Sunday, May 30, 2010

arXiv: 31 May 2010

Astronomy's Greatest Hits: The 100 most Cited Papers in Each Year of the First Decade of the 21st Century (2000 - 2009)
Authors: Jay A. Frogel
This paper is based on the 100 most cited papers in astronomy for each year from 2000 to 2009 and from 1995 and 1990. The main findings are: The total number of authors of the top 100 articles per year has more than tripled. This is seen most strongly in papers with more than 6 authors. The yearly number of papers with 5 or fewer authors has declined over the same time period. The most highly cited papers tend to have the largest number of authors and visa versa. The distribution of normalized citation counts versus ranking is constant from year to year except for the top ranked half dozen or so papers. It is closely approximated by a power law. The papers that show the most divergence from the power law all have a high number of citations and are based on large surveys. The average page length of the top 100 papers is one and a half times that for astronomy papers in general. The same 5 journals (A&A, AJ, ApJ, ApJS, and MNRAS; Nature and Science are not included here) account for 80 to 85% of the total citations for each year of all the journals in the category "Astronomy and Astrophysics" by ISI's Journal Citation Reports. These same 5 journals account for 77% of the 1000 most cited papers. A significant number of articles originally ranked in the top 100 for a year, drop out after 2 to 3 years and are replaced by other articles. Most of the drop-outs deal with extra-galactic astronomy; their replacements deal with non-extra-galactic topics. Indicators of internet access to astronomical web sites such as data archives and journal repositories show increases of between factors of three and ten or more I propose that there are close complementarities between the communication capabilities that internet usage enables and the strong growth in numbers of authors of the most highly cited papers.
Can slow roll inflation induce relevant helical magnetic fields?
We study the generation of helical magnetic fields during inflation induced by an axial coupling of the electromagnetic field to the inflaton. During slow roll inflation, we find that such a coupling always leads to a blue spectrum with $B^2 \propto k$. We also show that a short deviation from slow roll does not result in strong modifications to the shape of the spectrum. The magnetic energy density at the end of inflation is too small to back-react on the background dynamics of the inflaton. We calculate the evolution of the correlation length and the field amplitude during the inverse cascade and viscous damping of the helical magnetic field in the radiation era after inflation. The final magnetic fields turn out to be far too weak to provide the seeds for the observed fields in galaxies and clusters.
Thermodynamics in $f(R)$ gravity in the Palatini formalism
We investigate thermodynamics of the apparent horizon in $f(R)$ gravity in the Palatini formalism with non-equilibrium and equilibrium descriptions. We demonstrate that it is more transparent to understand the horizon entropy in the equilibrium framework than that in the non-equilibrium one. Furthermore, we show that the second law of thermodynamics can be explicitly verified in both phantom and non-phantom phases for the same temperature of the universe outside and inside the apparent horizon.

Friday, May 28, 2010

arXiv: 28 May 2010

High Precision Astrometry with Adaptive Optics aided Imaging
Authors: Eva Meyer
More than 450 exoplanets are known and this number increases nearly every day. Only a few constraints on their orbital parameters and physical characteristics can be determined, as most exoplanets are detected indirectly. Measuring the astrometric signal of a planet by measuring the wobble of the host star yields the full set of orbital parameters. With this information the true masses of the planet candidates can be determined, making it possible to establish the candidates as real planets, brown dwarfs (BD) or low mass stars. In the context of this thesis, an M-dwarf with a BD candidate companion, discovered by radial velocity measurements, was observed within a monitoring program to detect the astrometric signal. Ground based adaptive optics aided imaging with ESO/NACO was used to establish its true nature (BD vs. star) and to investigate the prospects of this technique for exoplanet detection. The astrometric corrections necessary to perform high precision astrometry are described and their contribution to the overall precision is investigated. Due to large uncertainties in the pixel-scale and the orientation of the detector, no detection of the astrometric orbit signal was possible. The image quality of ground-based telescopes is limited by the turbulence in Earth's atmosphere. The induced distortions of the light can be measured and corrected with the adaptive optics technique. However, the correction is only useful within a small angle around the guide star. The novel correction technique of multi conjugated adaptive optics uses several guide stars to correct a larger field of view. The VLT/MAD instrument was built to demonstrate this technique. Observations with MAD are analyzed in terms of astrometric precision in this work. Two sets of data are compared, which were obtained in different correction modes: pure ground layer correction and full multi conjugated correction.
PhD Thesis
Cosmological Model-independent Gamma-ray Bursts Calibration and its Cosmological Constraint to Dark Energy
Authors: Lixin Xu
As so far, the higher redshift of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can extend to $z\sim 8.1$ which makes it as complementary probe of dark energy to supernova Ia. However, the calibration of GRBs is still a big challenge when they are used to constrain cosmological models. Though, the absolute magnitude of GRBs is not known, the slopes of GRBs correlations can be used as a useful constraint to dark energy in a completely cosmological model in-denpendent way. In this paper, we follow Wang's model-independent distance measurement method and calculate their values by using $109$ GRBs events via the so-called Amati's relation. Then, these distances are used to constrain $\Lambda$CDM model.
Weighing the Galactic dark matter halo: a lower mass limit from the fastest halo star known
The mass of the Galactic dark matter halo is under vivid discussion. A recent study by Xue et al. (2008, ApJ, 684, 1143) revised the Galactic halo mass downward by a factor of ~2 relative to previous work, based on the line-of-sight velocity distribution of ~2400 blue horizontal-branch (BHB) halo stars. The observations were interpreted in a statistical approach using cosmological galaxy formation simulations, as only four of the 6D phase-space coordinates were determined. Here we concentrate on a close investigation of the stars with highest negative radial velocity from that sample. For one star, SDSSJ153935.67+023909.8 (J1539+0239 for short), we succeed in measuring a significant proper motion, i.e. full phase-space information is obtained. We confirm the star to be a Population II BHB star from an independent quantitative analysis of the SDSS spectrum - providing the first NLTE study of any halo BHB star - and reconstruct its 3D trajectory in the Galactic potential. J1539+0239 turns out as the fastest halo star known to date, with a Galactic rest-frame velocity of 694$^{+300}_{-221}$ km/s (full uncertainty range from Monte Carlo error propagation) at its current position. The extreme kinematics of the star allows a significant lower limit to be put on the halo mass in order to keep it bound, of M_halo$\ge1.7_{-1.1}^{+2.3}\times10^{12}$ Msun. We conclude that the Xue et al. results tend to underestimate the true halo mass as their most likely mass value is consistent with our analysis only at a level of 4%. However, our result confirms other studies that make use of the full phase-space information.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

