We find that, even in the presence of discreteness noise, a Gaussianizing transform (producing a more-Gaussian one-point distribution) reduces nonlinearities in the power spectra of cosmological matter and galaxy density fields, in many cases drastically. Although Gaussianization does increase the effective shot noise, it also increases the power spectrum's fidelity to the linear power spectrum on scales where the shot noise is negligible. Gaussianizing also increases the Fisher information in the power spectrum in all cases and resolutions, although the gains are smaller in redshift space than in real space. We also find that the gain in cumulative Fisher information from Gaussianizing peaks at a particular grid resolution that depends on the sampling level.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
arXiv: 30 September 2010
Rejuvenating Power Spectra II: the Gaussianized galaxy density field
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
arXiv: 29 September 2010
Varying constants, Gravitation and Cosmology
Fundamental constants are a cornerstone of our physical laws. Any constant varying in space and/or time would reflect the existence of an almost massless field that couples to matter. This will induce a violation of the universality of free fall. It is thus of utmost importance for our understanding of gravity and of the domain of validity of general relativity to test for their constancy. We thus detail the relations between the constants, the tests of the local position invariance and of the universality of free fall. We then review the main experimental and observational constraints that have been obtained from atomic clocks, the Oklo phenomenon, Solar system observations, meteorites dating, quasar absorption spectra, stellar physics, pulsar timing, the cosmic microwave background and big bang nucleosynthesis. At each step we describe the basics of each system, its dependence with respect to the constants, the known systematic effects and the most recent constraints that have been obtained. We then describe the main theoretical frameworks in which the low-energy constants may actually be varying and we focus on the unification mechanisms and the relations between the variation of different constants. To finish, we discuss the more speculative possibility of understanding their numerical values and the apparent fine-tuning that they confront us with.
Baryonic acoustic oscillations simulations for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
Authors: A.Gorecki (1), A.Abate (2), R.Ansari (2), A.Barrau (1), S.Baumont (1), M.Moniez (2), ((1) LPSC, Grenoble, (2) LAL, Orsay)
The baryonic acoustic oscillations are features in the spatial distribution of the galaxies which, if observed at different epochs, probe the nature of the dark energy. In order to be able to measure the parameters of the dark energy equation of state to high precision, a huge sample of galaxies has to be used. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will survey the optical sky with 6 filters from 300nm and 1100nm, such that a catalog of galaxies with photometric redshifts will be available for dark energy studies. In this article, we will give a rough estimate of the impact of the photometric redshift uncertainties on the computation of the dark energy parameter through the reconstruction of the BAO scale from a simulated photometric catalog.
The quantum origin of cosmic structure: theory and observations
Authors: Konstantinos Dimopoulos
The particle production process is reviewed, through which cosmic inflation can produce a scale invariant superhorizon spectrum of perturbations of suitable fields starting from their quantum fluctuations. Afterwards, in the context of the inflationary paradigm, a number of mechanisms (e.g. curvaton, inhomogeneous reheating etc.) through which such perturbations can source the curvature perturbation in the Universe and explain the formation of structures such as galaxies are briefly described. Finally, the possibility that cosmic vector fields also contribute to the curvature perturbation (e.g. through the vector curvaton mechanism) is considered and its distinct observational signatures are discussed, such as correlated statistical anisotropy in the spectrum and bispectrum of the curvature perturbation.
Nonparametric Reconstruction of the Dark Energy Equation of State
Authors: Tracy Holsclaw, Ujjaini Alam, Bruno Sanso, Herbert Lee, Katrin Heitmann, Salman Habib, David Higdon
A basic aim of ongoing and upcoming cosmological surveys is to unravel the mystery of dark energy. In the absence of a compelling theory to test, a natural approach is to better characterize the properties of dark energy in search of clues that can lead to a more fundamental understanding. One way to view this characterization is the improved determination of the redshift-dependence of the dark energy equation of state parameter, w(z). To do this requires a robust and bias-free method for reconstructing w(z) from data that does not rely on restrictive expansion schemes or assumed functional forms for w(z). We present a new nonparametric reconstruction method that solves for w(z) as a statistical inverse problem, based on a Gaussian Process representation. This method reliably captures nontrivial behavior of w(z) and provides controlled error bounds. We demonstrate the power of the method on different sets of simulated supernova data; the approach can be easily extended to include diverse cosmological probes.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
arXiv: 28 September 2010
Nonlinear clustering in models with primordial non-Gaussianity: the halo model approach
We develop the halo model of large-scale structure as an accurate tool for probing primordial non-Gaussianity. In this study we focus on understanding the matter clustering at several redshifts. The primordial non-Gaussianity is modeled as a quadratic correction to the local Gaussian potential, and is characterized by the parameter f_NL. In our formulation of the halo model we pay special attention to the effect of halo exclusion, and show that this can potentially solve the long standing problem of excess power on large scales in this model. The model depends on the mass function, clustering and density profiles of halos. We test these ingredients using a large ensemble of high-resolution Gaussian and non-Gaussian numerical simulations. In particular, we provide a first exploration of how density profiles change in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianities. We find that for f_NL positive/negative high mass halos have an increased/decreased core density, so being more/less concentrated than in the Gaussian case. We also examine the halo bias and show that, if the halo model is correct, then there is a small asymmetry in the scale-dependence of the bias on very large scales, which arises because the Gaussian bias must be renormalized. We show that the matter power spectrum is modified by ~2.5% and ~3.5% on scales k~1.0 h/Mpc at z=0 and z=1, respectively. Our halo model calculation reproduces the absolute amplitude to within 10% and the ratio of non-Gaussian to Gaussian spectra to within 1%. We also measure the matter correlation functions and find similarly good agreement between the model and the data. We anticipate that this modeling will be useful for constraining f_NL from measurements of the shear correlation function in future weak lensing surveys such as Euclid.
arXiv: 27 September 2010
Large-scale BAO signatures of the smallest galaxies
Recent work has shown that at high redshift, the relative velocity between dark matter and baryonic gas is typically supersonic. This relative velocity suppresses the formation of the earliest baryonic structures like minihalos, and the suppression is modulated on large scales. This effect imprints a characteristic shape in the clustering power spectrum of the earliest structures, with significant power on 100 Mpc scales featuring highly pronounced baryon acoustic oscillations. The amplitude of these oscillations is orders of magnitude larger at z=20 than previously expected. This characteristic signature can allow us to distinguish the effects of minihalos on intergalactic gas at times preceding and during reionization. We illustrate this effect with the example of 21 cm emission and absorption from redshifts during and before reionization. This effect can potentially allow us to probe physics on kpc scales using observations on 100 Mpc scales.
We present sensitivity forecasts for FAST and Arecibo. Depending on parameters, this enhanced structure may be detectable by Arecibo at redshifts near z=15-20, and with appropriate instrumentation FAST could measure the BAO power spectrum with high precision. In principle, this effect could also pose a serious challenge for efforts to constrain dark energy using observations of the BAO feature at low redshift.
We present sensitivity forecasts for FAST and Arecibo. Depending on parameters, this enhanced structure may be detectable by Arecibo at redshifts near z=15-20, and with appropriate instrumentation FAST could measure the BAO power spectrum with high precision. In principle, this effect could also pose a serious challenge for efforts to constrain dark energy using observations of the BAO feature at low redshift.
