact distribution of the extreme values drawn from a known underlying distribution, rather than relying on asymptotic theory (which is independent of the underlying form), arguing that the former is much more likely to furnish robust statistical results. We illustrate this argument with a discussion of the use of extreme value statistics as a probe of primordial non-Gaussianity.

Precision measurement of the Hubble constant using gravitational waves

The precise measurement of the Hubble constant $H_0$ is one of the foundations of the current cosmological paradigm. Due to correlations between $H_0$ and the remaining cosmological parameters, a precise measurement of $H_0$ is critical in view of future high redshift surveys. Second generation ground-based laser interferometers are expected to deliver a wealth of gravitational waves (GW) events from coalescing compact binaries up to a redshift of about 0.3. Being free of the systematics affecting electromagnetic measurements, GW offer the possibility of an independent measurement of $H_0$ with great accuracy. This \emph{Letter} presents a general method based on Bayesian inference aimed at estimating the value of the cosmological parameters for any GW event. In contrast to earlier work, this framework does not require the precise identification of the putative optical counterpart, but it considers all the potential galaxy hosts consistent with the recovered sky position and distance posterior distributions. When applied to the worldwide network of second generation interferometers, 50 GW events will yield a measurement of $H_0$ with an uncertainty of few percent.

arXiv: 5 August 2011

Reconstructing the Cosmic Velocity and Tidal Fields with Galaxy Groups Selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

[abridge]Cosmic velocity and tidal fields are important for the understanding of the cosmic web and the environments of galaxies, and can also be used to constrain cosmology. In this paper, we reconstruct these two fields in SDSS volume from dark matter halos represented by galaxy groups. Detailed mock catalogues are used to test the reliability of our method against uncertainties arising from redshift distortions, survey boundaries, and false identifications of groups by our group finder. We find that both the velocity and tidal fields, smoothed on a scale of ~2Mpc/h, can be reliably reconstructed in the inner region (~66%) of the survey volume. The reconstructed tidal field is used to split the cosmic web into clusters, filaments, sheets, and voids, depending on the sign of the eigenvalues of tidal tensor. The reconstructed velocity field nicely shows how the flows are diverging from the centers of voids, and converging onto clusters, while sheets and filaments have flows that are convergent along one and two directions, respectively. We use the reconstructed velocity field and the Zel'dovich approximation to predict the mass density field in the SDSS volume as function of redshift, and find that the mass distribution closely follows the galaxy distribution even on small scales. We find a large-scale bulk flow of about 117km/s in a very large volume, equivalent to a sphere with a radius of ~170Mpc/h, which seems to be produced by the massive structures associated with the SDSS Great Wall. Finally, we discuss potential applications of our reconstruction to study the environmental effects of galaxy formation, to generate initial conditions for simulations of the local Universe, and to constrain cosmological models. The velocity, tidal and density fields in the SDSS volume, specified on a Cartesian grid with a spatial resolution of ~700kpc/h, are available from the authors upon request.

Testing dark energy using pairs of galaxies in redshift space

Elise Jennings (ICC, IPPP, Durham), C. M. Baugh (ICC, Durham), S. Pascoli (IPPP, Durham)
The distribution of angles subtended between pairs of galaxies, which is uniform in real space, is distorted by their peculiar motions, and has been proposed as a probe of cosmic expansion. We test this idea using N-body simulations of structure formation in a cold dark matter universe with a cosmological constant and in two variant cosmologies with different dark energy models. We find that the distortion of the distribution of angles is sensitive to the nature of dark energy. However, for the first time, our simulations also reveal dependences of the normalization of the distribution on both redshift and cosmology that have been neglected in previous work. This introduces systematics that severely limit the usefulness of the original method. Guided by our simulations, we devise a new, improved test of the nature of dark energy. We demonstrate that this test does not require prior knowledge of the background cosmology and that it can even distinguish between models that have the same baryonic acoustic oscillations and dark matter halo mass functions. Our technique could be applied to the completed BOSS galaxy redshift survey to constrain the expansion history of the Universe to better than 2%. The method will also produce different signals for dark energy and modified gravity cosmologies even when they have identical expansion histories, through the different peculiar velocities induced in these cases.

arXiv: 4 August 2011

Out of equilibrium: understanding cosmological evolution to lower-entropy states

Despite the importance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it is not absolute. Statistical mechanics implies that, given sufficient time, systems near equilibrium will spontaneously fluctuate into lower-entropy states, locally reversing the thermodynamic arrow of time. We study the time development of such fluctuations, especially the very large fluctuations relevant to cosmology. Under fairly general assumptions, the most likely history of a fluctuation out of equilibrium is simply the CPT conjugate of the most likely way a system relaxes back to equilibrium. We use this idea to elucidate the spacetime structure of various fluctuations in (stable and metastable) de Sitter space and thermal anti-de Sitter space.

Requirement of a Primordial Magnetic Field in Chameleon Models

We show that the presence of primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) are imperative in order to satisfy constraints placed on chameleon models from variation of particle masses at big bang nucleosynthesis. For initial field values after inflation of order the Planck mass, the combined magnetic field strength, B, and chameleon-photon coupling, 1/M_F, must satisfy (B/5nG)^2(M_F/10^{9}GeV)^{-1} > 2.4x10^{-6}. Combining these constraints with those derived from considering the degree of mixing between chameleons and CMB photons in a PMF, implies the existence of a primordial magnetic field with strength B > 0.1nG, for theories of Modified Gravity with a chameleon mechanism to be viable.

Loop Quantum Cosmology: A Status Report

The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in loop quantum cosmology for three sets of audiences: young researchers interested in entering this area; the quantum gravity community in general; and, cosmologists who wish to apply loop quantum cosmology to probe modifications in the standard paradigm of the early universe. An effort has been made to streamline the material so that each of these communities can read only the sections they are most interested in, without a loss of continuity.