arXiv: 27 May 2010

Scattering of pulsar radio emission by the interstellar plasma
We present simulations of scattering phenomena which are important in pulsar observations, but which are analytically intractable. The simulation code, which has also been used for solar wind and atmospheric scattering problems, is available from the authors. These simulations reveal an unexpectedly important role of dispersion in combination with refraction. We demonstrate the effect of analyzing observations which are shorter than the refractive scale. We examine time-of-arrival fluctuations in detail: showing their correlation with intensity and dispersion measure; providing a heuristic model from which one can estimate their contribution to pulsar timing observations; and showing that much of the effect can be corrected making use of measured intensity and dispersion. Finally, we analyze observations of the millisecond pulsar J0437$-$4715, made with the Parkes radio telescope, that show timing fluctuations which are correlated with intensity. We demonstrate that these timing fluctuations can be corrected, but we find that they are much larger than would be expected from scattering in a homogeneous turbulent plasma with isotropic density fluctuations. We do not have an explanation for these timing fluctuations.
Cosmic strings and their induced non-Gaussianities in the cosmic microwave background
Motivated by the fact that cosmological perturbations of inflationary quantum origin were born Gaussian, the search for non-Gaussianities in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies is considered as the privileged probe of non-linear physics in the early universe. Cosmic strings are active sources of gravitational perturbations and incessantly produce non-Gaussian distortions in the CMB. Even if, on the currently observed angular scales, they can only contribute a small fraction of the CMB angular power spectrum, cosmic strings could actually be the main source of its non-Gaussianities. In this article, after having reviewed the basic cosmological properties of a string network, we present the signatures Nambu-Goto cosmic strings would induce in various observables ranging from the one-point function of the temperature anisotropies to the bispectrum and trispectrum. It is shown that string imprints are significantly different than those expected from the primordial type of non-Gaussianity and could therefore be easily distinguished.
The X-ray spectrum of the newly discovered accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057
We report on an XMM-Newton observation of the accreting millisecond pulsar, IGR J17511-3057. Pulsations at 244.8339512(1) Hz are observed with an RMS pulsed fraction of 14.4(3)%. A precise solution for the P_orb=12487.51(2)s binary system is derived. The measured mass function indicates a main sequence companion with a mass between 0.15 and 0.44 Msun. The XMM-Newton spectrum of the source can be modelled by at least three components, multicoloured disc emission, thermal emission from the NS surface and thermal Comptonization emission. Spectral fit of the XMM-Newton data and of the RXTE data, taken in a simultaneous temporal window, constrain the Comptonization parameters: the electron temperature, kT_e=51(+6,-4) keV, is rather high, while the optical depth (tau=1.34(+0.03,-0.06)) is moderate. The energy dependence of the pulsed fraction supports the interpretation of the cooler thermal component as coming from the accretion disc, and indicates that the Comptonizing plasma surrounds the hot spots on the NS surface, which provide the seed photons. Signatures of reflection, such as a broadened iron K-alpha emission line and a Compton hump at 30 keV ca., are also detected. We derive from the smearing of the reflection component an inner disc radius of ~> 40 km for a 1.4 Msun neutron star, and an inclination between 38{\deg} and 68{\deg}. XMM-Newton also observed two type-I X-ray bursts, probably ignited in a nearly pure helium environment. No photospheric radius expansion is observed, thus leading to an upper limit on the distance to the source of 10 kpc. A lower limit of 6.5 kpc can be also set if it is assumed that emission during the decaying part of the burst involves the whole neutron star surface. Pulsations observed during the burst decay are compatible with being phase locked, and have a similar amplitude, than pre-burst pulsations.
High accuracy power spectra including baryonic physics in dynamical Dark Energy models
The next generation mass probes will obtain information on non--linear power spectra P(k,z) and their evolution, allowing us to investigate the nature of Dark Energy. To exploit such data we need high precision simulations, extending at least up to scales of k\simeq 10 h^-1 Mpc, where the effects of baryons can no longer be neglected.
In this paper, we present a series of large scale hydrodynamical simulations for LCDM and dynamical Dark Energy (dDE) models, in which the equation of state parameter is z-dependent. The simulations include gas cooling, star formation and Supernovae feedback. They closely approximate the observed star formation rate and the observationally derived star/Dark Matter mass ratio in collapsed systems. Baryon dynamics cause spectral shifts exceeding 1% at k > 2-3 hMpc^-1 compared to pure n-body simulations in the LCDM simulations. This agrees with previous studies, although we find a smaller effect (~50%) on the power spectrum amplitude at higher k's. dDE exhibits similar behavior, even though the dDE simulations produce ~20% less stars than the analogous LCDM cosmologies. Finally, we show that the technique introduced in Casarini et al. to obtain spectra for any $w(z)$ cosmology from constant-w models at any redshift still holds when gas physics is taken into account. While this relieves the need to explore the entire functional space of dark energy state equations, we illustrate a severe risk that future data analysis could lead to misinterpretation of the DE state equation.

arXiv: 26 May 2010

New limits on the population of normal and millisecond pulsars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds
We model the potentially observable populations of normal and millisecond radio pulsars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC) where the known population currently stands at 19 normal radio pulsars. Taking into account the detection thresholds of previous surveys, and assuming optimal period and luminosity distributions based on studies of Galactic pulsars, we estimate there are (1.79 +/- 0.20) x 10^4 and (1.09 +/- 0.16) x 10^4 normal pulsars in the LMC and SMC respectively. When we attempt to correct for beaming effects, and the fraction of high-velocity pulsars which escape the clouds, we estimate birth rates in both the LMC and SMC to be comparable and in the range 0.5--1 pulsar per century. Although higher than estimates for the rate of core-collapse supernovae in the clouds, these pulsar birth rates are consistent with historical supernova observations in the past 300 yr. A substantial population of active radio pulsars (of order a few hundred thousand) have escaped the LMC and SMC and populate the local intergalactic medium. For the millisecond pulsar (MSP) population, the lack of any detections from current surveys leads to respective upper limits (at the 95% confidence level) of 15,000 for the LMC and 23,000 for the SMC. Several MSPs could be detected by a currently ongoing survey of the SMC with improved time and frequency resolution using the Parkes multibeam system. Giant-pulse emitting neutron stars could also be seen by this survey
Lopsidedness of cluster galaxies in modified gravity
We point out an interesting theoretical prediction for elliptical galaxies residing inside galaxy clusters in the framework of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), that could be used to test this paradigm. Apart from the central brightest cluster galaxy, other galaxies close enough to the centre experience a strong gravitational influence from the other galaxies of the cluster. This influence manifests itself only as tides in standard Newtonian gravity, meaning that the systematic acceleration of the centre of mass of the galaxy has no consequence. However, in the context of MOND, a consequence of the breaking of the strong equivalence principle is that the systematic acceleration changes the own self-gravity of the galaxy. We show here that, in this framework, initially axisymmetric elliptical galaxies become lopsided along the external field's direction, and that the centroid of the galaxy, defined by the outer density contours, is shifted by a few hundreds parsecs with respect to the densest point.
Search for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescence in LIGO and Virgo Data from S5 and VSR1
We report the results of the first search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence using data from the LIGO and Virgo detectors. Five months of data were collected during the concurrent S5 (LIGO) and VSR1 (Virgo) science runs. The search focused on signals from binary mergers with a total mass between 2 and 35 Msun. No gravitational waves are identified. The cumulative 90%-confidence upper limits on the rate of compact binary coalescence are calculated for non-spinning binary neutron stars, black hole-neutron star systems, and binary black holes to be 8.7x10^-3, 2.2x10^-3 and 4.4x10^-4 yr^-1 L_10^-1 respectively, where L_10 is 10^10 times the blue solar luminosity. These upper limits are compared with astrophysical expectations