Investigating The Uncertainty On The BAO Scale Measured From Future Photometric And Spectroscopic Surveys
Authors: Alexandra Abate (1), Alexia Gorecki (2), Reza Ansari (1), Aurelien Barrau (2), Sylvain Baumont (2), Laurent Derome (2), Marc Moniez (1) ((1) LAL, Orsay, (2) LPSC, Grenoble)
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a wide (20,000 sq.deg.) and deep ugrizy imaging survey which will be sited at Cerro Pachon in Chile. A major scientific goal of LSST is to constrain dark energy parameters via the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) signal. Crucial to this technique is the measurement of well-understood photometric redshifts, derived from the survey ugrizy imaging. Here we present the results of the effect of simulated photometric redshift (PZ) errors on the reconstruction of the BAO signal. We generate many "Monte Carlo" simulations of galaxies from a model power spectrum using Fast Fourier Transform techniques. Mock galaxy properties are assigned using an algorithm that reproduces observed luminosity-color-redshift distributions from the GOODS survey. We also compare these results to those expected from a possible future spectroscopic survey such as BigBOSS.
arXiv: 24 September 2010
Energy conditions and entropy density of the universe
Authors: Ming-Jian Zhang (1), Cong Ma (1), Tong-Jie Zhang (1 and 2) ((1) Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, (2) Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University)
In the standard Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological model, the energy conditions provides model-independent bounds on the behavior of the distance modulus. However, this method can not provide us the detailed information about the violation between the energy conditions and the observation. In this paper, we present an extended analysis of the energy conditions based upon the entropy density of the universe. On the one hand, we find that these conditions imply that entropy density $s$ depends on Hubble parameter H(z). On the other hand, we compare the theoretical entropy density from the conservation law of energy-momentum tensor with that from the energy conditions using the observational Hubble parameter. We find that the two kinds of entropy density are in agreement, only when the present-day entropy density satisfies 0.0222 <= s_0 <= 0.7888. We also obtain that the strong energy condition (SEC) accords with the first law of thermodynamics in the redshift range z < 2.7, the null energy condition (NEC) at z<3.2, and the dominant energy condition (DEC) at z > 2.6. In addition, the energy conditions gives the deceleration parameter 0 <= q(z) <= 2, which is in a predicament of the accelerated expansion of the universe. In particular, the NEC suggests q(z) >= 5/3
arXiv: 23 September 2010
Fundamental physics in observational cosmology
I discuss, through a few examples, how observational cosmology can provide insights on hypothetical fundamental physics phenomena or mechanisms, such as Grand Unified Theory, Superstring alternatives to the inflation paradigm, and inflation itself.
Observational constraints on the LLTB model
We directly compare the concordance LCDM model to the inhomogeneous matter-only alternative represented by LTB void models. To achieve a "democratic" confrontation we explore LLTB models with non-vanishing cosmological constant and perform a global likelihood analysis in the parameter space of cosmological constant and void radius. In our analysis we carefully consider SNe, Hubble constant, CMB and BAO measurements, marginalizing over the age of the universe and the background curvature. We find that the LCDM model is not the only possibility compatible with the observations, and that a matter-only void model is a viable alternative to the concordance model only if the BAO constraints are relaxed. Moreover, we will show that the areas of the parameter space which give a good fit to the observations are always disconnected with the result that a small local void does not significantly affect the parameter extraction for LCDM models.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
arXiv: 22 September 2010
Scale-Dependent Non-Gaussianity as a Generalization of the Local Model
We generalize the local model of primordial non-Gaussianity by promoting the parameter fNL to a general scale-dependent function fNL(k). We calculate the resulting bispectrum and the effect on the bias of dark matter halos, and thus the extent to which fNL(k) can be measured from the large-scale structure observations. By calculating the principal components of fNL(k), we identify scales where this form of non-Gaussianity is best constrained and estimate the overlap with previously studied local and equilateral non-Gaussian models.
arXiv: 21 September 2010
Too big, too early? Multiple High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters: implications
To date, 15 high-redshift (z>1.0) galaxy clusters with mass measurements have been observed, spectroscopically confirmed and are reported in the literature. These objects should be exceedingly rare in the standard LCDM model. We conservatively approximate the selection functions of these clusters' parent surveys, and quantify the tension between the abundances of massive clusters as predicted by the standard LCDM model and the observed ones. We alleviate the tension considering non-Gaussian primordial perturbations of the local type, characterized by the parameter fnl and derive constraints on fnl arising from the mere existence of these clusters. At the 95% confidence level, fnl>475 with cosmological parameters fixed to their most likely WMAP5 values, or fnl>370 if we marginalize over WMAP5 parameters priors. In combination with fnl constraints from Cosmic Microwave Background and halo bias, this determination implies a scale-dependence of fnl at 3 sigma. Given the assumptions made in the analysis, we expect any future improvements to the modeling of the non-Gaussian mass function, survey volumes, or selection functions to increase the significance of fnl>0 found here. In order to reconcile these massive, high-z clusters with an fnl=0, their masses would need to be systematically lowered by 1.5 sigma or the sigma_8 parameter should be ~4 sigma higher than CMB (and large-scale structure) constraints. The existence of these objects is a puzzle: it either represents a challenge to the LCDM paradigm or it is an indication that the mass estimates of clusters is dramatically more uncertain than we think.
Dark Before Light: Testing the Cosmic Expansion History through the Cosmic Microwave Background
The cosmic expansion history proceeds in broad terms from a radiation dominated epoch to matter domination to an accelerated, dark energy dominated epoch. We investigate whether intermittent periods of acceleration are possible in the early universe -- between Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and recombination and beyond. We establish that the standard picture is remarkably robust: observations of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background exclude any extra period of accelerated expansion between 1 \leq z \lesssim 10^5 (corresponding to 5\times10^{-4}\ {\rm eV} \leq T \lesssim 25\ {\rm eV}).
Keck/LRIS Spectroscopic Confirmation of Coma Cluster Dwarf Galaxy Membership Assignments
Authors: Kristin Chiboucas, R. Brent Tully, Ronald O. Marzke, Neil Trentham, Henry C. Ferguson, Derek Hammer, David Carter, Habib Khosroshahi
Keck/LRIS multi-object spectroscopy has been carried out on 140 of some of the lowest and highest surface brightness faint (19 < R < 22) dwarf galaxy candidates in the core region of the Coma Cluster. These spectra are used to measure redshifts and establish membership for these faint dwarf populations. The primary goal of the low surface brightness sample is to test our ability to use morphological and surface brightness criteria to distinguish between Coma Cluster members and background galaxies using high resolution HST/ACS images. Candidates were rated as expected members, uncertain, or expected background. From 93 spectra, 51 dwarf galaxy members and 20 background galaxies are identified. Our morphological membership estimation success rate is ~100% for objects expected to be members and better than ~90% for galaxies expected to be in the background. We confirm that low surface brightness is a very good indicator of cluster membership. High surface brightness galaxies are almost always background with confusion arising only from the cases of the rare compact elliptical galaxies. The more problematic cases occur at intermediate surface brightness. Many of these galaxies are given uncertain membership ratings, and these were found to be members about half of the time. Including color information will improve membership determination but will fail for some of the same objects that are already mis-identified when using only surface brightness and morphology criteria. Compact elliptical galaxies with B-V colors ~0.2 magnitudes redward of the red sequence in particular require spectroscopic follow-up. In a sample of 47 high surface brightness, UCD candidates, 19 objects have redshifts which place them in the Coma Cluster. Redshift measurements are presented and the use of indirect means for establishing cluster membership is discussed.
Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2010: `The Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations'
The Chalonge 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium was held on 22-24 July 2010 in Paris Observatory on the Standard Model of the Universe: News from WMAP7, BICEP, QUAD, SPT, AMI, ACT, Planck, QUIJOTE and Herschel; dark matter (DM) searches and galactic observations; related theory and simulations. %aiming synthesis, progress and clarification. P Biermann, D Boyanovsky, A Cooray, C Destri, H de Vega, G Gilmore, S Gottlober, E Komatsu, S McGaugh, A Lasenby, R Rebolo, P Salucci, N Sanchez and A Tikhonov present here their highlights of the Colloquium. Inflection points emerged: LambdaWDM (Warm DM) emerges impressively over LambdaCDM whose galactic scale problems are ever-increasing. Summary and conclusions by H. J. de Vega, M. C. Falvella and N. G. Sanchez stress among other points: (i) Primordial CMB gaussianity is confirmed. Inflation effective theory predicts a tensor to scalar ratio 0.05-0.04 at reach/border line of next CMB observations, early fast-roll inflation provides lowest multipoles depression. SZ amplitudes are smaller than expected: CMB and X-ray data agree but intracluster models need revision and relaxed/non-relaxed clusters distinction. (ii) cosmic ray positron excess is explained naturally by astrophysical processes, annihilating/decaying dark matter needs growing tailoring. (iii) Cored (non cusped) DM halos and warm (keV scale mass) DM are increasingly favored from theory and observations, naturally producing observed small scale structures, wimps turn strongly disfavoured. LambdaWDM 1 keV simulations well reproduce observations. Evidence that LambdaCDM does not work at small scales is staggering. P Biermann presents his live minutes of the Colloquium and concludes that a keV sterile neutrino is the most interesting DM candidate. Photos of the Colloquium are included.
Monday, September 20, 2010
arXiv: 20 September 2010
Cosmological and Solar-System Tests of f(R) Modified Gravity
We investigate the cosmological and the local tests of the f(R) theory of modified gravity via the observations of (1) the cosmic expansion and (2) the cosmic structures and via (3) the solar-system experiments. To fit the possible cosmic expansion histories under consideration, for each of them we reconstruct f(R), known as "designer f(R)". We then test the designer f(R) via the cosmic-structure constraints on the metric perturbation ratio Psi/Phi and the effective gravitational coupling G_eff and via the solar-system constraints on the Brans-Dicke theory with the chameleon mechanism. We find that among the designer f(R) models specified by the CPL effective equation of state w_eff, only the model closely mimicking general relativity with a cosmological constant (LambdaCDM) can survive all the tests. Accordingly, these tests rule out the frequently studied "w_eff = -1" designer f(R) models which are distinct in cosmic structures from LambdaCDM. When considering only the cosmological tests, we find that the surviving designer f(R) models, although exist for a variety of w_eff, entail fine-tuning.
The Weak Field Limit of Fourth Order Gravity
We discuss Newtonian and the post-Newtonian limits of Fourth Order Gravity Theories pointing out, in details, their resemblances and differences with respect to General Relativity. Particular emphasis is placed on the exact solutions and methods used to obtain them.
Figures of Merit for Testing Standard Models: Application to Dark Energy Experiments in Cosmology
Given a standard model to test, an experiment can be designed to: (i) measure the standard model parameters; (ii) extend the standard model; or (iii) look for evidence of deviations from the standard model. To measure (or extend) the standard model, the Fisher matrix is widely used in cosmology to predict expected parameter errors for future surveys under Gaussian assumptions. In this article, we present a frame- work that can be used to design experiments such that it maximises the chance of finding a deviation from the standard model. Using a simple illustrative example, discussed in the appendix, we show that the optimal experimental configuration can depend dramatically on the optimisation approach chosen. We also show some simple cosmology calculations, where we study Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation and Supernove surveys. In doing so, we also show how external data, such as the positions of the CMB peaks measured by WMAP, and theory priors can be included in the analysis. In the cosmological cases that we have studied (DETF Stage III), we find that the three optimisation approaches yield similar results, which is reassuring and indicates that the choice of optimal experiment is fairly robust at this level. However, this may not be the case as we move to more ambitious future surveys.
Scale dependence of $f_{NL}$ in N-flation
Authors: Qing-Guo Huang
Adopting the horizon-crossing approximation, we derive the spectral index of $f_{NL}$ in general N-flation model. Axion N-flation model is a typical model for generating a large $f_{NL}$, but its tilt $n_{f_{NL}}$ is too small to be detected when all fields have the same potential. The measurement of $n_{f_{NL}}$ can be used to support or falsify the axion N-flation in the near future.
Dark haloes as seen with gravitational lensing
Authors: Konrad Kuijken
Dark matter is an important ingredient of galaxies, as was recognised early on by Ken Freeman himself! Evidence for dark matter halos is still indirect, based on analysing motions of tracers such as gas and stars. In a sense the visible galaxy is the mask through which we can study the dark matter. Light rays are also sensitive to gravitational fields, and dark haloes cause observable gravitational lensing effects. There are three regimes: microlensing (which probes the clumpiness of dark matter haloes), strong lensing (sensitive to the inner mass distribution) and weak lensing (which can probe haloes out to 100s of kpc from the center). This review will concentrate on weak lensing, and describe a new survey, the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) that is designed to study galaxy halo masses, extents and shapes as a function of environment, galaxy type and redshift
Modeling scale-dependent bias on the baryonic acoustic scale with the statistics of peaks of Gaussian random fields
Models of galaxy and halo clustering commonly assume that the tracers can be treated as a continuous field locally biased with respect to the underlying mass distribution. In the peak model pioneered by BBKS, one considers instead density maxima of the initial, Gaussian mass density field as an approximation to the formation site of virialized objects. In this paper, the peak model is extended in two ways to improve its predictive accuracy. Firstly, we derive the two-point correlation function of initial density peaks up to second order and demonstrate that a peak-background split approach can be applied to obtain the k-independent and k-dependent peak bias factors at all orders. Secondly, we explore the gravitational evolution of the peak correlation function within the Zel'dovich approximation. We show that the local (Lagrangian) bias approach emerges as a special case of the peak model, in which all bias parameters are scale-independent and there is no statistical velocity bias. We apply our formulae to study how the Lagrangian peak biasing, the diffusion due to large scale flows and the mode-coupling due to nonlocal interactions affect the scale dependence of bias from small separations up to the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale. For 2-sigma density peaks collapsing at z=0.3, our model predicts a ~ 5% residual scale-dependent bias around the acoustic scale that arises mostly from first-order Lagrangian peak biasing (as opposed to second-order gravity mode-coupling). We also search for a scale dependence of bias in the large scale auto-correlation of massive halos extracted from a very large N-body simulation provided by the MICE collaboration. For halos with mass M>10^{14}Msun/h, our measurements demonstrate a scale-dependent bias across the BAO feature which is very well reproduced by a prediction based on the peak model.
