Saturday, August 28, 2010

arXiv: 27 August 2010

Dynamical Selection of the Primordial Density Fluctuation Amplitude
In inflationary models, the predicted amplitude of primordial density perturbations Q is much larger than the observed value (~10^{-5}) for natural choices of parameters. To explain the requisite exponential fine-tuning, anthropic selection is often invoked, especially in cases where microphysics is expected to produce a complex energy landscape. By contrast, we find examples of ekpyrotic models based on heterotic M-theory for which dynamical selection naturally favors the observed value of Q.

arXIv: 26 August 2010

Universal properties in galaxies and cored Dark Matter profiles
In this paper I report the highlights of the talk: "Universal properties in galaxies and cored Dark Matter profiles", given at: Colloquium Lectures, Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge. The 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2010 "The Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations".

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

arXiv: 25 August 2010

Dark Matter Halos from the Inside Out
The balance of evidence indicates that individual galaxies and groups or clusters of galaxies are embedded in enormous distributions of cold, weakly interacting dark matter. These dark matter 'halos' provide the scaffolding for all luminous structure in the universe, and their properties comprise an essential part of the current cosmological model. I review the internal properties of dark matter halos, focussing on the simple, universal trends predicted by numerical simulations of structure formation. Simulations indicate that halos should all have roughly the same spherically-averaged density profile and kinematic structure, and predict simple distributions of shape, formation history and substructure in density and kinematics, over an enormous range of halo mass and for all common variants of the concordance cosmology. I describe observational progress towards testing these predictions by measuring masses, shapes, profiles and substructure in real halos, using baryonic tracers or gravitational lensing. An important property of simulated halos (possibly the most important property) is their dynamical 'age', or degree of internal relaxation. The age of a halo may have almost as much effect as its mass in determining the state of its baryonic contents, so halo ages are also worth trying to measure observationally. I review recent gravitational lensing studies of galaxy clusters which should measure substructure and relaxation in a large sample of individual cluster halos, producing quantitative measures of age that are well-matched to theoretical predictions. The age distributions inferred from these studies will lead to second-generation tests of the cosmological model, as well as an improved understanding of cluster assembly and the evolution of galaxies within clusters.
Dark Matter Universal Properties in Galaxies
In the past years a wealth of observations has unraveled the structural properties of dark and luminous mass distribution in galaxies, a benchmark for understanding dark matter and the process of galaxy formation. The study of the kinematics of over thousand spirals has evidenced a dark-luminous matter coupling and the presence of a series of scaling laws, pictured by the Universal Rotation Curve paradigm, an intriguing observational scenario not easily explained by present theories of galaxy formation.

24 August 2010

Cosmological Perturbations in the "Healthy Extension'' of Horava-Lifshitz gravity
Authors: Alessandro Cerioni, Robert H. Brandenberger (McGill University and Univ. of Bologna)
We study linear cosmological perturbations in the ``healthy extension'' of Horava-Lifshitz gravity which has recently been analyzed \cite{BPS2}. We find that there are two degrees of freedom for scalar metric fluctuations, but that one of them decouples in the infrared limit. Also, for appropriate choices of the parameters defining the Lagrangian, the extra mode can be made well-behaved even in the ultraviolet.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

arXiv: 23 August 2010

How to Falsify the GR+LambdaCDM Model with Galaxy Redshift Surveys
A wide range of models describing modifications to General Relativity have been proposed, but no fundamental parameter set exists to describe them. Similarly, no fundamental theory exists for dark energy to parameterize its potential deviation from a cosmological constant. This motivates a model-independent search for deviations from the concordance GR+LambdaCDM cosmological model in large galaxy redshift surveys. We describe two model-independent tests of the growth of cosmological structure, in the form of quantities that must equal one if GR+LambdaCDM is correct. The first, epsilon, was introduced previously as a scale-independent consistency check between the expansion history and structure growth. The second, upsilon, is introduced here as a test of scale-dependence in the linear evolution of matter density perturbations. We show that the ongoing and near-future galaxy redshift surveys WiggleZ, BOSS, and HETDEX will constrain these quantities at the 5-10% level, representing a stringent test of concordance cosmology at different redshifts. When redshift space distortions are used to probe the growth of cosmological structure, galaxies at higher redshift with lower bias are found to be most powerful in detecting deviations from the GR+LambdaCDM model.