Monday, May 24, 2010

arXiv: 25 May 2010

Improved cosmological constraints on the curvature and equation of state of dark energy
We apply the Constitution compilation of 397 supernova Ia, the baryon acoustic oscillation measurements including the $A$ parameter, the distance ratio and the radial data, the five-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and the Hubble parameter data to study the geometry of the universe and the property of dark energy by using the popular Chevallier-Polarski-Linder and Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan parameterizations. We compare the simple $\chi^2$ method of joined contour estimation and the Monte-Carlo Markov Chain method, and find that it is necessary to make the marginalized analysis on the error estimation. The probabilities of $\Omega_k$ and $w_a$ in the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder model are skew distributions, and the marginalized $1\sigma$ errors are $\Omega_m=0.279^{+0.015}_{-0.008}$, $\Omega_k=0.005^{+0.006}_{-0.011}$, $w_0=-1.05^{+0.23}_{-0.06}$, and $w_a=0.5^{+0.3}_{-1.5}$. For the Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan model, the marginalized $1\sigma$ errors are $\Omega_m=0.281^{+0.015}_{-0.01}$, $\Omega_k=0.000^{+0.007}_{-0.006}$, $w_0=-0.96^{+0.25}_{-0.18}$, and $w_a=-0.6^{+1.9}_{-1.6}$. The equation of state parameter $w(z)$ of dark energy is negative in the redshift range $0\le z\le 2$ at more than $3\sigma$ level. The flat $\Lambda$CDM model is consistent with the current observational data at $1\sigma$ level.
N-Body Simulations for Coupled Scalar Field Cosmology
We describe in detail the general methodology and numerical implementation of consistent N-body simulations for coupled scalar field cosmological models, including the background cosmology and the generation of initial conditions (with the different couplings to different matter species taken into account). We perform fully consistent simulations for a class of coupled scalar field models with an inverse power-law potential and negative coupling constant, for which the chameleon mechanism does not operate. We find that in such cosmological models the scalar-field potential plays a negligible role except in the background expansion, and the fifth force that is produced is proportional to gravity in magnitude, justifying the use of a rescaled gravitational constant G in some earlier N-body simulations of similar models. We study the effects of the scalar coupling on the nonlinear matter power spectra and compare with linear perturbation calculations to investigate where the nonlinear model deviates from the linear approximation. For the first time, the algorithm to identify gravitationally virialized matter halos is adapted to the scalar field cosmology, and then used to measure the mass function and study the properties of virialized halos. We find that the net effect of the scalar coupling helps produce more heavy halos in our simulation boxes and suppresses the inner (but not the outer) density profile of halos compared with those predicted by lambda-CDM, while this suppression weakens as the coupling between the scalar field and dark matter particles increases in strength.
The Early Solar System - Chapter 6
Authors: M. Busso
This chapter presents a (partial) review of the information we can derive on the early history of the Solar System from radioactive nuclei of very different half-life, which were recognized to have been present alive in pristine solids. In fact, radioactivities open for us a unique window on the evolution of the solar nebula and provide tools for understanding the crucial events that determined and accompanied the formation of the Sun. Discussing these topics will require consideration of (at least) the following issues. i) The determination of an age for solar system bodies, as it emerged especially from the application of radioactive dating. ii) A synthetic account of the measurements that proved the presence of radioactive nuclei (especially those of half-life lower than about 100 Myr) in the Early Solar System (hereafter ESS). iii) An explanation of their existence in terms of galactic nucleosynthesis, and/or of local processes (either exotic or in-situ) preceding and accompanying the formation of the Sun. This will also need some reference to the present scenarios for star formation, as applied to the ESS.
Large-scale Velocities and Primordial Non-Gaussianity
We study the peculiar velocities of density peaks in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity. Rare, high density peaks in the initial density field can be identified with tracers such as galaxies and clusters in the evolved matter distribution. The distribution of relative velocities of peaks is derived in the large-scale limit using two different approaches based on a local biasing scheme. Both approaches agree, and show that halos still stream with the dark matter locally as well as statistically, i.e. they do not acquire a velocity bias. Nonetheless, even a moderate degree of (not necessarily local) non-Gaussianity induces a significant skewness (~ 0.1-0.2) in the relative velocity distribution, making it a potentially interesting probe of non-Gaussianity on intermediate to large scales. We also study two-point correlations in redshift-space. The well-known Kaiser formula is still a good approximation on large scales, if the Gaussian halo bias is replaced with its (scale-dependent) non-Gaussian generalization. However, there are additional terms not encompassed by this simple formula which become relevant on smaller scales (k >~ 0.01 h/Mpc). Depending on the allowed level of non-Gaussianity, these could be of relevance for future large spectroscopic surveys.
The growth of dark matter halos: evidence for significant smooth accretion
We study the growth of dark matter halos in the concordance LCDM cosmology using several N-body simulations of large cosmological volumes. We build merger trees from the Millennium and Millennium-II simulations, covering a range 10^9-10^15 Msun in halo mass and 1-10^5 in merger mass ratio. Our algorithm takes special care of halo fragmentation and ensures that the mass contribution of each merger to halo growth is only counted once. This way the integrated merger rate converges and we can consistently determine the contribution of mergers of different mass ratios to halo growth. We find that all resolved mergers, up to mass ratios of 10^5, contribute only ~60% of the total halo mass growth, while major mergers are subdominant, e.g. mergers with mass ratios smaller than 3:1 (10:1) contribute only ~20% (~30%). This is verified with an analysis of two additional simulation boxes, where we follow all particles individually throughout cosmic time. Our results are also robust against using several halo definitions. Under the assumption that the power-law behaviour of the merger rate at large mass ratios can be extrapolated to arbitrarily large mass ratios, it is found that, independently of halo mass, ~40% of the mass in halos comes from genuinely smooth accretion of dark matter that was never bound in smaller halos. We discuss possible implications of our findings for galaxy formation. One robust implication, under standard assumptions about pre-heating from UV phot ons, is that all halos accrete >40% of their baryons in smooth T<~10^4K gas.