Friday, September 17, 2010
arXiv: 17 September 2010
Probing dark energy and neutrino mass from upcoming lensing experiments of CMB and galaxies
We discuss the synergy of the cosmic shear and CMB lensing experiments to simultaneously constrain the neutrino mass and dark energy properties. Taking fully account of the CMB lensing, cosmic shear, CMB anisotropies, and their cross correlation signals, we clarify a role of each signal, and investigate the extent to which the upcoming observations by a high-angular resolution experiment of CMB and deep galaxy imaging survey can tightly constrain the neutrino mass and dark energy equation-of-state parameters. Including the primary CMB information as a prior cosmological information, the Fisher analysis reveals that the time varying equation-of-state parameters, given by $w(a)=w_0+w_a(1-a)$, can be tightly constrained with the accuracies of 5% for $w_0$ and 15% for $w_a$, which are comparable to or even better than those of the stage-III type surveys neglecting the effect of massive neutrinos. In other words, including the neutrino mass in the parameter estimation would not drastically alter the Figure-of-Merit estimates of dark energy parameters from the weak lensing measurements. For the neutrino mass, a clear signal for total neutrino mass with $\sim0.1$\,eV can be detected with $\sim2$-$\sigma$ significance. The robustness and sensitivity of these results are checked in detail by allowing the setup of cosmic shear experiment to vary as a function of observation time or exposure time, showing that the improvement of the constraints very weakly depends on the survey parameters, and the results mentioned above are nearly optimal for the dark energy parameters and the neutrino mass.
Precision cosmology with a wide area XMM cluster survey
We explore the cosmological constraints expected from wide area XMM-type cluster surveys covering 50-200 deg2, under realistic observing conditions. We perform a Fisher matrix analysis based on cluster number counts in combination with estimates of the 2-point cluster correlation function. The effect of the survey design is implemented through an observationally well tested cluster selection function. Special attention is given to the modelling of the shot noise and sample variance, which we estimate by applying our selection function to numerically simulated surveys. We then infer the constraints on the equation of state of the dark energy considering various survey configurations. We quantitatively investigate the respective impact of the cluster mass measurements, of the correlation function and of the 1<z<2 cluster population. We show that, with some 20 Ms XMM observing time, it is possible to constrain the dark energy parameters at a level which is comparable to that expected from the next generation of cosmic probes. Such a survey has also the power to provide unique insights into the physics of high redshift clusters and AGN properties.
Estimate of dark halo ellipticity by lensing flexion
Aims. The predictions of the ellipticity of the dark matter halos from models of structure formation are notoriously difficult to test with observations. A direct measurement would give important constraints on the formation of galaxies, and its effect on the dark matter distribution in their halos. Here we show that galaxy-galaxy flexion provides a direct and potentially powerful method for determining the ellipticity of (an ensemble of) elliptical lenses. Methods. We decompose the spin-1 flexion into a radial and a tangential component. Using the ratio of tangential-to- radial flexion, which is independent of the radial mass profile, the mass ellipticity can be estimated. Results. An estimator for the ellipticity of the mass distribution is derived and tested with simulations. We show that the estimator is slightly biased. We quantify this bias, and provide a method to reduce it. Furthermore, a parametric fitting of the flexion ratio and orientation provides another estimate for the dark halo ellipticity, which is more accurate for individual lenses Overall, galaxy-galaxy flexion appears as a powerful tool for constraining the ellipticity of mass distributions. Aims. The predictions of the ellipticity of the dark matter halos from models of structure formation are notoriously difficult to test with observations. A direct measurement would give important constraints on the formation of galaxies, and its effect on the dark matter distribution in their halos. Here we show that galaxy-galaxy flexion provides a direct and potentially powerful method for determining the ellipticity of (an ensemble of) elliptical lenses. Methods. We decompose the spin-1 flexion into a radial and a tangential component. Using the ratio of tangential-to- radial flexion, which is independent of the radial mass profile, the mass ellipticity can be estimated. Results. An estimator for the ellipticity of the mass distribution is derived and tested with simulations. We show that the estimator is slightly biased. We quantify this bias, and provide a method to reduce it. Furthermore, a parametric fitting of the flexion ratio and orientation provides another estimate for the dark halo ellipticity, which is more accurate for individual lenses Overall, galaxy-galaxy flexion appears as a powerful tool for constraining the ellipticity of mass distributions.
Strongly Scale-dependent Non-Gaussianity
We discuss models of primordial density perturbations where the non-Gaussianity is strongly scale-dependent. In particular, the non-Gaussianity may have a sharp cut-off and be very suppressed on large cosmological scales, but sizeable on small scales. This may have an impact on probes of non-Gaussianity in the large-scale structure and in the cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropies.
General Relativistic Description of the Observed Galaxy Power Spectrum: Do We Understand What We Measure?
Authors: Jaiyul Yoo (Harvard/Zürich)
We extend the general relativistic description of galaxy clustering developed in Yoo, Fitzpatrick, and Zaldarriaga (2009). For the first time we provide a fully general relativistic description of the observed matter power spectrum and the observed galaxy power spectrum with the linear bias ansatz. It is significantly different from the standard Newtonian description on large scales and especially its measurements on large scales can be misinterpreted as the detection of the primordial non-Gaussianity even in the absence thereof. The key difference in the observed galaxy power spectrum arises from the real-space matter fluctuation defined as the matter fluctuation at the hypersurface of the observed redshift. As opposed to the standard description, the shape of the observed galaxy power spectrum evolves in redshift, providing additional cosmological information. While the systematic errors in the standard Newtonian description are negligible in the current galaxy surveys at low redshift, correct general relativistic description is essential for understanding the galaxy power spectrum measurements on large scales in future surveys with redshift depth z>3. We discuss ways to improve the detection significance in the current galaxy surveys and comment on applications of our general relativistic formalism in future surveys.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
arXiv: 16 September 2010
Coherent Combination of BAO and Peculiar Velocity Measurements from Redshift Survey
Authors: Yong-Seon Song (KIAS, Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
New statistical method is proposed to coherently combine Baryon Acoustic Oscillation statistics (BAO) and peculiar velocity measurements exploiting decomposed density--density and velocity-velocity spectra in real space from the observed redshift distortions in redshift space, 1) to achieve stronger dark energy constraints, sigma(w)=0.06 and sigma(w_a)=0.20, which are enhanced from BAO or velocity measurements alone, and 2) to cross-check consistency of dark energy constraints from two different approaches; BAO as geometrical measurements and peculiar velocity as large scale structure formation observables. In addition to those advantages, as power spectra decomposition procedure is free from uncertainty of galaxy bias, this simultaneous fitting is an optimal method to extract cosmological parameters without any pre-assumption about galaxy bias.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
arXiv: 15 September 2010
Are Galaxy Clusters Suggesting an Accelerating Universe?
The present cosmic accelerating stage is discussed through a new kinematic method based on the Sunyaev- Zel'dovich effect (SZE) and X-ray surface brightness data from galaxy clusters. By using the SZE/X-ray data from 38 galaxy clusters in the redshift range $0.14 \leq z \leq 0.89 $ [Bonamente et al., Astrop. J. {\bf 647}, 25 (2006)] it is found that the present Universe is accelerating and that the transition from an earlier decelerating to a late time accelerating regime is relatively recent. The ability of the ongoing Planck satellite mission to obtain tighter constraints on the expansion history through SZE/X-ray angular diameters is also discussed. Our results are fully independent on the validity of any metric gravity theory, the possible matter- energy contents filling the Universe, as well as on the SNe Ia Hubble diagram from which the presenting accelerating stage was inferred.
