Does stellar mass assembly history vary with environment?
Using the publicly available VESPA database of SDSS Data Release 7 spectra, we calculate the stellar Mass Weighted Age (hereafter MWA) as a function of local galaxy density and dark matter halo mass. We compare our results with semi-analytic models from the public Millennium Simulation. We find that the stellar MWA has a large scatter which is inherent in the data and consistent with that seen in semi-analytic models. The stellar MWA is consistent with being independent (to first order) with local galaxy density, which is also seen in semi-analytic models.
As a function of increasing dark matter halo mass (using the SDSS New York Value Added Group catalogues), we find that the average stellar MWA for member galaxies increases, which is again found in semi-analytic models. Furthermore we use public dark matter Mass Accretion History (MAH) code calibrated on simulations, to calculate the dark matter Mass Weighted Age as a function of dark matter halo mass. In agreement with earlier analyses, we find that the stellar MWA and the dark matter MWA are anti correlated for large mass halos, i.e, dark matter accretion does not seem to be the primary factor in determining when stellar mass was compiled. This effect can be described by down-sizing.
As a function of increasing dark matter halo mass (using the SDSS New York Value Added Group catalogues), we find that the average stellar MWA for member galaxies increases, which is again found in semi-analytic models. Furthermore we use public dark matter Mass Accretion History (MAH) code calibrated on simulations, to calculate the dark matter Mass Weighted Age as a function of dark matter halo mass. In agreement with earlier analyses, we find that the stellar MWA and the dark matter MWA are anti correlated for large mass halos, i.e, dark matter accretion does not seem to be the primary factor in determining when stellar mass was compiled. This effect can be described by down-sizing.
Prospects for Detecting Dark Matter Halo Substructure with Pulsar Timing
One of the open questions of modern cosmology is the nature and properties of the Dark Matter halo and its substructures. In this work we study the gravitational effect of dark matter substructures on pulsar timing observations. Since millisecond pulsars are stable and accurate emitters, they have been proposed as plausible astrophysical tools to probe the gravitational effects of dark matter structures. We study this effect on pulsar timing through Shapiro time delay (or Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect) and Doppler effects statistically, showing that the latter dominates the signal. For this task, we relate the power spectrum of pulsar frequency change to the matter power spectrum on small scales, which we compute using the stable clustering hypothesis. %We then investigate how changing the free parameters of the model, such as %minimum mass of sub-halos, the the mean fraction of bound particles %that can survive the tidal disruption period, and also the spectral %index of matter power spectrum, affect the pulsar timing . We compare this power spectrum with the reach of current and future observations of pulsar timing designed for gravitational wave (GW) detection. Our results show that while current observations are unable to detect these signals, the sensitivity of the upcoming Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is only a factor of few weaker than our optimistic predictions.
The Delay of Population III Star Formation by Supersonic Streaming Velocities
It has recently been demonstrated that coherent relative streaming velocities of order ~30 km/s between dark matter and gas permeated the Universe on scales below a few Mpc directly after recombination. We here use a series of high-resolution moving-mesh calculations to show that these supersonic motions significantly influence the virialization of the gas in minihalos, and delay the formation of the first stars. As the gas streams into minihalos with bulk velocities around 1 km/s at z ~ 20, the additional momentum and energy input reduces the baryon fractions and central densities of the halos, increasing the typical virial mass required for efficient cooling by a factor of three, and delaying Population~III star formation by dz ~ 4. Since the distribution of the magnitude of the streaming velocities is narrowly peaked around a non-negligible value, this effect is important in most regions of the Universe. As a consequence, the increased minimum halo mass implies a reduction of the absolute number of minihalos that can be expected to cool and form Population III stars by up to an order of magnitude. We further find that the streaming velocities increase the turbulent velocity dispersion of the minihalo gas, which could affect its ability to fragment and hence alter the mass function of the first stars.
Applications of Bayesian model averaging to the curvature and size of the Universe
Bayesian model averaging is a procedure to obtain parameter constraints that account for the uncertainty about the correct cosmological model. We use recent cosmological observations and Bayesian model averaging to derive tight limits on the curvature parameter, as well as robust lower bounds on the curvature radius of the Universe and its minimum size, while allowing for the possibility of an evolving dark energy component. Because flat models are favoured by Bayesian model selection, we find that model-averaged constraints on the curvature and size of the Universe can be considerably stronger than non model-averaged ones. For the most conservative prior choice (based on inflationary considerations), our procedure improves on non model-averaged constraints on the curvature by a factor of ~ 2. The curvature scale of the Universe is conservatively constrained to be R_c > 42 Gpc (99%), corresponding to a lower limit to the number of Hubble spheres in the Universe N_U > 251 (99%).