Friday, August 20, 2010

arXiv: 20 August 2010

Probing Stellar Populations at z ~ 7 - 8
Authors: Steven L. Finkelstein
In this proceeding we present the results from a study of very high-redshift galaxies with the newly commissioned Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. With the deepest near-infrared data ever taken, we discovered 31 galaxies at 6.3 < z < 8.6. The rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) colors of these galaxies are extremely blue, showing significant (> 4 sigma) evolution from z ~ 3, over only 1 Gyr of cosmic time. While we cannot yet diagnose the exact cause of the bluer colors, it appears a low dust content is the primary factor. The stellar masses of these galaxies are less than comparably selected galaxies at 3 < z < 6, highlighting evolution in the stellar mass of characteristic (L*) galaxies with redshift. Lastly, the measured rest-UV luminosity density of galaxies in our sample seems sufficient to sustain reionization at z ~ 7 when we account for the likely contribution from galaxies below our magnitude limit.
Note on Non-Gaussianities in Two-field Inflation
Authors: Tower Wang
Two-field slow-roll inflation is the most conservative modification of the single-field model. The main motivations to study it are its entropic mode and non-Gaussianity. Several years ago, for a two-field model with additive separable potentials, Vernizzi and Wands invented an analytic method to estimate its non-Gaussianities. Later on, Choi et al. applied this method to the model with multiplicative separable potentials. In this note, we design a larger class of models whose non-Gaussianity can be estimated by the same method. Under some simplistic assumptions, generally these models is unlikely able to generate a large non-Gaussianity. But for some specific models of this class, after scanning the full parameter space, we dig out large non-Gaussianities, whose signature could be positive or negative. These models and scanning techniques would be useful for future model hunt if observational evidence shows up for two-field inflation.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

arXiv: 19 August 2010

A comprehensive overview of the Cold Spot
Authors: P. Vielva
The report of a significant deviation of the CMB temperature anisotropies distribution from Gaussianity (soon after the public release of the WMAP data in 2003) has become one of the most solid WMAP anomalies. This detection grounds on an excess of the kurtosis of the Spherical Mexican Hat Wavelet coefficients at scales of around 10 degrees. At these scales, a prominent feature --located in the southern Galactic hemisphere-- was highlighted from the rest of the SMHW coefficients: the Cold Spot. This article presents a comprehensive overview related to the study of the Cold Spot, paying attention to the non-Gaussianity detection methods, the morphological characteristics of the Cold Spot, and the possible sources studied in the literature to explain its nature. Special emphasis is made on the Cold Spot compatibility with a cosmic texture, commenting on future tests that would help to give support or discard this hypothesis.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

arXiv: 18 August 2010

The Accuracy of Subhalo Detection
With the ever increasing resolution of N-body simulations, accurate subhalo detection is becoming essential in the study of the formation of structure, the production of merger trees and the seeding of semi-analytic models. To investigate the state of halo finders, we compare two different approaches to detecting subhaloes; the first based on overdensities in a halo and the second being adaptive mesh refinement. A set of stable mock NFW dark matter haloes were produced and a subhalo was placed at different radii within a larger halo. SUBFIND (a Friends-of-Friends based finder) and AHF (an adaptive mesh based finder) were employed to recover the subhalo. As expected, we found that the mass of the subhalo recovered by SUBFIND has a strong dependence on the radial position and that neither halo finder can accurately recover the subhalo when it is very near the centre of the halo. This radial dependence is shown to be related to the subhalo being truncated by the background density of the halo and originates due to the subhalo being defined as an overdensity. If the subhalo size is instead determined using the peak of the circular velocity profile, a much more stable value is recovered. The downside to this is that the maximum circular velocity is a poor measure of stripping and is affected by resolution. For future halo finders to recover all the particles in a subhalo, a search of phase space will need to be introduced.
Evolution of sub-horizon cold dark matter perturbations
We investigate the evolution of sub-horizon cold dark matter perturbation in the dark energy dominated era of the Universe. By generalising the Meszaros equation to be valid for an arbitrary equation of state parameter, we derive the $w$-Meszaros equation. Its solutions determine the evolution of the cold dark matter perturbation by neglecting dark energy perturbations. Our analytical results provide a qualitative understanding of this evolution.