Current constraints on the epoch of cosmic acceleration
The cosmographic expansion history of the universe is investigated by using the 557 type Ia supernovae from the Union2 Compilation set along with the current estimates involving the product of the CMB acoustic scale $\ell_{A}$ and the BAO peak at two different redshifts. Using a well-behaved parameterization for the deceleration parameter, $q(z) = q_0 + q_1z/(1 + z)$, we estimate the accelerating redshift $z_{acc}=-q_0/(q_0 + q_1)$ (at which the universe switches from deceleration to acceleration) and investigate the influence of a non-vanishing spatial curvature on these estimates. We also use the asymptotic value of $q(z)$ at high-$z$ to place more restrictive bounds on the model parameters $q_0$ and $q_1$, which results in a more precise determination of the epoch of cosmic acceleration.
Correspondence between Jordan-Einstein frames and Palatini-metric formalisms
We discuss the conformal symmetry between Jordan and Einstein frames considering their relations with the metric and Palatini formalisms for modified gravity. Appropriate conformal transformations are taken into account leading to the evident connection between the gravitational actions in the two mentioned frames and the Hilbert-Einstein action with a cosmological constant. We show that the apparent differences between Palatini and metric formalisms strictly depend on the representation while the number of degrees of freedom is preserved. This means that the dynamical content of both formalism is identical.
Eternal inflation without metaphysics
In the usual account of eternal inflation the universe is supposed to be a de Sitter background in which pocket universes nucleate at a steady rate. However this is metaphysics because there is no way this mosaic structure can be observed. We don't see the whole universe but only a nearly homogeneous region within our past light cone. We show that we can use the no-boundary wave function to calculate small departures from homogeneity within our past light cone despite the possibility of much larger fluctuations on super horizon scales. We find that the dominant contribution comes from the history that exits eternal inflation at the lowest value of the potential and predict, in a certain class of landscape models, a tensor to scalar ratio of about 10%. In this way the no-boundary wave function defines a measure for the prediction of local cosmological observations
An equivalence principle for scalar forces
The equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses is a defining feature of general relativity. Here, we clarify the status of the equivalence principle for interactions mediated by a universally coupled scalar, motivated partly by recent attempts to modify gravity at cosmological distances. Although a universal scalar-matter coupling is not mandatory, once postulated, it is stable against classical and quantum renormalizations in the matter sector. The coupling strength itself is subject to renormalization of course. The scalar equivalence principle is violated only for objects for which either the graviton self-interaction or the scalar self-interaction is important---the first applies to black holes, while the second type of violation is avoided if the scalar is Galilean-symmetric.
Galileon inflation
Galileon inflation is a radiatively stable higher derivative model of inflation. The model is determined by a finite number of relevant operators which are protected by a covariant generalization of the Galileon shift symmetry. We show that the nongaussianity of the primordial density perturbation generated during an epoch of Galileon inflation is a particularly powerful observational probe of these models and that, when the speed of sound is small, fNL can be larger than the usual result fNL ~ 1/c_s^2.
Monday, September 13, 2010
arXiv: 14 September 2010
Neutrino lumps and the Cosmic Microwave Background
The interaction between the cosmon and neutrinos may solve the "why now problem" for dark energy cosmologies. Within growing neutrino quintessence it leads to the formation of nonlinear neutrino lumps. For a test of such models by the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect for the cosmic microwave background (CMB) we estimate the size and time evolution of the gravitational potential induced by these lumps. A population of lumps with size of 100 Mpc or more could lead to observable effects on the CMB anisotropies for low angular momenta. The linear approximation is found to be invalid for the relevant length scales. Quantitative estimates depend strongly on the details of the transition between the linear and nonlinear regimes. In particular, important backreaction effects arise from the nonlinearities of the cosmon interactions. At the present stage the uncertainties of the estimate make it difficult to constrain the parameter space of growing neutrino models. We explicitly discuss scenarios and models that are compatible with the CMB observations
Effect of dark matter halo substructures on galaxy rotation curves
Authors: Nirupam Roy
The effect of halo substructures on galaxy rotation curves is investigated in this paper using a simple model of dark matter clustering. A dark matter halo density profile is developed based only on the scale free nature of clustering that leads to a statistically self-similar distribution of the substructures at galactic scale. Semi-analytical method is used to derive rotation curves for such a clumpy dark matter density profile. It is found that the halo substructures significantly affect the galaxy velocity field. Based on the fractal geometry of the halo, this self-consistent model predicts an NFW-like rotation curve and a scale free power spectrum of the rotation velocity fluctuations.
The Effective Field Theory of Multifield Inflation
We generalize the Effective Field Theory of Inflation to include additional light scalar degrees of freedom that are in their vacuum at the time the modes of interest are crossing the horizon. In order to make the scalars light in a natural way we consider the case where they are the Goldstone bosons of a global symmetry group or are partially protected by an approximate supersymmetry. We write the most general Lagrangian that couples the scalar mode associated to the breaking of time translation during inflation to the additional light scalar fields. This Lagrangian is constrained by diffeomorphism invariance and the additional symmetries that keep the new scalars light. This Lagrangian describes the fluctuations around the time of horizon crossing and it is supplemented with a general parameterization describing how the additional fluctuating fields can affect cosmological perturbations. We find that multifield inflation can reproduce the non-Gaussianities that can be generated in single field inflation but can also give rise to new kinds of non-Gaussianities. We find several new three-point function shapes. We show that in multifield inflation it is possible to naturally suppress the three-point function making the four-point function the leading source of detectable non-Gaussianities. We find that under certain circumstances, i.e. if specific shapes of non-Gaussianities are detected in the data, one could distinguish between single and multifield inflation and sometimes even among the various mechanisms that kept the additional fields light.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
arXiv: 13 September 2010
Theory of Dark Matter
The search for dark matter is a very wide and active field of research. Many potential hints of dark matter have appeared recently which led to a burst of theoretical activity and model building. I necessarily concentrate here only in some aspects of it. I review here some recent hints and some of the ways in which they could be explained.
Characterizing the contaminating distance distribution for Bayesian supernova cosmology
Measurements of the equation of state of dark energy from surveys of thousands of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) will be limited by spectroscopic follow-up and must therefore rely on photometric identification, increasing the chance that the sample is contaminated by Core Collapse Supernovae (CC SNe). Bayesian methods for supernova cosmology can remove contamination bias while maintaining high statistical precision but are sensitive to the choice of parameterization of the contaminating distance distribution. We use simulations to investigate the form of the contaminating distribution and its dependence on the absolute magnitudes, light curve shapes, colors, extinction, and redshifts of core collapse supernovae. We find that the CC luminosity function dominates the distance distribution function, but its shape is increasingly distorted as the redshift increases and more CC SNe fall below the survey magnitude limit. The shapes and colors of the CC light curves generally shift the distance distribution, and their effect on the CC distances is correlated. We compare the simulated distances to the first year results of the SDSS-II SN survey and find that the SDSS distance distributions can be reproduced with simulated CC SNe that are ~1 mag fainter than the standard Richardson et al. (2002) luminosity functions, which do not produce a good fit. To exploit the full power of the Bayesian parameter estimation method, parameterization of the contaminating distribution should be guided by the current knowledge of the CC luminosity functions, coupled with the effects of the survey selection and magnitude-limit, and allow for systematic shifts caused by the parameters of the distance fit.