arXiv: 24 May 2010

Testing Two-Field Inflation
Authors: Courtney M. Peterson (Harvard), Max Tegmark (MIT)
We derive accurate semi-analytic formulae for the power spectra of two-field inflation assuming an arbitrary potential and arbitrary non-canonical kinetic terms, and we use them both to build phenomenological intuition and to constrain classes of two-field models using WMAP data. Using covariant formalism, we first develop a framework for understanding the background field kinematics and introduce a "slow-turn" approximation. We then find covariant expressions for the evolution of the field perturbations, both in the given basis and in the basis in which the fluctuations decompose into adiabatic and entropy modes. Next, we derive second-order expressions for the curvature, isocurvature, and cross spectra, and their spectral indices. The covariant formalism we use provides useful intuition for how general features of the inflationary Lagrangian translate into distinct features in the observable power spectra. In particular, we find that key features of the power spectra can be directly read off from the nature of the roll path, the curve the field vector rolls along with respect to the two-dimensional field manifold. For example, models whose roll path makes a sharp turn around 60 e-foldings before the end of inflation tend to be ruled out because they produce stronger departures from scale invariance than are allowed by the latest CMB observations. This makes our combined slow-roll/slow-turn approximation very useful in practice, since models that violate the approximation tend to be irrelevant by virtue of already being ruled out. Finally, we apply our formalism to confront four classes of two-field models with WMAP data, including doubly quadratic and quartic potentials and non-standard kinetic terms, showing how whether a model is ruled out or not depends not only on the inflationary Lagrangian, but also on the initial conditions.
Large-scale Perturbations from the Waterfall Field in Hybrid Inflation
We estimate large-scale curvature perturbations from isocurvature fluctuations in the waterfall field during hybrid inflation, in addition to the usual inflaton field perturbations. The tachyonic instability at the end of inflation leads to an explosive growth of super-Hubble scale perturbations, but they retain the steep blue spectrum characteristic of vacuum fluctuations in a massive field during inflation. The power spectrum thus peaks around the Hubble-horizon scale at the end of inflation. We extend the usual delta-N formalism to include the essential role of these small fluctuations when estimating the large-scale curvature perturbation. The resulting curvature perturbation due to fluctuations in the waterfall field is second-order and the spectrum is expected to be of order 10^{-54} on cosmological scales.
Exoplanet Atmospheres
At the dawn of the first discovery of exoplanets orbiting sun-like stars in the mid-1990s, few believed that observations of exoplanet atmospheres would ever be possible. After the 2002 Hubble Space Telescope detection of a transiting exoplanet atmosphere, many skeptics discounted it as a one-object, one-method success. Nevertheless, the field is now firmly established, with over two dozen exoplanet atmospheres observed today. Hot Jupiters are the type of exoplanet currently most amenable to study. Highlights include: detection of molecular spectral features; observation of day-night temperature gradients; and constraints on vertical atmospheric structure. Atmospheres of giant planets far from their host stars are also being studied with direct imaging. The ultimate exoplanet goal is to answer the enigmatic and ancient question, "Are we alone?" via detection of atmospheric biosignatures. Two exciting prospects are the immediate focus on transiting super Earths orbiting in the habitable zone of M-dwarfs, and ultimately the spaceborne direct imaging of true Earth analogs.
Can particle creation phenomena replace dark energy?
Particle creation at the expense of Gravitational field might be sufficient to explain the cosmic evolution history, without the need of dark energy at all. This phenomena has been investigated in the present work extending recent works of Lima et-al (Class.Quantum.Grav.25, (2008) 205006).
Constraining Fundamental Physics with Future CMB Experiments
The Planck experiment will soon provide a very accurate measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies. This will let cosmologists determine most of the cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. Future experiments will improve and complement the Planck data with better angular resolution and better polarization sensitivity. This unexplored region of the CMB power spectrum contains information on many parameters of interest, including neutrino mass, the number of relativistic particles at recombination, the primordial Helium abundance and the injection of additional ionizing photons by dark matter self-annihilation. We review the imprint of each parameter on the CMB and forecast the constraints achievable by future experiments by performing a Monte Carlo analysis on synthetic realizations of simulated data. We find that next generation satellite missions such as CMBPol could provide valuable constraints with a precision close to that expected in current and near future laboratory experiments. Finally, we discuss the implications of this intersection between cosmology and fundamental physics.


Friday, May 21, 2010

arXiv: 21 May 2010

Evidence for the Fifth Element Astrophysical status of Dark Energy
Evidence for an accelerated expansion of the universe as it has been revealed ten years ago by the Hubble diagram of distant type Ia supernovae represents one of the major modern revolutions for fundamental physics and cosmology. It is yet unclear whether the explanation of the fact that gravity becomes repulsive on large scales should be found within general relativity or within a new theory of gravitation. However, existing evidences for this acceleration all come from astrophysical observations. Before accepting a drastic revision of fundamental physics, it is interesting to critically examine the present situation of the astrophysical observations and the possible limitation in their interpretation. In this review, the main various observational probes are presented as well as the framework to interpret them with special attention to the complex astrophysics and theoretical hypotheses that may limit actual evidences for the acceleration of the expansion. Even when scrutinized with sceptical eyes, the evidence for an accelerating universe is robust. Investigation of its very origin appears as the most fascinating challenge of modern physics.
The Dilaton and Modified Gravity
We consider the dilaton in the strong string coupling limit and elaborate on the original idea of Damour and Polyakov whereby the dilaton coupling to matter has a minimum with a vanishing value at finite field-value. Combining this type of coupling with an exponential potential, the effective potential of the dilaton becomes matter density dependent. We study the background cosmology, showing that the dilaton can play the role of dark energy. We also analyse the constraints imposed by the absence of violation of the equivalence principle. Imposing these constraints and assuming that the dilaton plays the role of dark energy, we consider the consequences of the dilaton on large scale structures and in particular the behaviour of the slip functions and the growth index at low redshift.
Testing generic predictions of dark energy
Authors: Michael J. Mortonson (CCAPP/Ohio State)
Constraints on the expansion history of the universe from measurements of cosmological distances make predictions for large-scale structure growth. Since these predictions depend on assumptions about dark energy evolution and spatial curvature, they can be used to test general classes of dark energy models by comparing predictions for those models with direct measurements of the growth history. I present predictions from current distance measurements for the growth history of dark energy models including a cosmological constant and quintessence. Although a time-dependent dark energy equation of state significantly weakens predictions for growth from measured distances, for quintessence there is a generic limit on the growth evolution that could be used to falsify the whole class of quintessence models. Understanding the allowed range of growth for dark energy models in the context of general relativity is a crucial step for efforts to distinguish dark energy from modified gravity.
Dilution of zero point energies in the cosmological expansion
The vacuum fluctuations of all quantum fields filling the universe are supposed to leave enormous energy and pressure contributions which are incompatible with observations. It has been recently suggested that, when the effective nature of quantum field theories is properly taken into account, vacuum fluctuations behave as a relativistic gas rather than as a cosmological constant. Accordingly, zero-point energies are tremendously diluted by the universe expansion but provide an extra contribution to radiation energy. Ongoing and future cosmological observations could offer the opportunity to scrutinize this scenario. The presence of such additional contribution to radiation energy can be tested by using primordial nucleosynthesis bounds or measured on Cosmic Background Radiation anisotropy.
Should we doubt the cosmological constant?
Authors: M.C. March (Imperial), G.D. Starkman (CWRU), R. Trotta (Imperial), P.M. Vaudrevange (CWRU)
While Bayesian model selection is a useful tool to discriminate between competing cosmological models, it only gives a relative rather than an absolute measure of how good a model is. Bayesian doubt introduces an unknown benchmark model against which the known models are compared, thereby obtaining an absolute measure of model performance in a Bayesian framework. We apply this new methodology to the problem of the dark energy equation of state, comparing an absolute upper bound on the Bayesian evidence for a presently unknown dark energy model against a collection of known models including a flat LambdaCDM scenario. We find a strong absolute upper bound to the Bayes factor B between the unknown model and LambdaCDM, giving B < 3. The posterior probability for doubt is found to be less than 6% (with a 1% prior doubt) while the probability for LambdaCDM rises from an initial 25% to just over 50% in light of the data. We conclude that LambdaCDM remains a sufficient phenomenological description of currently available observations and that there is little statistical room for model improvement.
Using the Topology of Large Scale Structure to constrain Dark Energy
The use of standard rulers, such as the scale of the Baryonic Acoustic oscillations (BAO), has become one of the more powerful techniques employed in cosmology to probe the entity driving the accelerating expansion of the Universe. In this paper, the topology of large scale structure (LSS) is used as one such standard ruler to study this mysterious `dark energy'. By following the redshift evolution of the clustering of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) as measured by their 3D topology (counting structures in the cosmic web), we can chart the expansion rate and extract information about the equation of state of dark energy. Using the technique first introduced in (Park & Kim, 2009), we evaluate the constraints that can be achieved using 3D topology measurements from next-generation LSS surveys such as the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). In conjunction with the information that will be available from the Planck satellite, we find a single topology measurement on 3 different scales is capable of constraining a single dark energy parameter to within 5% and 10% when dynamics are permitted. This offers an alternative use of the data available from redshift surveys and serves as a cross-check for BAO studies.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