arXiv:17 August

Non-linear mode coupling and the growth of perturbations in LCDM
Cosmic structures at small non-linear scales $k>L\sim 0.2 h $ Mpc$^{-1}$ have an impact on the longer (quasi-)linear wavelengths with $k<L$ via non-linear UV-IR mode coupling. We evaluate this effect for a $\Lambda$CDM universe applying the effective fluid method of Baumann, Nicolis, Senatore and Zaldarriaga. For $k<L$ the $\Lambda$CDM growth function for the density contrast is found to receive a scale dependent correction and an effective anisotropic stress sources a shift between the two gravitational potentials, setting $\phi$ - $\psi \neq 0$. Since such a situation is generically considered as a signature of modified gravity and/or dark energy, these effects should be taken into account before any conclusions on the dark sector are drawn from the interpretation of future observations.
Constraining the expansion history of the universe from the red shift evolution of cosmic shear
We present a quantitative analysis of the constraints on the total equation of state parameter that can be obtained from measuring the red shift evolution of the cosmic shear. We compare the constraints that can be obtained from measurements of the spin two angular multipole moments of the cosmic shear to those resulting from the two dimensional and three dimensional power spectra of the cosmic shear. We find that if the multipole moments of the cosmic shear are measured accurately enough for a few red shifts the constraints on the dark energy equation of state parameter improve significantly compared to those that can be obtained from other measurements.
Parameterizing scalar-tensor theories for cosmological probes
We study the evolution of density perturbations for a class of $f(R)$ models which closely mimic $\Lambda$CDM background cosmology. Using the quasi-static approximation, and the fact that these models are equivalent to scalar-tensor gravity, we write the modified Friedmann and cosmological perturbation equations in terms of the mass $M$ of the scalar field. Using the perturbation equations, we then derive an analytic expression for the growth parameter $\gamma$ in terms of $M$, and use our result to reconstruct the linear matter power spectrum. We find that the power spectrum at $z \sim 0$ is characterized by a tilt relative to its General Relativistic form, with increased power on small scales. We discuss how one has to modify the standard, constant $\gamma$ prescription in order to study structure formation for this class of models. Since $\gamma$ is now scale and time dependent, both the amplitude and transfer function associated with the linear matter power spectrum will be modified. We suggest a simple parameterization for the mass of the scalar field, which allows us to calculate the matter power spectrum for a broad class of $f(R)$ models.
Galaxy Peculiar Velocities From Large-Scale Supernova Surveys as a Dark Energy Probe
Authors: Suman Bhattacharya (LANL), Arthur Kosowsky, Jeffrey A. Newman, Andrew R. Zentner (University of Pittsburgh)
Upcoming imaging surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will repeatedly scan large areas of sky and have the potential to yield million-supernova catalogs. Type Ia supernovae are excellent standard candles and will provide distance measures that suffice to detect mean pairwise velocities of their host galaxies. We show that when combining these distance measures with photometric redshifts for either the supernovae or their host galaxies, the mean pairwise velocities of the host galaxies will provide a dark energy probe which is competitive with other widely discussed methods. Adding information from this test to type Ia supernova photometric luminosity distances from the same experiment, plus the cosmic microwave background power spectrum from the Planck satellite, improves the Dark Energy Task Force Figure of Merit by a factor of 2.2. Pairwise velocity measurements require no additional observational effort beyond that required to perform the traditional supernova luminosity distance test, but may provide complementary constraints on dark energy parameters and the nature of gravity. Incorporating additional spectroscopic redshift follow-up observations could provide important dark energy constraints from pairwise velocities alone. Mean pairwise velocities are less sensitive to systematic redshift errors than the luminosity distance test or weak lensing techniques, and also are only mildly affected by systematic evolution of supernova luminosity.
Gravitational Nanolensing from Subsolar Mass Dark Matter Halos
We investigate the feasibility of extracting the gravitational nanolensing signal due to the presence of subsolar mass halos within galaxy-sized dark matter halos. We show that subsolar mass halos in a lensing galaxy can cause strong nanolensing events with shorter durations and smaller amplitudes than microlensing events caused by stars. We develop techniques that can be used in future surveys such as Pan-STARRS, LSST and OMEGA to search for the nanolensing signal from subsolar mass halos.

Monday, August 16, 2010

arXiv: 16 August 2010

Beyond Spherical Top Hat Collapse
study the evolution of inhomogeneous spherical perturbations in the universe in a way that generalizes the spherical top hat collapse in a straightforward manner. For that purpose we derive a dynamical equation for the evolution of the density contrast in the context of a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metric and construct solutions with and without a cosmological constant for the evolution of a spherical perturbation with a given initial radial profile.


arXiv: 13 August 2010

Velocity Structure of Self-Similar Spherically Collapsed Halos
Using a generalized self-similar secondary infall model, which accounts for tidal torques acting on the halo, we analyze the velocity profiles of halos in order to gain intuition for N-body simulation results. We analytically calculate the asymptotic behavior of the internal radial and tangential kinetic energy profiles in different radial regimes. We then numerically compute the velocity anisotropy and pseudo-phase-space density profiles and compare them to recent N-body simulations. For cosmological initial conditions, we find both numerically and analytically that the anisotropy profile asymptotes at small radii to a constant set by model parameters. It rises on intermediate scales as the velocity dispersion becomes more radially dominated and then drops off at radii larger than the virial radius where the radial velocity dispersion vanishes in our model. The pseudo-phase-space density is universal on intermediate and large scales. However, its asymptotic slope on small scales depends on the halo mass and on how mass shells are torqued after turnaround. The results largely confirm N-body simulations but show some differences that are likely due to our assumption of a one-dimensional phase space manifold.
Testing gravity with non-Gaussianity
Authors: Xian Gao
We show that modified gravity presents distinctive nonlinear features on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies comparing with General Relativity (GR). We calculate the contribution to the CMB non-Gaussianity from nonlinear Sachs-Wolfe effect in $f(R)$ gravity and show that, contrary to GR's contribution which is typically $\lesssim \mathcal{O}(1)$, the contribution in $f(R)$ gravity is sensitive to the nonlinear structure of $f(R)$ and can be large in principle. Optimistically, this gives an alternative origin for the possibly observed large CMB non-Gaussianities besides the primordial ones. On the other hand, such nonlinear features can be employed to provide a new cosmological test of $f(R)$ or other modified theories of gravitation, which is unique and is independent of previously known tests.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