Density fields and halo mass functions in the Geometrical Adhesion toy Model
In dimension 2 and above, the Burgers dynamics, the so-called "adhesion model" in cosmology, can actually give rise to several dynamics in the inviscid limit. We investigate here the statistical properties of the density field when it is defined by a "geometrical model' associated with this Burgers velocity field and where the matter distribution is fully determined, at each time step, by geometrical constructions. Our investigations are based on a set of numerical experiments that make use of an improved algorithm, for which the geometrical constructions are efficient and robust.
In this work we focus on Gaussian initial conditions with power-law power spectra of slope $n$ in the range $-3<n<1$, where a self-similar evolution develops, and we compute the behavior of power spectra, density probability distributions and mass functions. As expected for such dynamics, the density power spectra show universal high-$k$ tails that are governed by the formation of pointlike masses. The two other statistical indicators however show the same qualitative properties as those observed for 3D gravitational clustering. In particular, the mass functions obey a Press-Schechter like scaling up to a very good accuracy in 1D, and to a lesser extent in 2D.
Our results suggest that the "geometrical adhesion model" whose solution is fully known at all times, provides a precious tool to understand some of the statistical constructions frequently used to study the development of mass halos in gravitational clustering.
In this work we focus on Gaussian initial conditions with power-law power spectra of slope $n$ in the range $-3<n<1$, where a self-similar evolution develops, and we compute the behavior of power spectra, density probability distributions and mass functions. As expected for such dynamics, the density power spectra show universal high-$k$ tails that are governed by the formation of pointlike masses. The two other statistical indicators however show the same qualitative properties as those observed for 3D gravitational clustering. In particular, the mass functions obey a Press-Schechter like scaling up to a very good accuracy in 1D, and to a lesser extent in 2D.
Our results suggest that the "geometrical adhesion model" whose solution is fully known at all times, provides a precious tool to understand some of the statistical constructions frequently used to study the development of mass halos in gravitational clustering.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
arXiv: 10 September 2010
Quantum Fluctuations of Vector Fields and the Primordial Curvature Perturbation in the Universe
Authors: Mindaugas Karciauskas
PhD thesis, 183 pages, 16 figures
The \delta N formalism is extended to include the perturbation of the vector field. The latter is quantized in de Sitter space-time and it is found that in general the particle production process of the vector field is anisotropic. This anisotropy is parametrized by introducing two parameters p and q, which are determined by the conformal invariance breaking mechanism. If any of them are non-zero, generated \zeta is statistically anisotropic. Then the power spectrum of \zeta and the non-linearity parameter fNL have an angular modulation. This formalism is applied for two vector curvaton models and the end-of-inflation scenario. It is found that for p \ne 0, the magnitude of fNL and the direction of its angular modulation is correlated with the anisotropy in the spectrum. If p \gtrsim 1, the anisotropic part of fNL is dominant over the isotropic one. These are distinct observational signatures; their detection would be a smoking gun for a vector field contribution to \zeta . In the first curvaton model the vector field is non-minimally coupled to gravity and in the second one it has a time varying kinetic function and mass. In the former, only statistically anisotropic \zeta can be generated, while in the latter, isotropic \zeta may be realized too. Parameter spaces for these vector curvaton scenarios are large enough for them to be realized in the particle physics models. In the end-of-inflation scenario fNL have similar properties to the vector curvaton scenario with additional anisotropic term.
The \delta N formalism is extended to include the perturbation of the vector field. The latter is quantized in de Sitter space-time and it is found that in general the particle production process of the vector field is anisotropic. This anisotropy is parametrized by introducing two parameters p and q, which are determined by the conformal invariance breaking mechanism. If any of them are non-zero, generated \zeta is statistically anisotropic. Then the power spectrum of \zeta and the non-linearity parameter fNL have an angular modulation. This formalism is applied for two vector curvaton models and the end-of-inflation scenario. It is found that for p \ne 0, the magnitude of fNL and the direction of its angular modulation is correlated with the anisotropy in the spectrum. If p \gtrsim 1, the anisotropic part of fNL is dominant over the isotropic one. These are distinct observational signatures; their detection would be a smoking gun for a vector field contribution to \zeta . In the first curvaton model the vector field is non-minimally coupled to gravity and in the second one it has a time varying kinetic function and mass. In the former, only statistically anisotropic \zeta can be generated, while in the latter, isotropic \zeta may be realized too. Parameter spaces for these vector curvaton scenarios are large enough for them to be realized in the particle physics models. In the end-of-inflation scenario fNL have similar properties to the vector curvaton scenario with additional anisotropic term.
First life in primordial-planet oceans: the biological big bang
Authors: Carl H. Gibson (Univ. Cal. San Diego US) N. Chandra Wickramasinghe (Cardiff Univ. UK) Rudolph E. Schild (Harvard Univ. US)
A scenario is presented for the formation of first life in the universe based on hydro-gravitational-dynamics (HGD) cosmology. From HGD, the dark matter of galaxies is H-He gas dominated planets (primordial-fog-particle PFPs) in million solar mass clumps (protoglobularstarcluster PGCs), which formed at the plasma to gas transition temperature 3000 K. Stars result from mergers of the hot-gas-planets. Over-accretion causes stars to explode as supernovae that scatter life-chemicals (C, N, O, P, S, Ca, Fe etc.) to other planets in PGC clumps and beyond. These chemicals were first collected gravitationally by merging PFPs to form H-saturated, high-pressure, dense oceans of critical-temperature 647 K water over iron-nickel cores at ~ 2 Myr. Stardust fertilizes the formation of first life in a cosmic hot-ocean soup kitchen comprised of all planets and their moons in meteoric communication, > 10^100 kg in total. Ocean freezing slows this biological big bang at ~ 8 Myr. HGD cosmology confirms that the evolving seeds of life are scattered on intergalactic scales by Hoyle-Wickramasinghe cometary panspermia. Thus, life flourishes on planets like Earth that would otherwise be sterile.
Brane-World Gravity
The observable universe could be a 1+3-surface (the "brane") embedded in a 1+3+\textit{d}-dimensional spacetime (the "bulk"), with Standard Model particles and fields trapped on the brane while gravity is free to access the bulk. At least one of the \textit{d} extra spatial dimensions could be very large relative to the Planck scale, which lowers the fundamental gravity scale, possibly even down to the electroweak ($\sim$ TeV) level. This revolutionary picture arises in the framework of recent developments in M theory. The 1+10-dimensional M theory encompasses the known 1+9-dimensional superstring theories, and is widely considered to be a promising potential route to quantum gravity. At low energies, gravity is localized at the brane and general relativity is recovered, but at high energies gravity "leaks" into the bulk, behaving in a truly higher-dimensional way. This introduces significant changes to gravitational dynamics and perturbations, with interesting and potentially testable implications for high-energy astrophysics, black holes, and cosmology. Brane-world models offer a phenomenological way to test some of the novel predictions and corrections to general relativity that are implied by M theory. This review analyzes the geometry, dynamics and perturbations of simple brane-world models for cosmology and astrophysics, mainly focusing on warped 5-dimensional brane-worlds based on the Randall--Sundrum models. We also cover the simplest brane-world models in which 4-dimensional gravity on the brane is modified at \emph{low} energies -- the 5-dimensional Dvali--Gabadadze--Porrati models. Then we discuss co-dimension two branes in 6-dimensional models.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
arXiv: 9 September 2010
Scale-Dependent Bias of Galaxies from Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations
Baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) modulate the density ratio of baryons to dark matter across large regions of the Universe. We show that the associated variation in the mass-to-light ratio of galaxies should generate an oscillatory, scale-dependent bias of galaxies relative to the underlying distribution of dark matter. A measurement of this effect would calibrate the dependence of the characteristic mass-to-light ratio of galaxies on the baryon mass fraction in their large scale environment. This bias, though, is unlikely to significantly affect measurements of BAO peak positions.