arXiv: 20 May 2010

Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity from Galaxy-CMB lensing cross-correlation
Recent studies have shown that the primordial non-Gaussianity affects clustering of dark matter halos through a scale-dependent bias and various constraints on the non-Gaussianity through this scale-dependent bias have been placed. Here we introduce the cross-correlation between the CMB lensing potential and the galaxy angular distribution to effectively extract information about the bias from the galaxy distribution. Then, we estimate the error of non-linear parameter, f_NL, for the on-going CMB experiments and galaxy surveys, such as Planck and Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). We found that for the constraint on f_NL with Planck and HSC, the wide field galaxy survey is preferable to the deep one, and the expected error on f_NL can be as small as: {\Delta}f_NL ~ 80 for b_0 = 2 and {\Delta}f_NL ~ 30 for b_0 = 4, where b_0 is the linear bias parameter. It is also found that future wide field galaxy survey could achieve {\Delta}fNL ~ 5 with CMB prior from Planck if one could observe highly biased objects at higher redshift (z ~ 2).
Inflation and late time acceleration in braneworld cosmological models with varying brane tension
Braneworld models with variable brane tension $\lambda $ introduce a new degree of freedom that allows for evolving gravitational and cosmological constants, the latter being a natural candidate for dark energy. We consider a thermodynamic interpretation of the varying brane tension models, by showing that the field equations with variable $\lambda $ can be interpreted as describing matter creation in a cosmological framework. The particle creation rate is determined by the variation rate of the brane tension, as well as by the brane-bulk energy-matter transfer rate. We investigate the effect of a variable brane tension on the cosmological evolution of the Universe, in the framework of a particular model in which the brane tension is an exponentially dependent function of the scale factor. The resulting cosmology shows the presence of an initial inflationary expansion, followed by a decelerating phase, and by a smooth transition towards a late accelerated de Sitter type expansion. The varying brane tension is also responsible for the generation of the matter in the Universe (reheating period). The physical constraints on the model parameters, resulted from the observational cosmological data, are also investigated.
Validity of the Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics of the Universe Bounded by the Event Horizon in Holographic Dark Energy Model
In this letter, we investigate the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics of the universe bounded by the event horizon in the holographic dark energy model. The universe is chosen to be homogeneous and isotropic and the validity of the first law has been assumed here. The matter in the universe is taken in the form of non-interacting two fluid system- one component is the holographic dark energy model and the other component is in the form of dust.
MONDian Dark Matter
We provide a holographic dual description of Milgrom's scaling associated with galactic rotation curves. Our argument is based on the recent entropic reinterpretation of Newton's laws of motion. We propose a duality between cold dark matter and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We introduce the concept of MONDian dark matter, and discuss some of its phenomenological implications. At cluster as well as cosmological scales, the MONDian dark matter would behave as cold dark matter, but at the galactic scale, the MONDian dark matter would act as MOND.


arXiv: 19 May 2010

On the Effective Equation of State of Dark Energy
In an effective field theory model with an ultraviolet momentum cutoff, there is a relation between the effective equation of state of dark energy and the ultraviolet cutoff scale. It implies that a measure of the equation of state of dark energy different from minus one, does not rule out vacuum energy as dark energy. It also indicates an interesting possibility that precise measurements of the infrared properties of dark energy can be used to probe the ultraviolet cutoff scale of effective quantum field theory coupled to gravity. In a toy model with a vacuum energy dominated universe with a Planck scale cutoff, the dark energy effective equation of state is -0.96
Lyman-alpha Cooling Emission from Galaxy Formation
Authors: C.-A. Faucher-Giguere (1), D. Keres (1), M. Dijkstra (1), L. Hernquist (1), M. Zaldarriaga (2) ((1) Harvard University, (2) Institute for Advanced Study)
Recent studies have shown that galaxies accrete most of their baryons via the cold mode, from streams with temperatures T~10^4-10^5 K. At these temperatures, the streams should radiate primarily in Lya and have therefore been proposed as a model to power the Lya blobs and other high-redshift Lya sources. We introduce a new Lya radiative transfer code, aRT, and apply it to cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. We address physical and numerical issues that are critical to making accurate predictions for the cooling luminosity, but that have been mostly neglected or treated simplistically so far. We highlight the importance of self-shielding and of properly treating sub-resolution models in simulations. Most existing simulations do not self-consistently incorporate these effects, which can lead to order-of-magnitude errors in the predicted cooling luminosity. Using a combination of post-processing ionizing radiative transfer and re-simulation techniques, we develop an approximation to the consistent evolution of the self-shielded gas. We quantify the dependence of the Lya cooling luminosity on halo mass at z=3 for the simplified problem of pure gas accretion. While cooling in massive halos (without additional energy input from star formation and AGN) is in principle sufficient to produce L_a~10^43-10^44 erg s^-1 blobs, this appears to require including energy released in gas of density sufficient to form stars. Better modeling of the interface between the accretion streams and galactic discs, including feedback processes, is needed to determine whether these high cooling luminosities can be physically realized. Excluding emission from such dense gas yields lower luminosities by up to one to two orders of magnitudes at high masses. Resonant scattering produces diffuse Lya halos, even for centrally concentrated emission, and broad double peaked line profiles. [Abridged]
Einstein's Other Gravity and the Acceleration of the Universe
Spacetime curvature plays the primary role in general relativity but Einstein later considered a theory where torsion was the central quantity. Just as the Einstein-Hilbert action in the Ricci curvature scalar R can be generalized to f(R) gravity, we consider extensions of teleparallel, or torsion scalar T, gravity to f(T) theories. The field equations are naturally second order, avoiding pathologies, and can give rise to cosmic acceleration with unique features.
Dark Energy, with Signatures
We propose a class of simple dark energy models which predict a late-time dark radiation component and a distinctive time-dependent equation of state $w(z)$ for redshift $z < 3$. The dark energy field can be coupled strongly enough to Standard Model particles to be detected in colliders, and the model requires only modest additional particle content and little or no fine-tuning other than a new energy scale of order milli-electron volts.
Notes on wormhole existence in scalar-tensor and F(R) gravity
Some recent papers have claimed the existence of static, spherically symmetric wormhole solutions to gravitational field equations in the absence of ghost (or phantom) degrees of freedom. We show that in some such cases the solutions in question are actually not of wormhole nature while in cases where a wormhole is obtained, the effective gravitational constant G_eff is negative in some region of space, i.e., the graviton becomes a ghost. In particular, it is confirmed that there are no vacuum wormhole solutions of the Brans-Dicke theory with zero potential and the coupling constant \omega > -3/2, except for the case \omega = 0; in the latter case, G_eff < 0 in the region beyond the throat. The same is true for wormhole solutions of F(R) gravity: special wormhole solutions are only possible if F(R) contains an extremum at which G_eff changes its sign.
Non-Vacuum Bianchi Types I and V in f(R) Gravity
In a recent paper \cite{1}, we have studied the vacuum solutions of Bianchi types I and V spacetimes in the framework of metric f(R) gravity. Here we extend this work to perfect fluid solutions. For this purpose, we take stiff matter to find energy density and pressure of the universe. In particular, we find two exact solutions in each case which correspond to two models of the universe. The first solution gives a singular model while the second solution provides a non-singular model. The physical behavior of these models has been discussed using some physical quantities. Also, the function of the Ricci scalar is evaluated.