arXiv: 12 August 2010

Radio pulsar populations
The goal of this article is to summarize the current state of play in the field of radio pulsar statistics. Simply put, from the observed sample of objects from a variety of surveys with different telescopes, we wish to infer the properties of the underlying sample and to connect these with other astrophysical populations (for example supernova remnants or X-ray binaries). The main problem we need to tackle is the fact that, like many areas of science, the observed populations are often heavily biased by a variety of selection effects. After a review of the main effects relevant to radio pulsars, I discuss techniques to correct for them and summarize some of the most recent results. Perhaps the main point I would like to make in this article is that current models to describe the population are far from complete and often suffer from strong covariances between input parameters. That said, there are a number of very interesting conclusions that can be made concerning the evolution of neutron stars based on current data. While the focus of this review will be on the population of isolated Galactic pulsars, I will also briefly comment on millisecond and binary pulsars as well as the pulsar content of globular clusters and the Magellanic Clouds
Galacticus: A Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation
Authors: Andrew J. Benson (1) ((1) California Institute of Technology)
We describe a new, free and open source semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, Galacticus. The Galacticus model was designed to be highly modular to facilitate expansion and the exploration of alternative descriptions of key physical ingredients. We detail the Galacticus engine for evolving galaxies through a merging hierarchy of dark matter halos and give details of the specific implementations of physics currently available in Galacticus. Finally, we show results from an example model that is in reasonably good agreement with several observational datasets. We use this model to explore numerical convergence and to demonstrate the types of information which can be extracted from Galacticus.
Constraints on smoothness parameter and dark energy using observational $H(z)$ data
The universe, with large-scale homogeneity, is locally inhomogeneous, clustering into stars, galaxies and larger structures. Such property is described by the smoothness parameter $\alpha$ which is defined as the proportion of matter in the form of intergalactic medium. If we take consideration of the inhomogeneities in small scale, there should be modifications of the cosmological distances compared to a homogenous model. Dyer and Roeder developed a second-order ordinary differential equation (D-R equation) that describes the angular diameter distance-redshift relation for inhomogeneous cosmological models. Furthermore, we may obtain the D-R equation for observational $H(z)$ data (OHD). The density-parameter $\Omega_{\rm M}$, the state of dark energy $\omega$, and the smoothness-parameter $\alpha$ are constrained by a set of OHD in a spatially flat $\Lambda$CDM universe as well as a spatially flat XCDM universe. By using of $\chi^2$ minimization method we get $\alpha=0.81^{+0.19}_{-0.20}$ and $\Omega_{\rm M}=0.32^{+0.12}_{-0.06}$ at $1\sigma$ confidence level. If we assume a Gaussian prior of $\Omega_{\rm M}=0.26\pm0.1$, we get $\alpha=0.93^{+0.07}_{-0.19}$ and $\Omega_{\rm M}=0.31^{+0.06}_{-0.05}$. For XCDM model, $\alpha$ is constrained to $\alpha\geq0.80$ but $\omega$ is weakly constrained around -1, where $\omega$ describes the equation of the state of the dark energy ($p_{\rm X}=\omega\rho_{\rm X}$). We conclude that OHD constrains the smoothness parameter more effectively than the data of SNe Ia and compact radio sources.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