Unification of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in a Modified Entropic Force Model
In Verlinde's entropic force scenario of gravity, Newton's laws and Einstein equations can be obtained from the first pinciples and general assumptions. However, the equipartition law of energy is invalid at very low temperatures. We show clearly that the threshold of the equipartition law of energy is related with horizon of the universe. Thus, a one-dimension Debye (ODD) model in the direction of radius of the modified entropic force (MEF) maybe suitable in description of the accelerated expanding universe. We present a Friedmann cosmic dynamical model in the ODD-MEF framework. We examine carefully constraints on the ODD-MEF model from the Union2 compilation of the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP) collaboration, the data from the observation of the large-scale structure (LSS) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB), i.e. SNe Ia+LSS+CMB. The combined numerical analysis gives the best-fit value of the model parameters $\zeta\simeq10^{-9}$ and $\Omega_{m0}=0.224$, with $\chi_{min}^2=591.156$. The corresponding age of the universe agrees with the result of D. Spergel {\it et al.}\cite{Spergel2003} at 95% confidence level. The numerical result also yields an accelerated expanding universe without invoking any kind of dark energy. Taking $\zeta(\equiv 2\pi \omega_D/H_0)$ as a running parameter associated with the structure scale $r$, we obtain a possible unified scenario of the asymptotic flatness of the radial velocity dispersion of spiral galaxies, the accelerated expanding universe and the Pioneer 10/11 anomaly in the entropic force framework of Verlinde.
Application of Bayesian model averaging to measurements of the primordial power spectrum
Cosmological parameter uncertainties are often stated assuming a particular model, neglecting the model uncertainty, even when Bayesian model selection is unable to identify a conclusive best model. Bayesian model averaging is a method for assessing parameter uncertainties in situations where there is also uncertainty in the underlying model. We apply model averaging to the estimation of the parameters associated with the primordial power spectra of curvature and tensor perturbations. We use CosmoNest and MultiNest to compute the model Evidences and posteriors, using cosmic microwave data from WMAP, ACBAR, BOOMERanG and CBI, plus large-scale structure data from the SDSS DR7. We find that the model-averaged 95% credible interval for the spectral index using all of the data is 0.940 < n_s < 1.000, where n_s is specified at a pivot scale 0.015 Mpc^{-1}. For the tensors model averaging can tighten the credible upper limit, depending on prior assumptions.
N-body Simulations for Extended Quintessence Models
We introduce the N-body simulation technique to follow structure formation in linear and nonlinear regimes for the extended quintessence models (scalar-tensor theories in which the scalar field has a self-interaction potential and behaves as dark energy), and apply it to a class of models specified by an inverse power-law potential and a non-minimal coupling. Our full solution of the scalar field perturbation confirms that, when the potential is not too nonlinear, the effects of the scalar field could be accurately approximated as a modification of background expansion rate plus a rescaling of the effective gravitational constant relevant for structure growth. For the models we consider, these have opposite effects, leading to a weak net effect in the linear perturbation regime. However, on the nonlinear scales the modified expansion rate dominates and could produce interesting signatures in the matter power spectrum and mass function, which might be used to improve the constraints on the models from cosmological data. We show that the density profiles of the dark matter halos are well described by the Navarro-Frenk-White formula, although the scalar field could change the concentration. We also derive an analytic formula for the scalar field perturbation inside halos assuming NFW density profile and sphericity, which agrees well with numerical results if the parameter is appropriately tuned. The results suggest that for the models considered, the spatial variation of the scalar field (and thus the locally measured gravitational constant) is very weak, and so local experiments could see the background variation of gravitational constant.
Voids in Coupled Scalar Field Cosmology
Authors: Baojiu Li
We study the properties of voids in two different types of coupled scalar field theories. Due to the fifth force produced by the scalar field coupling, the matter particles feel stronger attraction amongst each other and cluster more quickly than they do in the standard LCDM model. Consequently voids in the coupled scalar field theories start to develop earlier and end up bigger, which is confirmed by our numerical simulations. We find that a significantly larger portion of the whole space is under-densed in the coupled scalar field theories and there are more voids whose sizes exceed given thresholds. This is more prominent in early times because at later times the under-dense regions have already been evacuated in coupled scalar field theories and there is time for the LCDM model to catch up. The coupled scalar field theories also predict a sharper transition between voids and high density regions. All in all, the qualitative behaviour is different not only from the LCDM result, but also amongst specific coupled scalar field models, making voids a potential candidate to test alternative ideas about the cosmic structure formation.
Frontiers of Dark Energy
Authors: Eric V. Linder
Cosmologists are just beginning to probe the properties of the cosmic vacuum and its role in reversing the attractive pull of gravity to cause an acceleration in the expansion of the cosmos. The cause of this acceleration is given the generic name of dark energy, whether it is due to a true vacuum, a false, temporary vacuum, or a new relation between the vacuum and the force of gravity. Despite the common name, the distinction between these origins is of utmost interest and physicists are actively engaged in finding ways to use cosmological observations to distinguish which is the true, new physics. Here we will discuss how to relate the theoretical ideas to the experimental constraints, how to understand the influences of dark energy on the expansion and structure in the universe, and what frontiers of new physics are being illuminated by current and near-term data.
Improving CMB non-Gaussianity estimators using tracers of local structure
Local non-Gaussianity causes correlations between large scale perturbation modes and the small scale power. The large-scale CMB signal has contributions from the integrated Sachs Wolfe (ISW) effect, which does not correlate with the small scale power. If this ISW contribution can be removed, the sensitivity to local non-Gaussianity is improved. Gravitational lensing and galaxy counts can be used to trace the ISW contribution; in particular we show that the CMB lensing potential is highly correlated with the ISW signal. We construct a nearly-optimal estimator for the local non-Gaussianity parameter $\fnl$ and investigate to what extent we can use this to decrease the variance on ${\fnl}$. We show that the variance can be decreased by up to $20\%$ at Planck sensitivity using galaxy counts. CMB lensing is a good bias-independent ISW tracer for future more sensitive observations, though the fractional decrease in variance is small if good polarization data is also available.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
arXiv: 8 September 2010
Dark Matter and Dark Energy as Effects of Quantum Gravity
Authors: Max I. Fomitchev
I present a theory of quantum gravity based on the principle of gravitational energy fluctuations. Gravitational energy fluctuations -- gravitons -- are responsible for elastic scattering of subatomic particles. Such scattering corresponds to complimentary force -- graviton scattering force -- arising in gravitational interaction in addition to Newtonian gravity. The strength of the graviton scattering force is proportional to the graviton scattering probability. Unlike Newtonian gravity the graviton scattering force follows the 1/r law and dominates the former on cosmological scale in the limit of low orbital accelerations. Similarly to Modified Newtonian Dynamics the quantum gravity accounts for variations in observed M/L ratios of diverse stellar systems ranging from dwarf spheroid galaxies to X-ray galaxy clusters without requiring an invisible matter (which is still required by MOND in X-Ray cluster cores). Unlike MOND the presented theory neither violates cornerstone Newton Laws nor suffers from the ambiguity of acceleration frames while enjoying vast experimental evidence usually cited in favor of MOND. To ascertain the validity of the presented theory I have examined the predictions of quantum gravity for dwarf spheroid, ordinary and giant elliptic galaxies, and X-ray clusters. In all cases quantum gravity yields M/L ratios and scaling relations consistent with observations. Quantum gravity accounts for the tilt of the Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies erasing the differences in M/L vs. luminosity relations for faint and bright ellipticals, which cannot be easily explained by CDM model. Lastly, by analyzing the behavior of the gravitational energy fluctuations in the limit of high matter density expected in the early Universe I show that primordial inflation and dark energy (i.e. non-zero cosmological constant) arise as natural effects of quantum gravity in the expanding Universe.