Monday, May 17, 2010

arXiv: 18 May 2010

Luminosity distance and redshift in the Szekeres inhomogeneous cosmological models
Authors: Anthony Nwankwo, John Thompson, Mustapha Ishak (The University of Texas at Dallas)
The Szekeres inhomogeneous models can be used to model the true lumpy universe that we observe. This family of exact solutions to Einstein's equations was originally derived with a general metric that has no symmetries. In this work, we perform analytical integrations of the non-radial null geodesics and derive new expressions for the affinely parameterized null tangent vector components, the area (and luminosity) distance and the redshift in these models. This work does not assume spherical or axial symmetry. The general results should be useful for comparisons of the general Szekeres inhomogeneous models to current and future cosmological data.
Could the cosmic acceleration be transient? A kinematic evaluation
Authors: Antonio C. C. Guimarães, José Ademir S. Lima (Universidade de São Paulo)
A possible slowing down of the cosmic expansion is investigated through a kinematic approach. By expanding the luminous distance to fourth order and fitting the SNe Ia data from the most recent compilations (Union, Constitution and Union 2), the marginal likelihood distribution for the deceleration parameter today indicates that there is a considerable probability for $q_0>0$. Also in contrast to the prediction of the $\Lambda$CDM model, the kinematic $q(z)$ reconstruction suggests that the cosmic acceleration could already have peaked and be presently slowing down, what would imply that the recent accelerated expansion of the Universe is a transient phenomenon. The present kinematic results depend neither on the validity of general relativity nor the matter-energy contents of the Universe.

QCD-scale modified-gravity universe
A possible gluon-condensate-induced modified-gravity model with f(R) \propto |R|^{1/2} has been suggested previously. Here, a simplified version is presented using the constant flat-spacetime equilibrium value of the QCD gluon condensate and a single pressureless matter component (cold dark matter). The dynamical equations of a homogeneous spatially-flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe are derived for this simple model. The simple model allows for a careful treatment of the boundary conditions and does not require a further scaling analysis as the original model did. Reliable predictions are obtained for several observable quantities of the homogeneous model universe. In addition, the estimator E_{G}, proposed by Zhang et al. to search for deviations from standard Einstein gravity, is calculated for linear sub-horizon density perturbations
Direction Dependence in Supernova Data: Constraining Isotropy
We revise and extend the extreme value statistic, introduced in \cite{gup08}, to study directional dependence in the high redshift supernova data; arising either from departures from the cosmological principle or due to direction dependent statistical systematics in e data. We introduce a likelihood function that analytically marginalises over the Hubble constant, and use it to extend our previous statistic. We also introduce a new statistic that is sensitive to direction dependence arising from living off-centre inside a large void, as well as previously mentioned reasons for anisotropy. We show that for large data sets this statistic has a limiting form that can be computed analytically. We apply our statistics to the gold data sets from \cite{rie04} and \cite{rie07}, as in our previous work. Our revision and extension of previous statistic shows that 1) the effect of marginalsing over Hubble constant instead of using its best fit value has only a marginal effect on our results. However, correction of errors in our previous work reduce the level of non-Gaussianity in the 2004 gold data that was found in our earlier work. The revised results for the 2007 gold data show that the data is consistent with isotropy and Gaussianity. Our second statistic confirms these results.
Assembly of the outer Galactic stellar halo in the hierarchical model
Authors: Giuseppe Murante (1), Eva Poglio (1,2), Anna Curir (1), Alvaro Villalobos (3) ((1) I.N.A.F., Osservatorio di Torino, (2) Universita' degli Studi di Torino, (3)
We provide a set of numerical N-body simulations for studying the formation of the outer Milky Ways's stellar halo through accretion events. After simulating minor mergers of prograde and retrograde orbiting satellite halo with a Dark Matter main halo, we analyze the signal left by satellite stars in the rotation velocity distribution. The aim is to explore the orbital conditions where a retrograde signal in the outer part of the halo can be obtained, in order to give a possible explanation of the observed rotational properties of the Milky Way stellar halo. Our results show that, for satellites more massive than $\sim 1/40$ of the main halo, the dynamical friction has a fundamental role in assembling the final velocity distributions resulting from different orbits and that retrograde satellites moving on low inclination orbits deposit more stars in the outer halo regions end therefore can produce the counter-rotating behavior observed in the outer Milky Way halo.
Inflation, Quantum Field Renormalization, and CMB Anisotropies
We point out that if quantum field renormalization is taken into account the predictions of slow-roll inflation for both the scalar and tensorial power spectra change significantly for wavelengths that today are at observable scales
CMB power spectra from cosmic strings: predictions for the Planck satellite and beyond
We present a significant improvement over our previous calculations of the cosmic string contribution to cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectra, with particular focus on sub-WMAP angular scales. These smaller scales are relevant for the now-operational Planck satellite and additional sub-orbital CMB projects that have even finer resolutions. We employ larger Abelian Higgs string simulations than before and we additionally model and extrapolate the statistical measures from our simulations to smaller length scales. We then use an efficient means of including the extrapolations into our Einstein-Boltzmann calculations in order to yield accurate results over the multipole range 2 < l < 4000. Our results suggest that power-law behaviour cuts in for l > 3000 in the case of the temperature power spectrum, which then allows cautious extrapolation to even smaller scales. We find that a string contribution to the temperature power spectrum making up 10% of power at l=10 would be larger than the Silk-damped primary adiabatic contribution for l > 3500. Astrophysical contributions such as the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect also become important at these scales and will reduce the sensitivity to strings, but these are potentially distinguishable by their frequency-dependence.
The Mass Profile of the Galaxy to 80 kpc
The Hypervelocity Star survey presents the currently largest sample of radial velocity measurements of halo stars out to 80 kpc. We apply spherical Jeans modeling to these data in order to derive the mass profile of the Galaxy. We restrict the analysis to distances larger than 25 kpc from the Galactic center, where the density profile of halo stars is well approximated by a single power law with logarithmic slope between -3.5 and -4.5. With this restriction, we also avoid the complication of modeling a flattened Galactic disk. In the range 25 < r < 80 kpc, the radial velocity dispersion declines remarkably little; a robust measure of its logarithmic slope is between -0.05 and -0.1. The circular velocity profile also declines remarkably little with radius. The allowed range of V_c(80kpc) lies between 177 and 234 km/s, with the most likely value 197 km/s. Compared with the value at the solar location, the Galactic circular velocity declines by less than 20% over an order of magnitude in radius. Such a flat profile requires a massive and extended dark matter halo. The mass enclosed within 80 kpc is 7e11 solar masses.
Can Modified Gravity (MOG) explain the speeding Bullet (Cluster)?
We apply our scalar-tensor-vector (STVG) modified gravity theory (MOG) to calculate the infall velocities of the two clusters constituting the Bullet Cluster 1E0657-06. In the absence of an applicable two-body solution to the MOG field equations, we adopt an approximate acceleration formula based on the spherically symmetric, static, vacuum solution of the theory in the presence of a point source. We find that this formula predicts an infall velocity of the two clusters that is consistent with estimates based on hydrodynamic simulations.