arXiv: 11 August 2010

What do we learn from CMB observations
We give an account, at non-expert and quantitative level, of physics behind the CMB temperature anisotropy and polarization and their peculiar features. We discuss, in particular, how cosmological parameters are determined from the CMB measurements and their combinations with other observations. We emphasize that CMB is the major source of information on the primordial density perturbations and, possibly, gravitational waves, and discuss the implication for our understanding of the extremely early Universe.
Dark Energy Perturbations Revisited
In this paper we study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in the presence of dynamical dark energy, and revisit the issue of dark energy perturbations. For a generally parameterized equation of state (EoS) such as w_D(z) = w_0+w_1\frac{z}{1+z}, (for a single fluid or a single scalar field ) the dark energy perturbation diverges when its EoS crosses the cosmological constant boundary w_D=-1. In this paper we present a method of treating the dark energy perturbations during the crossing of the $w_D=-1$ surface by imposing matching conditions which require the induced 3-metric on the hypersurface of w_D=-1 and its extrinsic curvature to be continuous. These matching conditions have been used widely in the literature to study perturbations in various models of early universe physics, such as Inflation, the Pre-Big-Bang and Ekpyrotic scenarios, and bouncing cosmologies. In all of these cases the EoS undergoes a sudden change. Through a detailed analysis of the matching conditions, we show that \delta_D and \theta_D are continuous on the matching hypersurface. This justifies the method used[1-4] in the numerical calculation and data fitting for the determination of cosmological parameters. We discuss the conditions under which our analysis is applicable.
Taking "The Road Not Taken'': On the Benefits of Diversifying Your Academic Portfolio
Authors: Abraham Loeb (Harvard)
It is common practice among young astrophysicists these days to invest research time conservatively in mainstream ideas that have already been explored extensively in the literature. This tendency is driven by peer pressure and job market prospects, and is occasionally encouraged by senior researchers. Although the same phenomenon existed in past decades, it is alarmingly more prevalent today because a growing fraction of observational and theoretical projects are pursued in large groups with rigid research agendas. In addition, the emergence of a ``standard model'' in cosmology (albeit with unknown dark components) offers secure ``bonds'' for a safe investment of research time. In this short essay, which summarizes a banquet lecture at a recent conference, I give examples for both safe and risky topics in astrophysics (which I split into categories of ``bonds,'' ``stocks,'' and ``venture capital''), and argue that young researchers should always allocate a small fraction of their academic portfolio to innovative projects with risky but potentially highly profitable returns. In parallel, selection and promotion committees must find new strategies for rewarding candidates with creative thinking.
Non-universality of halo profiles and implications for dark matter experiments
Authors: Darren S. Reed (ITP, Univ. of Zurich), Savvas M. Koushiappas (Brown Univ.), Liang Gao (NAO, Chinese Academy of Science)
We explore the cosmological halo-to-halo scatter of the distribution of mass within dark matter halos utilizing a well-resolved statistical sample of clusters from the cosmological Millennium simulation. We find that at any radius, the spherically-averaged dark matter density of a halo (corresponding to the ``smooth-component'') and its logarithmic slope are well-described by a Gaussian probability distribution. At small radii (within the scale radius), the density distribution is fully determined by the measured Gaussian distribution in halo concentrations. The variance in the radial distribution of mass in dark matter halos is important for the interpretation of direct and indirect dark matter detection efforts. The scatter in mass profiles imparts approximately a 25 percent cosmological uncertainty in the dark matter density at the Solar neighborhood and a factor of ~3 uncertainty in the expected Galactic dark matter annihilation flux. The aggregate effect of halo-to-halo profile scatter leads to a small (few percent) enhancement in dark matter annihilation background if the Gaussian concentration distribution holds for all halo masses versus a 10 percent enhancement under the assumption of a log-normal concentration distribution. The Gaussian nature of the cluster profile scatter implies that the technique of ``stacking'' halos to improve signal to noise should not suffer from bias.
On the Backreaction of Scalar and Spinor Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetimes - From the Basic Foundations to Cosmological Applications
First, the present work is concerned with generalising constructions and results in quantum field theory on curved spacetimes from the well-known case of the Klein-Gordon field to Dirac fields. To this end, the enlarged algebra of observables of the Dirac field is constructed in the algebraic framework. This algebra contains normal-ordered Wick polynomials in particular, and an extended analysis of one of its elements, the stress-energy tensor, is performed. Based on detailed calculations of the Hadamard coefficients of the Dirac field, it is found that a construction of a stress-energy tensor fulfilling necessary physical properties is possible. Additionally, the mathematically sound Hadamard regularisation prescription of the stress-energy tensor is compared to the mathematically less rigorous DeWitt-Schwinger regularisation and it is found that both prescriptions are essentially equivalent in rigorous terms.
While the aforementioned results hold in generic curved spacetimes, particular attention is also devoted to a specific class of Robertson-Walker spacetimes with a lightlike Big Bang hypersurface. Employing holographic methods, Hadamard states for the Klein-Gordon and the Dirac field are constructed. These states are preferred in the sense that they constitute asymptotic equilibrium states in the limit to the Big Bang hypersurface. Finally, solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equation for quantum fields of arbitrary spin are analysed in the flat Robertson-Walker case. One finds that these solutions explain the measured supernova Ia data as good as the $\La$CDM model. Hence, one arrives at a natural explanation of dark energy and a simple quantum model of cosmological dark matter.
It is the hope of the author that the present thesis can serve as an accessible introduction to the field of (algebraic) quantum field theory on curved spacetimes and its recent developments.

Monday, August 9, 2010

arXiv: 10 August 2010

Uniting cosmological epochs through the twister solution in cosmology with non-minimal coupling
We investigate dynamics of a flat FRW cosmological model with a barotropic matter and a non-minimally coupled scalar field (both canonical and phantom). In our approach we do not assume any specific form of a potential function for the scalar field and we are looking for generic scenarios of evolution. We show that dynamics of universe can be reduced to a 3-dimensional dynamical system. We have found the set of fixed points and established their character. These critical points represent all important epochs in evolution of the universe : (a) a finite scale factor singularity, (b) an inflation (rapid-roll and slow-roll), (c) a radiation domination, (d) a matter domination and (e) a quintessence era. We have shown that the inflation, the radiation and matter domination epochs are transient ones and last for a finite amount of time. The existence of the radiation domination epoch is purely the effect of a non-minimal coupling constant. We show the existence of a twister type solution wandering between all these critical points.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