Monday, September 6, 2010
arXiv: 7 September 2010
Large-scale bias of dark matter halos
Cosmography: Supernovae Union2, Observational Hubble Data, Gamma Ray Bursts and Angular Diameter Distance
Authors: Patrick Valageas
We build a simple analytical model for the bias of dark matter halos that applies to objects defined by an arbitrary density threshold, $200\leq\delta\leq 1600$, and that provides accurate predictions from low-mass to high-mass halos. We point out that it is possible to build simple and efficient models, with no free parameter for the halo bias, by using integral constraints that govern the behavior of low-mass and typical halos, whereas the properties of rare massive halos are derived through explicit asymptotic approaches. We also describe how to take into account the impact of halo motions on their bias, using their linear displacement field. We obtain a good agreement with numerical simulations for the halo mass functions and large-scale bias at redshifts $0\leq z \leq 2.5$, for halos defined by nonlinear density threshold $200\leq\delta\leq 1600$. We also evaluate the impact on the halo bias of two common approximations, i) neglecting halo motions, and ii) linearizing the halo two-point correlation
Cosmography: Supernovae Union2, Observational Hubble Data, Gamma Ray Bursts and Angular Diameter Distance
In this paper, a parameterization describing the kinematical state of the universe in cosmographic approach is considered, where the minimum input is the assumption of the cosmological principle, i.e. the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric. A distinguished feature is that the result does not depend on any gravity theory. As a result, a series of cosmographic parameters (deceleration parameter $q_0$, jerk parameter $j_0$ and snap parameter $s_0$) are constrained from the cosmic observations which include type Ia supernovae (SN) Union2, the high redshift Gamma ray bursts (GRBs), the observational Hubble data (OHD) and angular diameter distance (ADD). By using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, we find the best fit values of cosmographic parameters in $1\sigma$ regions: $H_0=72.009^{+6.073}_{-5.834}$, $q_0=-0.641^{+0.415}_{-0.360}$, $j_0=-2.214^{+3.635}_{-3.924}$, $s_0=-13.875^{+6.668}_{-6.218}$ which are improved remarkably and consistent with the spatially flat $\Lambda$CDM model.
!!!Observational evidence favours a static universe
Authors: David F. Crawford
The common attribute of all Big Bang cosmologies is that they are based on the assumption that the universe is expanding. However examination of the evidence for this expansion clearly favours a static universe. The major topics considered are: Tolman surface brightness, angular size, type 1a supernovae, gamma ray bursts, galaxy distributions, quasar distributions, X-ray background radiation, cosmic microwave background radiation, radio source counts, quasar variability and the Butcher--Oemler effect. An analysis of the best raw data for these topics shows that they are consistent with expansion only if there is evolution that cancels the effects of expansion. An alternate cosmology, curvature cosmology, is in full agreement with the raw data. This tired-light cosmology predicts a well defined static and stable universe and is fully described. It not only predicts accurate values for the Hubble constant and the temperature of cosmic microwave background radiation but shows excellent agreement with most of the topics considered. Curvature cosmology also predicts the deficiency in solar neutrino production rate and can explain the anomalous acceleration of {\it Pioneer} 10.
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological Parameters from the 2008 Power Spectra
Authors: J. Dunkley, R. Hlozek, J. Sievers, V. Acquaviva, P. A. R. Ade, P. Aguirre, M. Amiri, J. W. Appel, L. F. Barrientos, E. S. Battistelli, J. R. Bond, B. Brown, B. Burger, J. Chervenak, S. Das, M. J. Devlin, S. R. Dicker, W. Bertrand Doriese, R. Dunner, T. Essinger-Hileman, R. P. Fisher, J. W. Fowler, A. Hajian, M. Halpern, M. Hasselfield, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo, G. C. Hilton, M. Hilton, A. D. Hincks, K. M. Huffenberger, D. H. Hughes, J. P. Hughes, L. Infante, K. D. Irwin, J. B. Juin, M. Kaul, J. Klein, A. Kosowsky, J. M Lau, M. Limon, Y-T. Lin, R. H. Lupton, T. A. Marriage, D. Marsden, P. Mauskopf, F. Menanteau, K. Moodley, H. Moseley, C. B Netterfield, M. D. Niemack, M. R. Nolta, L. A. Page, L. Parker, B. Partridge, B. Reid, N. Sehgal, B. Sherwin, D. N. Spergel, S. T. Staggs, D. S. Swetz, et al. (7 additional authors not shown)
We present cosmological parameters derived from the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation observed at 148 GHz and 218 GHz over 296 deg^2 with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) during its 2008 season. ACT measures fluctuations at scales 500<l<10000. We fit a model for the lensed CMB, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ), and foreground contribution to the 148 GHz and 218 GHz power spectra, including thermal and kinetic SZ, Poisson power from radio and infrared point sources, and clustered power from infrared point sources. The power from thermal and kinetic SZ at 148 GHz is estimated to be B_3000 = 6.8+-2.9 uK^2, where B_l=l(l+1)C_l/2pi. We estimate primary cosmological parameters from the 148 GHz spectrum, marginalizing over SZ and source power. The LCDM cosmological model is a good fit to the data, and LCDM parameters estimated from ACT+WMAP are consistent with the 7-year WMAP limits, with scale invariant n_s = 1 excluded at 99.7% CL (3sigma). A model with no CMB lensing is disfavored at 2.8sigma. By measuring the third to seventh acoustic peaks, and probing the Silk damping regime, the ACT data improve limits on cosmological parameters that affect the small-scale CMB power. The ACT data combined with WMAP give a 6sigma detection of primordial helium, with Y_P = 0.313+-0.044, and a 4sigma detection of relativistic species, assumed to be neutrinos, with Neff = 5.3+-1.3 (4.6+-0.8 with BAO+H0 data). From the CMB alone the running of the spectral index is constrained to be dn/dlnk = -0.034 +- 0.018, the limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r<0.25 (95% CL), and the possible contribution of Nambu cosmic strings to the power spectrum is constrained to string tension Gmu<1.6 \times 10^-7 (95% CL).
The Small Scale Structure of Spacetime
Authors: Steven Carlip
Several lines of evidence hint that quantum gravity at very small distances may be effectively two-dimensional. I summarize the evidence for such ``spontaneous dimensional reduction,'' and suggest an additional argument coming from the strong-coupling limit of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. If this description proves to be correct, it suggests a fascinating relationship between small-scale quantum spacetime and the behavior of cosmologies near an asymptotically silent singularity.
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