arXiv: 17 May 2010

Szekeres Swiss-Cheese model and supernova observations
We use different particular classes of axially symmetric Szekeres Swiss-cheese models for the study of the apparent dimming of the supernovae of type Ia. We compare the results with those obtained in the corresponding Lemaitre--Tolman Swiss-cheese models. Although the quantitative picture is different the qualitative results are comparable, i.e, one cannot fully explain the dimming of the supernovae using small scale ~50 Mpc inhomogeneities. To fit successfully the data we need structures of at least ~500 Mpc size. However, this result might be an artifact due to the use of axial light rays in axially symmetric models. Anyhow, this work is a first step in trying to use Szekeres Swiss-cheese models in cosmology and it will be followed by the study of more physical models with still less symmetry.

Quantifying cosmic variance
Authors: Simon P. Driver, Aaron S.G. Robotham (Univ. St Andrews)
We determine an expression for the cosmic variance of any "normal" galaxy survey based on examination of M* +/- 1 mag galaxies in the SDSS DR7 data cube. We find that cosmic variance will depend on a number of factors principally: total survey volume, survey aspect ratio, and whether the area surveyed is contiguous or comprised of independent sight-lines. As a rule of thumb cosmic variance falls below 10% once a volume of 10^7h_0.7^-3Mpc^3 is surveyed for a single contiguous region with a 1:1 aspect ratio. Cosmic variance will be lower for higher aspect ratios and/or non-contiguous surveys. Extrapolating outside our test region we infer that cosmic variance in the entire SDSS DR7 main survey region is ~7% to z < 0.1. The equation obtained from the SDSS DR7 region can be generalised to estimate the cosmic variance for any density measurement determined from normal galaxies (e.g., luminosity densities, stellar mass densities and cosmic star-formation rates) within the volume range 10^3 to 10^7 h^-3_0.7Mpc^3. We apply our equation to show that 2 sightlines are required to ensure cosmic variance is <10% in any ASKAP galaxy survey (divided into dz ~0.1 intervals, i.e., ~1 Gyr intervals for z <0.5). Likewise 10 MeerKAT sightlines will be required to meet the same conditions. GAMA, VVDS, and zCOSMOS all suffer less than 10% cosmic variance (~3%-8%) in dz intervals of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 respectively. Finally we show that cosmic variance is potentially at the 50-70% level, or greater, in the HST Ultra Deep Field depending on assumptions as to the evolution of clustering. 100 or 10 independent sightlines will be required to reduce cosmic variance to a manageable level (<10%) for HST ACS or HST WFC3 surveys respectively (in dz ~ 1 intervals). Cosmic variance is therefore a significant factor in the z>6 HST studies currently underway
Cosmic Structure Formation at High Redshift
Authors: Ilian T. Iliev (1), Kyungjin Ahn (2), Jun Koda, Paul R. Shapiro (3), Ue-Li Pen (4) ((1) Sussex, (2) Chosun, (3) Austin, (4) CITA)
We present some preliminary results from a series of extremely large, high-resolution N-body simulations of the formation of early nonlinear structures. We find that the high-z halo mass function is inconsistent with the Sheth-Tormen mass function, which tends to over-estimate the abundance of rare halos. This discrepancy is in rough agreement with previous results based on smaller simulations. We also show that the number density of minihaloes is correlated with local matter density, albeit with a significant scatter that increases with redshift, as minihaloes become increasingly rare. The average correlation is in rough agreement with a simple analytical extended Press-Schechter model, but can differ by up to factor of 2 in some regimes.
Vacuum Structure of Cosmologically Viable Quadratic Modifications of Gravity that are Functions of the Gauss-Bonnet Invariant
We perform a thorough study of the theoretical consistency of recently proposed, viable, quadratic modifications of gravity that are functions of the the Gauss-Bonnet invariant, regarding the stability of their perturbations around vacuum, maximally symmetric spaces of constant curvature. We pay special attention, in particular, to the investigation of pathological instabilities associated with the occurrence of propagating spin-0 tachyon modes, and with the development of a graviton ghost. The latter effect is associated with the known "Ricci stability" issue, well studied in $f(R)$-theories. Within quadratic modifications of gravity it is discussed for the first time. Special attention is paid to the requirement of non-negativity of the effective gravitational coupling. It is demonstrated that, several theories that pass the cosmological as well as the solar system tests, have to be rule out on the basis of the unavoidable character of these pathological instabilities.
Galaxy Clustering in the Completed SDSS Redshift Survey: The Dependence on Color and Luminosity
Galaxy Clustering in the Completed SDSS Redshift Survey: The Dependence on Color and Luminosity
We measure the luminosity and color dependence of galaxy clustering in the SDSS DR7 main galaxy sample, focusing on the projected correlation function w_p(r_p) of volume-limited samples. We interpret our measurements using halo occupation distribution (HOD) modeling assuming a Lambda-CDM cosmology. The amplitude of w_p(r_p) grows slowly with luminosity for L < L_* and increases sharply at higher luminosities, with bias factor b(>L)=1.06+0.23(L/L_*)^{1.12}. At fixed luminosity, redder galaxies have a stronger and steeper w_p(r_p), a trend that runs steadily from the bluest galaxies to the reddest galaxies. The individual luminosity trends for the red and blue galaxy populations are strikingly different. Blue galaxies show a slow but steady increase of w_p(r_p) with luminosity, at all scales. The large-scale clustering of red galaxies shows little luminosity dependence until a sharp increase at L > 4L_*, but the lowest luminosity red galaxies (0.04-0.25 L_*) show very strong clustering on scales r_p < 2 Mpc/h. Most of the observed trends can be naturally understood within the LCDM+HOD framework. The growth of w_p(r_p) with luminosity reflects an overall shift in the halo mass scale, in particular an increase in the minimum host halo mass Mmin. The mass at which a halo has, on average, one satellite galaxy brighter than L is M_1 ~ 17 Mmin(L) over most of the luminosity range. The growth and steepening of w_p(r_p) for redder galaxies reflects the increasing fraction of galaxies that are satellite systems in high mass halos instead of central systems in low mass halos, a trend that is especially marked at low luminosities. Our extensive measurements, provided in tabular form, will allow detailed tests of theoretical models of galaxy formation, a firm grounding of semi-empirical models of the galaxy population, and new cosmological tests.
No Evidence for Dark Energy Evolution from a global analysis of cosmological data
Authors: Paolo Serra
We use a variant of principal component analysis to investigate the possible temporal evolution of the dark energy equation of state, $w(z)$. We constrain $w(z)$ in multiple redshift bins, utilizing the most recent data from Type Ia supernovae, the cosmic microwave background, baryon acoustic oscillations, the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, galaxy clustering, and weak lensing data. Unlike other recent analyses, we find no significant evidence for evolving dark energy; the data remains completely consistent with a cosmological constant. We also study the extent to which the time-evolution of the equation of state would be constrained by a combination of current and future-generation surveys, such as Planck and the Joint Dark Energy Mission.
Relative velocity of dark matter and baryonic fluids and the formation of the first structures
At the time of recombination, baryons and photons decoupled and the sound speed in the baryonic fluid dropped from relativistic to the thermal velocities of the hydrogen atoms. This is less than the relative velocities of baryons and dark matter computed via linear perturbation theory, so we infer that there are supersonic coherent flows of the baryons relative to the underlying potential wells created by the dark matter. As a result, the advection of small-scale perturbations (near the baryonic Jeans scale) by large-scale velocity flows is important for the formation of the first baryonic structures. This effect involves a quadratic term in the cosmological perturbation theory equations and hence has not been included in studies based on linear perturbation theory. We show that the relative motion suppresses the abundance of the first bound objects, even if one only investigates dark matter haloes, and leads to qualitative changes in their spatial distribution, such as introducing scale-dependent bias and stochasticity. We discuss the possible observable implications for high-redshift galaxy clustering and reionization.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