arXiv: 9 August 2010

Cosmological perturbations in f(T) gravity
We investigate the cosmological perturbations in f(T) gravity. Examining the pure gravitational perturbations, we extract the corresponding dispersion relation, which provides a constraint on the f(T) ansatzes that lead to a theory free of instabilities. Additionally, upon inclusion of the matter perturbations, we derive the fully perturbed equations of motion, and we study the growth of matter overdensities. We show that f(T) gravity with f(T) constant coincides with General Relativity, both at the background as well as at the first-order perturbation level. Applying our formalism to the power-law model we find that on large subhorizon scales (O(100 Mpc) or larger), the evolution of matter overdensity differs markedly from LambdaCDM cosmology.
Measuring our peculiar velocity on the CMB with high-multipole off-diagonal correlations
Our peculiar velocity with respect to the CMB rest frame is known to induce a large dipole in the CMB. However, the motion of an observer has also the effect of distorting the anisotropies at all scales, as shown by Challinor and Van Leeuwen (2002), due to aberration and Doppler effects. We propose to measure independently our local motion by using off-diagonal two-point correlation functions for high multipoles. We study the observability of the signal for temperature and polarization anisotropies. We point out that Planck can measure the velocity $\beta$ with an error of about 10%-20% and the direction with an error of about 5-10 degrees. This method constitutes a cross-check, which can be useful to verify that our CMB dipole is due mainly to our velocity or to disentangle the velocity from other possible intrinsic sources. Although in this paper we focus on our peculiar velocity, a similar effect would result also from other intrinsic vectorial distortion of the CMB which would induce a dipolar lensing. Measuring the off-diagonal correlation terms is therefore a test for a preferred direction on the CMB sky.
Weak gravitational lensing with DEIMOS
We introduce a novel method for weak-lensing measurements, which is based on a mathematically exact deconvolution of the moments of the apparent brightness distribution of galaxies from the telescope's PSF. No assumptions on the shape of the galaxy or the PSF are made. The (de)convolution equations are exact for unweighted moments only, while in practice a compact weight function needs to be applied to the noisy images to ensure that the moment measurement yields significant results. We employ a Gaussian weight function, whose centroid and ellipticity are iteratively adjusted to match the corresponding quantities of the source. The change of the moments caused by the application of the weight function can then be corrected by considering higher-order weighted moments of the same source. Because of the form of the deconvolution equations, even an incomplete weighting correction leads to an excellent shear estimation if galaxies and PSF are measured with a weight function of identical size. We demonstrate the accuracy and capabilities of this new method in the context of weak gravitational lensing measurements with a set of specialized tests and show its competitive performance on the GREAT08 challenge data. A complete C++ implementation of the method can be requested from the authors.
The gravitational effect of the vacuum
The quantum field theoretic prediction for the vacuum energy density leads to a value for the effective cosmological constant that is incorrect by between 60 to 120 orders of magnitude. We review an old proposal of replacing Einstein's Field Equations by their trace-free part (the Trace-Free Einstein Equations), together with an independent assumption of energy--momentum conservation by matter fields. We confirm that while this does not solve the fundamental issue of why the cosmological constant has the value it has, it is indeed a viable theory that resolves the problem of the discrepancy between the vacuum energy density and the observed value of the cosmological constant. We also point out that this proposal may have a valid quantum field theory basis in terms of a spin-2 field theory for the graviton interaction with matter.


Friday, August 6, 2010

arXiv: 6 August 2010

Compact object detection in self-lensing binary systems with a main-sequence star
Detecting compact objects by means of their gravitational lensing effect on an observed companion in a binary system has already been suggested almost four decades ago. However, these predictions were made even before the first observations of gravitational lensing, whereas nowadays gravitational microlensing surveys towards the Galactic bulge yield almost 1000 events per year where one star magnifies the light of a more distant one. With a specific view on those experiments, we therefore carry out simulations to assess the prospects for detection of the transient periodic magnification of the companion star, which lasts typically only a few hours binaries involving a main-sequence star. We find that detectability is given by the achievability of dense monitoring with the required photometric accuracy. In sharp contrast to earlier expectations by other authors, we find that main-sequence stars are not substantially less favourable targets to observe this effect than white dwarfs. The requirement of an almost edge-on orbit leads to a probability of the order of $3 \times 10^{-4}$ for spotting the signature of an existing compact object in a binary system with this technique. Assuming an abundance of such systems about 0.4 per cent, a high-cadence monitoring every 15~min with 5 per cent photometric accuracy would deliver a signal rate per target star of $\gamma \sim 4 \times 10^{-7}~\mbox{yr}^{-1}$ at a recurrence period of about 6 months. With microlensing surveys having demonstrated the capability to monitor about $2 \times 10^{8}$ stars, one is therefore provided with the chance to detect roughly semi-annually recurring self-lensing signals from several compact compacts in a binary system. If the photometric accuracy was pushed down to 0.3 per cent, 10 times as many signals would become detectable.
Small scale aspects of warm dark matter : power spectra and acoustic oscillations
We provide a semi-analytic study of the small scale aspects of the power spectra of warm dark matter (WDM) candidates that decoupled while relativistic with arbitrary distribution functions. These are characterized by two widely different scales $k_{eq} \sim 0.01\,(\mathrm{Mpc})^{-1}$ and $k_{fs}= \sqrt{3}\,k_{eq}/2\,\langle V^2_{eq} \rangle^\frac{1}{2} $ with $\langle V^2_{eq} \rangle^\frac{1}{2} \ll 1 $ the velocity dispersion at matter radiation equality. Density perturbations evolve through three stages: radiation domination when the particle is relativistic and non-relativistic and matter domination. An early ISW effect during the first stage leads to an enhancement of density perturbations and a plateau in the transfer function for $k \lesssim k_{fs}$. An effective fluid description emerges at small scales which includes the effects of free streaming in initial conditions and inhomogeneities. The transfer function features \emph{WDM-acoustic oscillations} at scales $k \gtrsim 2 \,k_{fs}$. We study the power spectra for two models of sterile neutrinos with $m \sim \,\mathrm{keV}$ produced non-resonantly, at the QCD and EW scales respectively. The latter case yields acoustic oscillations on mass scales $\sim 10^{8}\,M_{\odot}$. Our results reveal a \emph{quasi-degeneracy} between the mass, distribution function and decoupling temperature suggesting caveats on the constraints on the mass of a sterile neutrino from current WDM N-body simulations and Lyman-$\alpha$ forest data. A simple analytic interpolation of the power spectra between large and small scales and its numerical implementation is given.

