Bulk dark energy properties are determined by the redshift evolution of its pressure-to-density ratio, $w_{de}(z)$. An experimental goal is to decide if the dark energy is dynamical, as in the quintessence (and phantom) models treated here. We show that a three-parameter approximation $w_{de}(z; \epsilon_s, \epsilon_{\phi\infty}, \zeta_s)$ fits well the ensemble of trajectories for a wide class of late-inflaton potentials $V(\phi)$. Markov Chain Monte Carlo probability calculations are used to confront our $w_{de}(z)$ trajectories with current observational information on Type Ia supernova, Cosmic Microwave Background, galaxy power spectra, weak lensing and the Lyman-${\alpha}$ forest. We find the best constrained parameter is a low redshift slope parameter, $\epsilon_s \propto (\partial \ln V / \partial \phi)^2$ when the dark energy and matter have equal energy densities. A tracking parameter $\epsilon_{\phi\infty}$ defining the high-redshift attractor of $1+w_{de}$ is marginally constrained. Poorly determined is $\zeta_s$, characterizing the evolution of $\epsilon_s$, and a measure of $\partial^2 \ln V / \partial \phi^2$ . The constraints we find already rule out some popular quintessence and phantom models, or restrict their potential parameters. We also forecast how the next generation of cosmological observations improve the constraints: by a factor of about five on $\epsilon_s$ and $\epsilon_{\phi\infty}$, but with $\zeta_s$ remaining unconstrained (unless the true model significantly deviates from $\Lambda$CDM). Thus potential reconstruction beyond an overall height and a gradient is not feasible for the large space of late-inflaton models considered here.
Dark Energy and Extending the Geodesic Equations of Motion: Connecting the Galactic and Cosmological Length Scales
Authors: Achilles D. Speliotopoulos
Recently, an extension of the geodesic equations of motion using the Dark Energy length scale was proposed. Here, we apply this extension to the analyzing the motion of test particles at the galactic scale and longer. A cosmological check of the extension is made using the observed rotational velocity curves and core sizes of 1393 spiral galaxies. We derive the density profile of a model galaxy using this extension, and with it, we calculate $\sigma_8$ to be $0.73_{\pm 0.12}$; this is within experimental error of the WMAP value of $0.761_{-0.048}^{+0.049}$. We then calculate $R_{200}$ to be $206_{\pm 53}$ kpc, which is in reasonable agreement with observations.
Non-minimally coupled f(R) Cosmology
We investigate the consequences of non-minimal gravitational coupling to matter and study how it differs from the case of minimal coupling by choosing certain simple forms for the nature of coupling, The values of the parameters are specified at $z=0$ (present epoch) and the equations are evolved backwards to calculate the evolution of cosmological parameters. We find that the Hubble parameter evolves more slowly in non-minimal coupling case as compared to the minimal coupling case. In both the cases, the universe accelerates around present time, and enters the decelerating regime in the past. Using the latest Union2 dataset for supernova Type Ia observations as well as the data for baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) from SDSS observations, we constraint the parameters of Linder exponential model in the two different approaches. We find that there is a upper bound on model parameter in minimal coupling. But for non-minimal coupling case, there is range of allowed values for the model parameter.
Scale-dependence of Non-Gaussianity in the Curvaton Model
We investigate the scale-dependence of f_NL in the self-interacting curvaton model. We show that the scale-dependence, encoded in the spectral index n_{f_NL}, can be observable by future cosmic microwave background observations, such as CMBpol, in a significant part of the parameter space of the model. We point out that together with information about the trispectrum g_NL, the self-interacting curvaton model parameters could be completely fixed by observations. We also discuss the scale-dependence of g_NL and its implications for the curvaton model, arguing that it could provide a complementary probe in cases where the theoretical value of n_{f_NL} is below observational sensitivity.
Horava-Lifshitz Cosmology: A Review
Authors: Shinji Mukohyama
This article reviews basic construction and cosmological implications of a power-counting renormalizable theory of gravitation recently proposed by Horava. We explain that (i) at low energy this theory does not exactly recover general relativity but instead mimic general relativity plus dark matter; that (ii) higher spatial curvature terms allow bouncing and cyclic universes as regular solutions; and that (iii) the anisotropic scaling with the dynamical critical exponent z=3 solves the horizon problem and leads to scale-invariant cosmological perturbations even without inflation. We also comment on issues related to an extra scalar degree of freedom called scalar graviton. In particular, for spherically-symmetric, static, vacuum configurations we prove non-perturbative continuity of the lambda->1+0 limit, where lambda is a parameter in the kinetic action and general relativity has the value lambda=1. We also derive the condition under which linear instability of the scalar graviton does not show up.
Dark Energy and Extending the Geodesic Equations of Motion: Its Construction and Experimental Constraints
Authors: Achilles D. Speliotopoulos
With the discovery of Dark Energy, $\Lambda_{DE}$, there is now a universal length scale, $\ell_{DE}=c/(\Lambda_{DE} G)^{1/2}$, associated with the universe that allows for an extension of the geodesic equations of motion. In this paper, we will study a specific class of such extensions, and show that contrary to expectations, they are not automatically ruled out by either theoretical considerations or experimental constraints. In particular, we show that while these extensions affect the motion of massive particles, the motion of massless particles are not changed; such phenomena as gravitational lensing remain unchanged. We also show that these extensions do not violate the equivalence principal, and that because $\ell_{DE}=14010^{800}_{820}$ Mpc, a specific choice of this extension can be made so that effects of this extension are not be measurable either from terrestrial experiments, or through observations of the motion of solar system bodies. A lower bound for the only parameter used in this extension is set.
Finite entanglement entropy from the zero-point-area of spacetime
Authors: T. Padmanabhan
The calculation of entanglement entropy S of quantum fields in spacetimes with horizon shows that, quite generically, S (a) is proportional to the area A of the horizon and (b) is divergent. I argue that this divergence, which arises even in the case of Rindler horizon in flat spacetime, is yet another indication of a deep connection between horizon thermodynamics and gravitational dynamics. In an emergent perspective of gravity, which accommodates this connection, the fluctuations around the equipartition value in the area elements will lead to a minimal quantum of area, of the order of L_P^2, which will act as a regulator for this divergence. In a particular prescription for incorporating L_P^2 as zero-point-area of spacetime, this does happen and the divergence in entanglement entropy is regularized, leading to S proportional to (A/L_P^2) in Einstein gravity. In more general models of gravity, the surface density of microscopic degrees of freedom is different which leads to a modified regularisation procedure and the possibility that the entanglement entropy - when appropriately regularised - matches the Wald entropy.