Cosmic acceleration a new review observations of near supernova show that the acceleration expansion of Universe decreases. This phenomenon is called the transient acceleration. In the second part of work we consider the 3-component Universe composed of a scalar field, interacting with the dark matter on the agegraphic dark energy background. We show that the transient acceleration appears in frame of such a model. The obtained results agree with the latest cosmological observations, namely, the 557 SNIa sample (Union2) was released by the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP) Collaboration.
Estimating f_NL and g_NL from Massive High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters
Authors: Kari Enqvist, Shaun Hotchkiss, Olli Taanila
There are observations of 15 high-redshift massive galaxy clusters, which have an extremely small probability with a purely Gaussian initial curvature perturbation. Here we revisit the estimation of the contribution of non-Gaussianities to the cluster mass function and point out serious problems that have resulted in the application of the mass function out of the range of its validity. We remedy the situation and show that the values of f_NL previously claimed to completely reconcile (i.e. at ~100% confidence) the existence of the clusters with LambdaCDM are unphysically small. However, for WMAP cosmology and at 95% confidence, we arrive at the limit f_NL>411, which is similar to previous estimates. We also explore the possibility of a large g_NL as the reason for the observed excess of the massive galaxy clusters. This scenario, g_NL>2*10^6, appears to be in more agreement with CMB and LSS limits for the non-Gaussianity parameters and could also provide an explanation for the overabundance of large voids in the early universe.
Constraints on scalar-tensor theories of gravity from observations
Authors: Seokcheon Lee
In spite of their original discrepancy, both dark energy and modified theory of gravity can be parameterized by the effective equation of state (EOS) $\omega$ for the expansion history of the Universe. A useful model independent approach to the EOS of them can be given by so-called Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parametrization where two parameters of it ($\omega_{0}$ and $\omega_{a}$) can be constrained by the geometrical observations which suffer from degeneracies between models. The linear growth of large scale structure is usually used to remove these degeneracies. This growth can be described by the growth index parameter $\gamma$ and it can be parameterized by $\gamma_{0} + \gamma_{a} (1 - a)$ in general. We use the scalar-tensor theories of gravity (STG) and show that the discernment between models is possible only when $\gamma_a$ is not negligible. We show that the linear density perturbation of the matter component as a function of redshift severely constrains the viable subclasses of STG in terms of $\omega$ and $\gamma$. From this method, we can rule out or prove the viable STG in future observations. When we use $Z(\phi) =1$, $F$ shows the convex shape of evolution in a viable STG model. The viable STG models with $Z(\phi) = 1$ are not distinguishable from dark energy models when we strongly limit the solar system constraint.
The Dawn of the Red: Star formation histories of group galaxies over the past 5 billion years
Authors: Sean L. McGee (1,2), Michael L. Balogh (1), David J. Wilman (3), Richard G. BowerJohn S. Mulchaey (4), Laura C. Parker (5), Augustus Oemler Jr. (4) ((1) Waterloo, (2) Durham, (3) MPE, (4) OCIW, (5) McMaster) (2),
We examine the star formation properties of group and field galaxies in two surveys, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; at z ~ 0.08) and the Group Environment and Evolution Collaboration (GEEC; at z ~ 0.4). Using UV imaging from the GALEX space telescope, along with optical and, for GEEC, near infrared photometry, we compare the observed spectral energy distributions to large suites of stellar population synthesis models. This allows us to accurately determine star formation rates and stellar masses. We find that star forming galaxies of all environments undergo a systematic lowering of their star formation rate between z=0.4 and z=0.08 regardless of mass. Nonetheless, the fraction of passive galaxies is higher in groups than the field at both redshifts. Moreover, the difference between the group and field grows with time and is mass-dependent, in the sense the the difference is larger at low masses. However, the star formation properties of star forming galaxies, as measured by their average specific star formation rates, are consistent within the errors in the group and field environment at fixed redshift. The evolution of passive fraction in groups between z=0.4 and z=0 is consistent with a simple accretion model, in which galaxies are environmentally affected 3 Gyrs after falling into a ~ 10E13 Msun group. This long timescale appears to be inconsistent with the need to transform galaxies quickly enough to ensure that star forming galaxies appear similar in both the group and field, as observed.