arXiv: 6 August 2010

Dark energy equation of state and cosmic topology
The immediate observational consequence of a non-trivial spatial topology of the Universe is that an observer could potentially detect multiple images of radiating sources. In particular, a non-trivial topology will generate pairs of correlated circles of temperature fluctuations in the anisotropies maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the so-called circles-in-the-sky. In this way, a detectable non-trivial spatial topology may be seen as an observable attribute, which can be probed through the circles-in-the-sky for all locally homogeneous and isotropic universes with no assumptions on the cosmological dark energy (DE) equation of state (EOS) parameters. We show that the knowledge of the spatial topology through the circles-in-the-sky offers an effective way of reducing the degeneracies in the DE EOS parameters. We concretely illustrate the topological role by assuming, as an exanple, a Poincar\'{e} dodecahedral space topology and reanalyzing the constraints on the parameters of a specific EOS which arise from the supernovae type Ia, baryon acoustic oscillations and the CMB plus the statistical topological contribution.
Self-Similar Spherical Collapse with Tidal Torque
N-body simulations have revealed a wealth of information about dark matter halos however their results are largely empirical. Using analytic means, we attempt to shed light on simulation results by generalizing the self-similar secondary infall model to include tidal torque. In this first of two papers, we describe our halo formation model and compare our results to empirical mass profiles inspired by N-body simulations. Each halo is determined by four parameters. One parameter sets the mass scale and the other three define how particles within a mass shell are torqued throughout evolution. We choose torque parameters motivated by tidal torque theory and N-body simulations and analytically calculate the structure of the halo in different radial regimes. We find that angular momentum plays an important role in determining the density profile at small radii. For cosmological initial conditions, the density profile on small scales is set by the time rate of change of the angular momentum of particles as well as the halo mass. On intermediate scales, however, $\rho\propto r^{-2}$, while $\rho\propto r^{-3}$ close to the virial radius.
Halo Clustering with Non-Local Non-Gaussianity
We show how the peak-background split can be generalized to predict the effect of non-local primordial non-Gaussianity on the clustering of halos. Our approach is applicable to arbitrary primordial bispectra. We show that the scale-dependence of halo clustering predicted in the peak-background split (PBS) agrees with that of the local-biasing model on large scales. On smaller scales, k >~ 0.01 h/Mpc, the predictions diverge, a consequence of the assumption of separation of scales in the peak-background split. Even on large scales, PBS and local biasing do not generally agree on the amplitude of the effect outside of the high-peak limit. The scale dependence of the biasing - the effect that provides strong constraints to the local-model bispectrum - is far weaker for the equilateral and self-ordering-scalar-field models of non-Gaussianity. The bias scale dependence for the orthogonal and folded models is weaker than in the local model (~ 1/k), but likely still strong enough to be constraining. We show that departures from scale-invariance of the primordial power spectrum may lead to order-unity corrections, relative to predictions made assuming scale-invariance - to the non-Gaussian bias in some of these non-local models for non-Gaussianity. An Appendix shows that a non-local model can produce the local-model bispectrum, a mathematical curiosity we uncovered in the course of this investigation
Weak Equivalence Principle Test on a Sounding Rocket
SR-POEM, our principle of equivalence measurement on a sounding rocket, will compare the free fall rate of two substances yielding an uncertainty of E-16 in the estimate of \eta. During the past two years, the design concept has matured and we have been working on the required technology, including a laser gauge that is self aligning and able to reach 0.1 pm per root hertz for periods up to 40 s. We describe the status and plans for this project.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

arXiv: 4 August 2010

Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Models
In this work we analyze and review cosmological models in which the dynamics of a single scalar field accounts for a unified description of the Dark Matter and Dark Energy sectors, dubbed Unified Dark Matter (UDM) models. In this framework, we consider the general Lagrangian of k-essence, which allows to find solutions around which the scalar field describes the desired mixture of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. We also discuss static and spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein's equations for a scalar field with non-canonical kinetic term, in connection with galactic halo rotation curves.
CMB observations in LTB universes: Part II -- the kSZ effect in an LTB universe
We study the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect in a Lem\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) universe model whose distance-redshift relation agrees with that of the concordance $\Lambda$CDM model at redshifts $z\lesssim2$. This LTB universe model has a void with size comparable to the Hubble horizon scale. We first determine the decoupling epoch in this LTB universe model by an approximate analytical condition under a few simplified assumptions on the physical quantities at that epoch. Then we calculate the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy observed in the rest frame of clusters of galaxies which are assumed to be at rest in the spatial comoving coordinates of the LTB universe model. We find that the obtained temperature anisotropies are dominated by dipole, although there may exist higher multi-poles in general. We may interpret this dipole anisotropy as the drift velocity of a cluster of galaxies relative to the CMB rest frame. Hence it gives rise to the kSZ effect. We calculate this effect and compare it with observational data. We find that if we assume the conventional adiabatic perturbation scenario at the time of decoupling, the drift velocity of clusters of galaxies becomes unacceptably large. Conversely, this observational constraint may be relaxed by introducing a non-adiabatic (i.e., primordially isocurvature) component of inhomogeneities at the time of decoupling. However, our result indicates that the necessary isocurvature perturbation amplitude is very large.
Confronting General Relativity with Further Cosmological Data
Deviations from general relativity in order to explain cosmic acceleration generically have both time and scale dependent signatures in cosmological data. We extend our previous work by investigating model independent gravitational deviations in bins of redshift and length scale, by incorporating further cosmological probes such as temperature-galaxy and galaxy-galaxy cross-correlations, and by examining correlations between deviations. Markov Chain Monte Carlo likelihood analysis of the model independent parameters fitting current data indicates that at low redshift general relativity deviates from the best fit at the 99\% confidence level. We trace this to two different properties of the CFHTLS weak lensing data set and demonstrate that COSMOS weak lensing data does not show such deviation. Upcoming galaxy survey data will greatly improve the ability to test time and scale dependent extensions to gravity and we calculate the constraints that the BigBOSS galaxy redshift survey could enable.