arXiv: 14 May 2010

Dark matter annihilation and non-thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: II. dwarf spheroidal galaxy
We calculate the CMB temperature distortion due to the energetic electrons and positrons produced by dark matter (DM) annihilation (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, SZ), in dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). In the calculation we have included two important effects which were previously ignored. First we show that the $e^\pm$ with energy less than $\sim \GeV$, which were neglected in previous calculation, could contribute a significant fraction of the total signal. Secondly we also consider the full effects of diffusion loss, which could significantly reduce the density of $e^\pm$ at the center of cuspy halos. For neutralinos, we find that detecting such kind of SZ effect is beyond the capability of the current or even the next generation experiments. In the case of light dark matter (LDM) the signal is much larger, but even in this case it is only marginally detectable with the next generation of experiment such as ALMA. We conclude that similar to the case of galaxy clusters, in the dwarf galaxies the $\rm SZ_{\rm DM}$ effect is not a strong probe of DM annihilations.
Mass Function Predictions Beyond $\Lambda$CDM
Authors: Suman Bhattacharya (1), Katrin Heitmann (1), Martin White (2), Zarija Lukić (1), Christian Wagner (3), Salman Habib (1) ((1) LANL (2) UCBerkeley (3) ICC, Bercelona)
The statistics of dark matter halos is an essential component of precision cosmology. The mass distribution of halos, as specified by the halo mass function, is a key input for several cosmological probes. The sizes of N-body simulations are now such that, for the most part, results need no longer be statistics-limited, but are still subject to various systematic uncertainties. Discrepancies in the results of recent simulation campaigns for the halo mass function remain in excess of statistical uncertainties and of roughly the same size as the error limits set by near-future observations; we investigate and discuss some of the reasons for these differences. Quantifying error sources and compensating for them as appropriate, we carry out a high-statistics study of dark matter halos from 67 N-body simulations to investigate the mass function and its evolution for a $\Lambda$CDM cosmology and for a set of wCDM cosmologies. We quantify the breaking of universality in the form of the mass function as a function of redshift, finding an evolution of as much as 10 % away from the universal form between redshifts z=0 and z=2. We provide a fitting formula to our results for the (evolving) $\Lambda$CDM mass function over a mass range of 6e11-3e15 solar-mass to an estimated accuracy of about 2 %. In the case of the wCDM cosmologies, we find that the mass function is described by the same fitting formula at an accuracy level of 5-10 % over widely varying cosmologies.
Time dependent couplings in the dark sector: from background evolution to nonlinear structure formation
Authors: Marco Baldi (Excellence Cluster Universe, Garching)
We present a complete numerical study of cosmological models with a time dependent coupling between the dark energy component driving the present accelerated expansion of the Universe and the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) fluid. Depending on the functional form of the coupling strength, these models show a range of possible intermediate behaviors between the standard LCDM background evolution and the widely studied case of interacting dark energy models with a constant coupling. These different background evolutions play a crucial role in the growth of cosmic structures, and determine strikingly different effects of the coupling on the internal dynamics of nonlinear objects. By means of a suitable modification of the cosmological N-body code GADGET-2 we have performed a series of high-resolution N-body simulations of structure formation in the context of interacting dark energy models with variable couplings. Depending on the type of background evolution, the halo density profiles are found to be either less or more concentrated with respect to LCDM, contrarily to what happens for constant coupling models where concentrations can only decrease. However, for some specific choice of the interaction function the reduction of halo concentrations can be larger than in constant coupling scenarios. In general, we find that time dependent interactions between dark energy and CDM can in some cases determine stronger effects on structure formation as compared to the constant coupling case, with a significantly weaker impact on the background evolution of the Universe, and might therefore provide a more viable possibility to alleviate the tensions between observations and the LCDM model on small scales than the constant coupling scenario. [Abridged]
On the LCDM Universe in f(R) gravity
Several different explicit reconstructions of f(R) gravity are obtained from the background FRW expansion history. It is shown that the only theory whose Lagrangian is a simple function of the Ricci scalar R, that admits an exact LCDM expansion history is standard General Relativity with a positive cosmological constant and the only way to obtain this behaviour of the scale factor for more general functions of $R$ is to add additional degrees of freedom to the matter sector.