Monday, August 2, 2010

3 August 2010

Re-capturing cosmic information
Gravitational lensing of distant galaxies can be exploited to infer the convergence field as a function of angular position on the sky. The statistics of this field, much like that of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), can be studied to extract information about fundamental parameters in cosmology, most notably the dark energy in the Universe. Unlike the CMB, the distribution of matter in the Universe which determines the convergence field is highly non-Gaussian, reflecting the nonlinear processes which accompanied structure formation. Much of the cosmic information contained in the initial field is therefore unavailable to the standard power spectrum measurements. Here we propose a method for re-capturing cosmic information by using the power spectrum of a simple function of the observed (nonlinear) convergence field. We adapt the approach of Neyrinck et al. (2009) to lensing by using a modified logarithmic transform of the convergence field. The Fourier transform of the log-transformed field has modes that are nearly uncorrelated, which allows for additional cosmological information to be extracted from small-scale modes.
Pulsar timing array observations of gravitational wave source timing parallax
Pulsar timing arrays act to detect gravitational waves by observing the small, correlated effect the waves have on pulse arrival times at Earth. This effect has conventionally been evaluated assuming the gravitational wave phasefronts are planar across the array, an assumption that is valid only for sources at distances $R\gg2\pi{}L^2/\lambda$, where $L$ is physical extent of the array and $\lambda$ the radiation wavelength. In the case of pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) the array size is of order the pulsar-Earth distance (kpc) and $\lambda$ is of order pc. Correspondingly, for point gravitational wave sources closer than $\sim100$~Mpc the PTA response is sensitive to the source parallax across the pulsar-Earth baseline. Here we evaluate the PTA response to gravitational wave point sources including the important wavefront curvature effects. Taking the wavefront curvature into account the relative amplitude and phase of the timing residuals associated with a collection of pulsars allows us to measure the distance to, and sky position of, the source.
The dynamics of metric-affine gravity
Metric-affine theories of gravity provide an interesting alternative to General Relativity: in such an approach, the metric and the affine (not necessarily symmetric) connection are independent quantities. Furthermore, the action should include covariant derivatives of the matter fields, with the covariant derivative naturally defined using the independent connection. As a result, in metric-affine theories a direct coupling involving matter and connection is also present. The role and the dynamics of the connection in such theories is explored. We employ power counting in order to construct the most general action and search for the minimal requirements it should satisfy for the connection to be dynamical. We find that for the most general action containing lower order invariants the independent connection does not carry any dynamics. It actually reduces to the role of an auxiliary field and can be completely eliminated algebraically in favour of the metric and the matter field, introducing extra interactions with respect to general relativity. However, we also show that including higher order terms in the action radically changes this picture and excites new degrees of freedom in the connection, making it (or parts of it) dynamical. Constructing actions that constitute exceptions to this rule requires significant fine tuned and/or extra {\em a priori} constraints on the connection. We also consider f(R) actions as a particular example in order to show that they constitute a distinct class of metric-affine theories with special properties, and as such they cannot be used as representative toy theories to study the properties of metric-affine gravity.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

arXiv: 2 August 2010

General treatment of isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities
We present a general formalism that provides a systematic computation of the linear and non-linear perturbations for an arbitrary number of cosmological fluids in the early Universe going through various transitions, in particular the decay of some species (such as a curvaton or a modulus). Using this formalism, we revisit the question of isocurvature non-Gaussianities in the mixed inflaton-curvaton scenario and show that one can obtain significant non-Gaussianities dominated by the isocurvature mode while satisfying the present constraints on the isocurvature contribution in the observed power spectrum. We also study two-curvaton scenarios, taking into account the production of dark matter, and investigate in which cases significant non-Gaussianities can be produced.
On the Viability of a Non-Analytical f(R)-Theory
In this paper, we show how a power-law correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action provides a viable modified theory of gravity, passing the Solar-System tests, when the exponent is between the values 2 and 3. Then, we implement this paradigm on a cosmological setting outlining how the main phases of the Universe thermal history are properly reproduced. As a result, we find two distinct constraints on the characteristic length scale of the model, i.e., a lower bound from the Solar-System test and an upper one by guaranteeing the matter dominated Universe evolution.